The Hon. Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Lt. Cdr. Peters, Members of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (Chiefs of Staff and staff); Inspectors General Cuffari and Trzeciak; Special Counsel Kerner; distinguished ladies and gentlemen.
Good afternoon.
As I did yesterday, today I write to ask you to investigate the unlawful actions of DHS Acting Secretary Wolf and FEMA Administrator Gaynor. Below are the details I provided Chair Thompson and Ranking Member Rogers, and House Committee on Homeland Members (Chiefs of Staff) regarding their reprehensible and unacceptable behavior. They must resign.
I thank you for your attention to this matter.
Content of Yesterday's Email
The Hon. Chair Thompson and Ranking Member Rogers, and House Committee on Homeland Members (Chiefs of Staff):
Good evening.
For months now I have been telling you how the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) is a toxic and hostile working environment. Yesterday, I wrote about the female leadership gap at FEMA and Agency critical vacancies.
Today, I write about another immediate concern: lawlessness – at both agencies. I write to ask you to call for the resignation of both DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf and FEMA Administrator Peter Gaynor.
Earlier this afternoon, the President of the United States announced the expansion of his controversial and tyrannical program of deploying DHS and other federal law enforcement elements into some of America’s major cities – incidentally governed by democratic leaders. Under the pretense of “law and order,” – and far from “law and justice,” – secret police, unidentified, camouflaged and heavily armed federal assets – are deploying in unmarked cars – arresting Americans, exercising their constitutional rights and being denied others, with impunity. Officials are concerned – “Trump’s Show of Federal Force Sparking Alarm in Cities,” and so should you. So much for “state’s rights.” This is the United States of America – not an authoritarian state.
As if this weren’t bad enough and totally undemocratic and un-American, the Acting Secretary, Chad Wolf, the “leader” I have been imploring for the redressing of labor infractions at FEMA – is proving himself to be neither – a leader, nor acting lawfully or even lawfully occupying his position. This according to the Washington Post – “Trump’s Portland crackdown is controversial. The man spearheading it might be doing so illegally.” At least, I have the proper professional and academic credentials for my former capacity, which is more than he can say about his.
As you know well, DHS was established in response to foreign and terroristic attacks of September 11, 2001. DHS was established to protect and defend Americans not to exceed its power and flagrantly and wantonly violate civil liberties. Its mission statement: “With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.” Tom Ridge, the former and first DHS Secretary said it best: ”… DHS not meant to be 'president's personal militia.’” No wonder many are calling on the Acting Secretary to resign.
Perhaps it’s time the same be said for FEMA’s Adminstrator – Peter Gaynor – resign.
At one point in time, my admiration for the former Rhode Island Emergency State Director was so high, that once I heard of his nomination to be FEMA Administrator, I asked for the opportunity to work for him directly. During my tenure at the Agency, I enjoyed his trust, confidence and respect. But then, he changed, and not for the better.
Once I emailed him about FEMA being a toxic and hostile working environment – at first he asked to “get on his calendar” (to discuss the problem) only to later deny a request for an in-person meeting. That’s regrettable but God works in mysterious ways. Sure enough, despite his claim to “put people first,” I soon got to see his true colors. Not only has he not put me first, he acts as if he didn’t even know me. Sounds familiar?
But more importantly, he continues to mislead – lie – to the U.S. Congress. He did so during his nomination hearing, a subsequent hearing and – again today.
In my email of March 17, 2020, to him and entitled: “FEMA is a Toxic and Hostile Environment – Worst Yet, We've Been Lied To,” I wrote:
(begin of email)
… You might get away with being dishonest with the rank-and-file, but you won’t with Congress.
Despite what you wrote in your email of March 1, 2020, “I am extremely disappointed to hear that you are leaving and equally disappointed that the environment in EA (Office of External Affairs - OEA) is that toxic,” you and other senior leadership have known, for at least months, if not longer, that FEMA – and – OEA – is a toxic and hostile environment.
Consider the following facts and your testimony during the nomination for the position of FEMA Administrator, before the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (HSGAC), of November 14, 2019, and this past March 11, 2020 testimony before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management (T&I).
Senator Maggie Hassan, the top Democrat on the Committee Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management, in her opening remarks referred to the agency’s “toxic culture of sexual harassment and misconduct” stating: “… FEMA must get its own house in order. Eighteen months ago, then-Administrator Long announced that sexual harassment at FEMA was a ‘systemic problem going on for years’ and that senior officials at FEMA must work towards the eradication of this cancer.”
You, testified, under oath: “This job is about people – the disaster survivors we serve and the individuals who serve them.” You further added that: “It is my firm belief that if we take care of and empower the people of FEMA, then these dedicated public servants will deliver meaningful and much needed assistance to our citizens when they need it the most. The Nation is counting on us to accomplish our mission and we will do it in accordance with our Core Values of Compassion, Fairness, Integrity, and Respect. We are the sole owners of this mission and each employee must be an embodiment of these Core Values.”
As the facts leading to my resignation reflect, commitment by leadership to our core values of compassion, fairness, integrity and respect, fall very short of reality. So does the much praised Pub1. After all that my colleagues, still there at the office, and I have been though, we can’t be blamed for thinking that Pub1 is nothing more than a way to show Congress you have done something. The reality is that it is not worth the paper it’s written on. You and other leadership had the opportunity to make it meaningful by addressing the grievances others and I have raised. Instead, our advice and pleas have been ignored.
In the same testimony, you indicated: “We are not perfect. We must accept responsibility for our shortcomings and seek out solutions so our mistakes will not be repeated.” I’m not looking for perfection. I’ve offered solutions to the acknowledged problems. But most importantly, I am asking for you and other leadership to live up to your commitments.
