A Structured Outline of DGB Philosophy, Psychology, and Neo-Psychoanalysis...1.1

July 26th, 2018,

1.1. Preface

Good day!

I wish to run a tighter ship this time around. In the middle of chaos. My library and computer are in storage. I don't know where I am moving to, I am at the public library, with none of my references including Freud's Complete Psychological Works, The Standard Edition. So I have to hope that the internet will help me out until I have a home and a research, education and writing center.

It has been about 3 weeks or more since I last wrote an essay. My first 300 plus essays are done, in the LI Archives here, and many I don't even know what I wrote anymore. However, they help me to get here and this time I want my essays to define and describe my most important terms and I don't want to lose anyone in my 'techno-jargon'. I want the communication to be absolutely as clear as I can possibly make it. Obviously, a background in psychoanalysis will help because Freud is my main influencer -- his WHOLE works, not just his 'Classical' essays 1899 and afterwards. His essays between 1892 and 1896 are HUGELY important and should always be taught when teaching Freud. They provide the basis for Freud's 'Energy Theory' -- a theory that is just as relevant and important today as it was when he wrote it. Sometimes writers and theorists reject their own work that should not have been rejected. They change or modify theories in such a way that they leave the old theory or theories behind, and/or in some cases (which would have been the case with Freud's letters to Fliess if he had had the opportunity to destroy them before they became public), a writer might become embarrassed and ashamed of the amount of 'personal stuff' in whatever the work is that becomes public -- I have done that in a few cases and butchered the essay in the process if I leave any 'sterile' part of it remaining public.

I will still thrown in some of my random, impulsive, spontaneous essays to mix into 'the stew' here. But, mainly, I want a well-structured, well-organized collection of essays to leave behind me here. Anything less than that will be a colossal disappointment for me.

I have gone back to re-reading an introductory work on Ludwig Wittgenstein, born in Vienna, 1889, about 3 years old when Freud was 32 (1892) and just starting his long odyssey of writing in psychoanalysis, leaving neurology behind him but not without putting a partial imprint in neurology that, albeit unfinished (Project For a Scientific Psychology, 1895), the main important ingredients that linked his neurology with his newly evolving 'psycho-analysis', can be easier read in Freud's 1894 'The Neuro-Psychoses of Defense'. I happen to think that this was one of Freud's best pieces of work, and the funny thing was about reading it, was as Freud was relating the essay to the problem of 'hysteria', 'obsessional neurosis', and 'paranoia', I was relating it to my cirrhosis as well as my mom's diabetes. All 'dysfunctions' involved 'breakdowns in the energy metabolism cycle'. 'Blocking', 'clogging', and 'things running amok' along 'different abnormal pathways' -- also failures in 'homeostatic balance' -- either 'too much' or 'too little' of something -- these were the main 'pathological agents' if you will. Or to use the old technical terms that I still use, 'neurotic agents' and even 'neuro-psychotic agents' as in 'the neuro-psychoses of defense' is a term that disappeared, to my knowledge, about 1896, certainly before 1900.

I am not very good at sticking to my 'Table of Contents' but I would like to stick to this one as much as possible.

Part 1: Philosophical Foundations For DGB (Multi-Integrative) Neo-Psychoanalysis;

1.1. A DGB Philosophy of Language and Meaning: Kant, Wittgenstein, Korzybski...

1.2. Aristotle vs. Hegel: Unilateral, Dialectic (Integrative BiPolar), and Multi-Dialectic Philosophy: 'Every Theory Carries The Seeds of Its Own Self-Destruction';

1.3. Rationalism, Empiricism, and Rational-Empiricism;

1.4. A DGB Philosophy of Science and Its Relationship To Clinical Psychology;

1.5. The Philosopher, The Semanticist, The Psychoanalyst, and The Scientist;

1.6. The Humblist and The Narcissist;

1.7. The Idiot and The Genius;

1.8. Rationalism, Empiricism, and Rational-Empiricism;

1.9. Enlightenment, Romanticism, Irrationalism, and Humanistic-Existentialism;

1.10. Adam Smith vs. Karl Marx: Capitalism and Socialism;

1.11. Foucault and Derrida: Post-Modernism, Power, and Deconstruction(ism);

1.12. The Birth of Psychoanalysis;

1.13. The Unorthodox and The Neo-Psychoanalysts;

1.14. Masson, Feminism and The Deconstruction of Classical Psychoanalysis;

1.15. The Dualism and The Dialectical Integration of Object Relations and Post-Freudian, Post-Classical 'Impulse-Drive' Psychoanalysis;

1.16. Bion and Lacan;

Part 2: The Roots of DGB Personality Theory and Character Structure;

2.1. 'Beyond The Pleasure Principle' Re-Visited and Re-Worked;

2.2. 'The Ego and The Id' Re-Visited and Re-Worked;

