DevOps note for recruiters : Let's try not to spoil it..!

Recently I had a very weird or bad experience. Some people in LinkedIn approached me to learn about DevOps but same time they had a concern that I help them to get a job as DevOps Engineer. If it is limited to guiding, sharing study materials or training, then it sounds good. But how one can give "Proxy Interview Support", the term itself sounds weird, right! But Yes, People shamelessly asked me to do so and offered money as well. It is simply ridiculous.

I asked this person to explain me meaning of "Proxy Interview Support", so one of these people wrote me, so in his words --

So in Proxy Interviews you have to act as proxy for the candidate who appears for interview i.e. you have to act as that candidate and help him in clearing interviews. These candidates are weak in technology. Hope its clear to you now.

I was amazed that there is a title even for such an illegal and unacceptable thing!

First of all, DevOps is an elite modern IT domain, which takes a lot of effort, experience, and knowledge. Apparently, this is not for an average techie, thatswhy now everybody needs one or a dedicated team.

A DevOps Engineer is a critical role which imparts actively in all major phases of Software Development, One needs to be very very good with technology and must have a great understanding of business at the organization level, so that he/she can efficiently solve the realtime problems, so in-short one needs to learn a lot. On more thing, People brag too much about tools when it comes to DevOps, like Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Puppet, AWS, GC, Jenkins etc... but these are just the tools, without having good understanding about Core Technology and DevOps Culture, one cannot efficiently utilize these tools, mind it, I said utilize not just use.

But these People, in the name of learning they just want to get familiar with the names of tools, one twisted problem and they are done with their tiny mind. I am not sure what exactly they will do if yet they get hired by some company. Worst part was, they dared to set price for cracking interview to a seasoned DevOps Engineer, I mean, what was the measure of knowledge and learning to set a price tag!

Anyways, Dear Recruiters, There are too many people trying to fool you, and possibly there may be many greedy/needy people who may help them also. but please always double cross-check if the person who is getting hired is the same who had appeared for all rounds of interview, and I would also recommend having some real-time challenges for a DevOps interview. Some people have made it a profession and act as brokers also.

As I said, DevOps is an elite technology domain, Let's try not to spoil it..!


