DevSecOps library

DevSecOps library

Table of Contents

What is DevSecOps

DevSecOps focuses on security automation, testing, and enforcement during DevOps - Release - SDLC cycles. The whole meaning behind this methodology is connecting together Development, Security, and Operations. DevSecOps is a methodology providing different methods, techniques and processes backed mainly with tooling focusing on developer/security experience.

DevSecOps takes care that security is part of every stage of the DevOps loop - Plan, Code, Build, Test, Release, Deploy, Operate, Monitor.

Various definitions:


Pre-commit time tools

In this section, you can find lifecycle helpers, pre-commit hook tools, and threat modeling tools. Threat modeling tools are specific categories by themselves allowing you to simulate and discover potential gaps before you start to develop the software or during the process.

Modern DevSecOps tools allow using Threat modeling as code or generation of threat models based on the existing code annotations.


Metagit-secrets labs tool preventing you from committing secrets to a git repository

git-hound secrets in git

goSDL Development Lifecycle checklist

ThreatPlaybook modeling as code

Threat Dragon Threat modeling tool

threatspec modeling as code

pytm Pythonic framework for threat modeling

Threagile Pythonic framework for threat modeling

MAL-lang language to create cyber threat modeling systems for specific domains

Microsoft Threat modeling tool threat modeling tool

Talisman tool to detect and prevent secrets from getting checked in

SEDATED SEDATED? Project (Sensitive Enterprise Data Analyzer To Eliminate Disclosure) focuses on preventing sensitive data such as user credentials and tokens from being pushed to Git.

Sonarlint linting utility for IDE

DevSkim is a framework of IDE extensions and language analyzers that provide inline security analysis

detect-secrets secrets in your codebase

tflint Pluggable Terraform Linter

Secrets management

Secrets management includes managing, versioning, encryption, discovery, rotating, provisioning of passwords, certificates, configuration values, and other types of secrets.


GitLeaks is a scanning tool for detecting hard coded secrets

TruffleHog is a scanning tool for detecting hard coded secrets

Hashicorp Vault Vault secrets management

Mozilla SOPS Secrets Operations

AWS secrets manager GH action secrets manager?docs

GitRob is a tool to help find potentially sensitive files pushed to public repositories on Github

git-wild-hunt tool to hunt for credentials in the GitHub

aws-vault Vault is a tool to securely store and access AWS credentials in a development environment

Knox is a service for storing and rotation of secrets, keys, and passwords used by other services

Chef vault you to encrypt a Chef Data Bag Item

Ansible vaultAnsible vault docsEncryption/decryption utility for Ansible data files

OSS and Dependency management

Dependency security testing and analysis are a very important part of discovering supply chain attacks. SBOM creation and following dependency scanning (Software composition analysis) is critical part of continuous integration (CI). Data series and data trends tracking should be part of CI tooling. You need to know what you produce and what you consume in the context of libraries and packages.


CycloneDX format for?

SBOMSPDX format for?

SBOM?- Software Package Data ExchangeSnyk scans and monitors your projects for security vulnerabilities

vulncost Scanner for VS Code

Dependency Combobulator attacks detection and prevention through heuristics and insight engine (support multiple dependency schemes)

DependencyTrack security tracking platform

DependencyCheck dependency security scanner good for CIRetire.js developers to detect the use of JS-library versions with known vulnerabilities

PHP security checker vulnerabilities in PHP dependencies

bundler-audit verification for bundler

gemnasium products/analyzers/gemnasiumDependency Scanning Analyzer based on Gemnasium

Dependabot dependency updates built into GitHub providing security alerts

Renovatebot dependency updates, patches multi-platform and multi-language

npm-check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.

Supply chain specific tools

The supply chain is often the target of attacks. Which libraries you use can have a massive impact on the security of the final product (artifacts). CI (continuous integration) must be monitored inside the tasks and jobs in pipeline steps. Integrity checks must be stored out of the system and in the ideal cases, several validations runs with a comparison of integrity hashes / or attestation must be performed.


Tekton chains Custom Resource Definition (CRD) controller that allows you to manage your supply chain security in Tekton.

in-toto in-toto attestation is authenticated metadata about one or more software artifacts

SLSAOfficial GitHub link supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts

kritis for securing your software supply chain for Kubernetes apps

ratify Ratification Framework


Static code review tools working with source code and looking for known patterns and relationships of methods, variables, classes, and libraries. SAST works with the raw code and usually not with build packages.


Brakeman is a static analysis tool that checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities

Semgrep Open source works on 17+ languages

Bandit specific SAST tool

libsast SAST for Security Engineers. Powered by regex-based pattern matcher and semantic aware semgrep

ESLint and fix problems in your JavaScript code

nodejsscan SAST scanner with GUI

FindSecurityBugs SpotBugs plugin for security audits of Java web applications

SonarQube community security issues in code review with Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

gosec source code for security problems by scanning the Go AST.

OWASP curated list of SAST tools:?


Dynamic application security testing (DAST) is a type of application testing (in most cases web) that checks your application from the outside by active communication and analysis of the responses based on injected inputs. DAST tools rely on inputs and outputs to operate. A DAST tool uses these to check for security problems while the software is actually running and is actively deployed on the server (or serverless function).