2.3. Two Principles of Mental Functioning Re-Visited and Re-Worked;

2.4. Childhood Sexuality and Libido Theory Re-Visited and Re-Worked;

2.5. The Psycho-Sexual Stages of Development Re-Visited and Re-Worked;

2.6. Reality, Energy, Memory, Trauma, and The Seduction Theory Re-Visited and Re-Worked;

2.7. Jungian Mythological, Archetype, Persona and Shadow Theory;

2.8. Adlerian Lifestyle and Inferiority-Superiority Theory;

2.9. Gestalt Therapy; 'Open' and 'Closed' Gestalts, I and Thou, Here and Now;

2.10. Eric Berne and Transactional Analysis: Ego-States, Scripts, and Games;

2.11. Mindfulness;

2.12. Cognitive-Emotional-Behavior Theory and Therapy;

2.13. Janov and 'The Primal Scream' (Primal Therapy);

2.14. Neurology;

2.15. A Resurrection of The Science vs. Humanistic-Existentialism (and Enlightenment vs. Romanticism) Rhetoric;

Part 3: Personality Theory and Character Structure;

3.1. The Ego and The Id;

3.2. The Ego-States;

3.3. The Central Ego: Reality, Fantasy, and The Phenomenology of Spirit;

3.4. From The Oedipal Complex To The Oedipal-Id Complex and to 'Conscious Oedipal Memory Period Life Energy and Anxiety (COMPLEX) Theory, Basic Oedipal Memory and Relationship Anxiety: Earlier Labels: The MOLD Complex, The SONNET Complex, The Mount Olympus Complex;

3.5. On The Integration of Oedipal Id Theory and Neurology-Neuroscience;

3.6. The Splitting of The Undifferentiated Ego-Id in The Process of Learning and Defense;

3.7. The Chaotic and Organized, Life and Death Id (Genetics and Epigenetics);

3.8. Lifepath and Deathpath, Positive and Negative, Organized and Disorganized, Dionysian and Apollonian Transferences;

3,9. 'The Stress and Distress Vault', 'The Toxic and Healthy Id Vault';

3.10. 'Bound' and 'Unbound' Transferences (Transference-Immediacy Constructions, Compulsions, Complexes, 'Symptoms', Transference-Immediacy Projections and Projective-Identifications, Sublimation...);

3.11. The Re-Creation, Mastery, and Repetition Compulsions (Serial Behavior Patterns...);

3.12. The Oedipal Protest, The Oedipal Mandela, and Our Oedipal Destiny;

3.13. Freedom vs. Determinism and Our Oedipal-Id Complex;

3.14. Unconsciousness, Repression, Dissociation, Conscious and Unconscious Resistance;

Part 4. Neurosis, Neuro-Psychosis, Psycho and Sociopathology, and Neurological Disorders

4.1. Mother (Maternal) Problems and The Oedipal-Id Complex;

4.2. Father (Patriarchal, Authority) Problems and The Oedipal-Id Complex;

4.3. Attachment vs. Detachment Impulse-Drives: The Lifelong Search For Homeostatic Balance;

4.4. The 'Submission, Approval-Seeking, and Disapproval-Avoiding' Problem;

4.5. The 'Hedonistic', 'Narcissistic', and 'Oral, Sexual...Addiction' Problems (The ';

4.6. The 'Paranoid', 'Paranoid-Schizoid', 'Paranoid-Righteous', and 'Paranoid-Confrontational' Problem;

4.7. The 'Bermuda Triangle' of Ego-State Interactions: The Oral, Anal, Phallic, and Genital (Bold-Assertive) Ego-States; A 'Bionian Permutation': The 'Alpha' (Topdog), 'Beta-Hedonistic-Narcissistic' (Type 1 Rebel), 'Beta-Righteous' (Type 2 Rebel), and 'Omega' (Submissive-Co-operative) Ego-States;

4.8. 'Panic Anxiety' and 'Ego-Id Trauma Anxiety' vs. 'Life Anxiety';

4.9. Capitalism and The 'Drugging' of The World in The Name of 'Mental Health';

4.10. Bipolar Disorder;

4.11. Borderline Personality Disorder;

4.12. Socio-Economic and Capitalist Problems;

Part 5: Psychotherapy: Working Inside and Outside The Oedipal-Id Paradigm in Conjunction With Ego Psychology and Ego Therapy;

5.1. Flexibility and Integration of Therapeutic Approaches;

5.2. 'Closing Gestalts', 'Solving Problems', and 'Resolving Conflicts' as Opposed to 'Finding Cures' To A Very Determined Oedipal-Id Complex;

5.3. Emotional and Behavioral Abreaction: Completing The Energy Metabolism (Gestalt) Cycle;

Part 6: Other Applications in Business, Politics, Religion and Spirituality...

The Table of Contents will be brushed up later....

I would like to finish this work within a year or two...God-Nature willing...

Have a good night!

David Gordon Bain


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