DGFT Allows RoDTEP Export Incentive to EOUs/SEZs/Advance Authorisation/DFIA scheme holders
This is to inform you about an important update on RoDTEP incentive on export of goods. The Government vide Notification No. 70/2024, dated March 8, 2024, has allowed RoDTEP incentive for exports made by Advance Authorization holders, DFIA holders, EOUs and SEZ units.
Brief Update?
·??????????? The rate of RoDTEP is notified in Appendix 4RE with respect to AA holders, EOUs and SEZs.
·??????????? The period of export for AA holders and EOUs is March 11, 2024, to September 30, 2024.
·??????????? For SEZs/ FTWZs, the period for export will start from the date when SEZs IT system is integrated with ICEGATE. It is expected that the integration will be effective from April 1, 2024.
GABA & CO. | Remarks
·??????????? Interestingly, DGFT has granted benefit of RoDTEP to DFIA but missed to include the same in Appendix 4RE. Resultantly, higher rates mentioned in Appendix 4R will be applicable to DFIA. It seems like an anomaly, and we can expect DGFT to rectify it as soon as they realise.
·??????????? Deemed Exports are still excluded from RoDTEP scheme.
·??????????? It is beyond logic that RoDTEP benefit is afforded to EOU/EHTP/BTP units which enjoy full exemptions or concessions on import as well domestic supplies, but not to given to goods manufactured in MOOWR area where importers are only taking benefit on capital goods and that too merely a duty deferment benefit.
·??????????? Important to note that suitable amendments are yet to come in Customs RoDTEP Notification No. 24/2023-Customs (NT) dated April 1, 2023.
Hope you find the above update useful. Please feel free to drop us a message for any clarification, query or feedback.
The views expressed in the update are strictly personal, based on our understanding of the underlying law. We are not responsible for any injury, loss or cost arising to any person who refers this update and acts or refrains from any act accordingly. We would suggest that a detailed legal advice must be sought before relying on this update.