Zap proxy proxy providing various docker containers for CI/CD pipeline

Wapiti pipeline ready scanning tool

Nuclei based security scanning tool

purpleteam DAST tool incubator projec

toss-fuzz Continuous Fuzzing for Open Source Software

nikto web server scanner

skipfish is an active web application security reconnaissance tool

Continuous deployment security

NameURLDescriptionMetaSecureCodeBox for continuous scanning of applications and infrastructureOpenSCAP Source Security Compliance Solution



KubiScan tool for scanning Kubernetes cluster for risky permissions

Kubeaudit Kubernetes clusters for various different security concerns

Kubescape first open-source tool for testing if Kubernetes is deployed according to the NSA-CISA and the MITRE ATT&CK?.

kubesec risk analysis for Kubernetes resources

kube-bench benchmarking tool

kube-score code analysis of your Kubernetes object definitions

kube-hunter scanner for k8s (purple)

Calico is open-source networking and network security solution for containers

Kyverno is a policy engine designed for Kubernetes

Krane Kubernetes RBAC static analysis tool

Starboard integrates security tools by outputs into Kubernetes CRDs

Gatekeeper policy agent gatekeeper for k8s

Inspektor-gadget of tools (or gadgets) to debug and inspect k8s

kube-linter analysis for Kubernetes



Harbor cloud native registry project

Anchore service for inspection, analysis, and certification of container images

Clair vulnerability scanner

Deepfence ThreatMapper v2, powerful runtime vulnerability scanner for Kubernetes, virtual machines, and serverless.

Docker bench benchmarking against CIS

Falco runtime protection

Trivy scanner for vulnerabilities in container images

Notary signing

Cosign signing

watchtower the running version of your containerized app



Cloudsploit of security risks in cloud infrastructure

ScoutSuite multicolor scanning tool

CloudCustodian security analysis framework


AWS-specific DevSecOps tooling. Tools here cover different areas like inventory management, misconfiguration scanning, or IAM roles and policies review.


Dragoneye Indeni AWS scanner

Prowler is a command-line tool that helps with AWS security assessment, auditing, hardening, and incident response.

aws-inventory to discover all AWS resources created in an account

PacBot as Code Bot (PacBot)

Komiser dashboard for costs and security

Cloudsplaining analysis framework

ElectricEye monitor your AWS services for configurations

Cloudmapper helps you analyze your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments

cartography AWS infrastructure assets and the relationships between them in an intuitive graph

policy_sentry Least Privilege Policy Generator

AirIAM Least Privilege analyzer and Terraformer

StreamAlert serverless, real-time data analysis framework which empowers you to ingest, analyze, and alert

CloudQuery serverless, real-time data analysis framework which empowers you to ingest, analyze, and alert

S3Scanner tool to find open S3 buckets and dump their contents

aws-iam-authenticator tool to use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster

kube2iam tool to use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster AWS

open source security samplesOfficial AWS opensource recollection of official AWS open-source resources

Google cloud platform

GCP-specific DevSecOps tooling. Tools here cover different areas like inventory management, misconfiguration scanning, or IAM roles and policies review.


Forseti security orchestration and scanning platform

Policy as code

Policy as code is the idea of writing code in a high-level language to manage and automate policies. By representing policies as code in text files, proven software development best practices can be adopted such as version control, automated testing, and automated deployment. (Source:?


Open Policy agent policy engine that enables unified, context-aware policy enforcement across the entire stack

Inspec InSpec is an open-source testing framework for infrastructure with a human- and machine-readable language for specifying compliance, security, and policy requirements.

Cloud Formation guard Formation policy as code

Chaos engineering

Chaos Engineering is the discipline of experimenting on a system in order to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production.

Reading and manifestos:?


chaos-mesh is a cloud-native Chaos Engineering platform that orchestrates chaos on Kubernetes environment

chaos monkey Monkey is responsible for randomly terminating instances in production to ensure that engineers implement their services to be resilient to instance failures.

chaoskube how your system behaves under arbitrary pod failures.

Kube-Invaders chaos engineering tool for Kubernetes

kube-monkey chaos engineering tool for Kubernetes

Gremlin engineering SaaS platform with a free plan and some open-source libraries

AWS FIS samples Fault injection simulator samples

CloudNuke tool to delete all resources in an AWS account

Infrastructure as code security

Scanning your infrastructure when it is only code helps shift-left the security. Many tools offer in IDE scanning and providing real-time advisory do Cloud engineers.


KICS security testing opensource for IaC

Checkov is a static code analysis tool for infrastructure-as-code

tfsec uses static analysis of your terraforms templates to spot potential security issues. Now with terraforming, CDK support

terrascan is a static code analyzer for Infrastructure as Code

cfsec scans CloudFormation configuration files for security issues

cfn_nag for insecure patterns in CloudFormation

Sysdig IaC scanner action your repository with Sysdig IAC Scanner and report the vulnerabilities.


Event-driven security help to drive, automate and execute tasks for security processes. The tools here and not dedicated security tools but are helping to automate and orchestrate security tasks or are part of most modern security automation frameworks or tools.


StackStorm for integration and automation across services and tools supporting event-driven security

Camunda and process automation

DefectDojo orchestration and vulnerability management platform

Bhanugopal Dash

iCORE-CIS at Wipro || Azure Devops || Azure Developer/Administrator

1 年

A well organised and really cool explanation about devsecops tools in 2022. Please create more articles bro.



