Dhoni or Kholi, Messi or Ronaldo, Godzilla or King Kong. Who is the best ? : Standardization and Modularity

Dhoni or Kholi, Messi or Ronaldo, Godzilla or King Kong. Who is the best ? : Standardization and Modularity

The most common phrase out there is that no two children are the same, implying the uniqueness in each and every one of their own skills, brain activity, and development cycle. If this is something that we agree upon, why do we expect all children to be put in the same type of school, be taught and tested in the same way as everyone else.?

Taking a step back, if each child is unique, then they'll have their own way of grasping, understanding and utilizing information. So even if all the children of a given age group have the exact same syllabus, they can't be taught and evaluated the same way since one child might take more time to learn, another child might understand and apply information in unorthodox methods, etc. This doesn't mean that one is better than the other, it just hits at the fact that they had two separate unique paths.

Parents strive to raise their children to become the best, but what they fail to see is that there is no one standard template of how the "best" are raised. Rather parents should focus on supporting their children to become the best version of themselves.?

So, how does one become the best version of themselves ? Do let me know in the comments so I can also become the best version of myself

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