You also told the committee, “It is imperative that the American people have the highest level of trust and confidence in FEMA’s capabilities.” The negative response we received to request for an in-person meeting, left me totally in doubt that the Agency is willing to work in good faith. Likewise, the events of the past few days and the lack of true and meaningful responses to our grievances, leave me in even greater doubt. Given how my colleagues and I are and were mistreated, you can understand how our confidence and trust has been severely shaken.
During the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management, hearing of March 11, 2020, FEMA’s Priorities for 2020 and Beyond: Coordinating Mission and Vision – Chair Dina Titus noted: “There is also shared concern in this Subcommittee that FEMA’s workforce is stretched thin, and you note as much in your written testimony.”
Indeed it is. I know. I was there. Just look at the turnover in OEA. But don’t take my word, the data speaks for itself. According to 2019 GSI: Global Satisfaction Index – Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, OEA went down from a 52.1% satisfaction in 2018 to 32.9% in 2019. As the same data reflects, OEA’s satisfaction is woefully lower that DHS – 55.9% and All Government – 64.9%. Were it not a toxic and hostile environment, staff would not leave. I know I would not, after 15 years of loyal service to the Agency and you. As I noted before in my email of March 5, 2020, to COS Heighberger, “The Office of External Affair is about to implode.”
Chair Titus further noted that ”It’s clear that we need solutions to improve recruitment and retention at FEMA so that the agency can effectively respond to the needs of communities in the wake of disasters. If you are serious about retaining professional and qualified staff, start by addressing the toxic and hostile working environment.
You began your remarks – testifying under oath – that “… emergency management is about putting people first, both the disaster survivors we serve and the individuals that serve them.” As one of the individuals that served disasters survivors, a number of my colleagues and I don’t feel that we are put “first.” If anything, we feel like we are last and ignored. I was even more specific, I felt overworked and underpaid; frustrated by a non-responsive decision-making process, and totally under-appreciated. Your comments to the committee were at best, disingenuous, and at worst, a flat lie. You lied to Congress and so did the people that wrote and approved your remarks. That’s perjury.
Under the context of readying the nation for catastrophic disasters, you further testified: “… we must support FEMA professionals as they support the American people. … Therefore, it is vital that we remain laser-focused on supporting our workforce by ensuring that our culture is reflected in our core values. FEMA will continue to ensure expeditious and fair review of allegations of misconduct through our Office of Professional Responsibility. … ” Indeed, your prompt response to my email regarding my grievances was expeditious and I thought sincere, as was the closing of access to you when we asked for an in-person meeting. How is that supporting your professionals?
During the member’s question session, Chair Titus raised the issues of recruitment and retention. Although speaking about the disaster workforce, the chair made a comment that can easily be applied to the permanent fulltime workforce. She said: “… any gains FEMA made in achieving/growing its workforce have been offset by relatively equal numbers of those that are leaving.” Your responses was, paraphrasing here, your “number 1 priority” is to recruit and retain your workforce. If so, why are so many of us, including me, leaving? Again, part of the reason why so many of us left is the toxic and hostile working environment.
Responding to another committee question, from Rep. Johnson, you brought up Pub1. You testified you have “doubled down” on the Core Values of Compassion, Fairness, Integrity, and Respect. With all due respect, that is not correct, as reflected by the grievances expressed in the emails and attachments I have submitted. You have not doubled down, you haven’t even bothered to meet with us.
(end of email)
Just yesterday, I emailed and posted a piece entitled: “An Open Email to The President of the United States and the Democratic Presidential Candidate – FEMA IS A TOXIC AND HOSTILE WORKING ENVIRONMENT & FEMA's "Leadership Gender Gap." I noted, in part:
“… At FEMA Headquarters, while there are extremely capable women in important positions, key positions are occupied by males, in a permanent or acting capacity – the Administrator, the Deputy Administrator (vacant), Deputy Administrator for Resilience, Office of Response and Recovery, Chief Counsel and the Chief of Staff. …”
This morning, Administrator Gaynor testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security on the topic: ”Examining the National Response to The Worsening Coronavirus Pandemic: Part II.” He stepped in it, again. He lied again about the Agency’s staffing levels. Not only doesn’t the Agency have enough staff, experienced staff, key leadership positions are vacant – Deputy Administrator and Deputy Administrator for Resilience. In other crucial positions – the Agency has people in an “acting” capacity: Deputy Administrator for Resilience, Office of Response and Recovery; and Office of External Affairs – the Director and Deputy Director positions. As tremendously talented and dedicated the remaining team is, how long can they keep going at the current pace with the response to COVID (major disaster declarations in all states, the District of Columbia and the territories) and the reported active hurricane season?
So, the Agency not only does not have adequate and experienced leadership and staff, but the Administrator knows he has critical positions vacant. Still, the Administrator told the Committee he had enough personnel to be able to respond to all hazards. The question was asked by the ranking member – Rep. Rogers – can FEMA handle simultaneous responses (to Covid and hurricanes)? Administrator Gaynor’s reply: “completely ready.” Whom is he kidding? To be kind, I’ll say he raised expectations – something we don’t do. To be more direct: he lied, again.
If oversight is to mean anything, the Administrator should be recalled to answer for his responses – incorrect responses. No, FEMA doesn’t have what it needs to succeed in preparing and protecting the nation from Covid and hurricanes, never mind all hazards. Not at least at this point. The Administrator is setting up the Agency -himself – for failure. The FEMA team and the nation deserve better.
Given the unresolved issues and the propensity for not being honest – lie – it is time for DHS Acting Secretary Wolf and FEMA Administrator to do the right thing: resign.
Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Rogers and Committee Members, thank you for your attention to this matter.