Ever wanted to deploy something but it’s stuck in the process of integrating it to the already working infrastructure? As a DEVeloper it can be stressful to see if the code that you wrote adds up as it should. On the other hand, the OPerations team is working their best to keep the maintenance of all of the #applications intact so they have 100% uptime and have clients that are satisfied with what they’re getting. A #code is finished, and now you have to wait to see if it will be implemented good, but for this you have to wait (sometimes a lot).
???????????So what can be done to make things run smoother and be put faster in motion? Having the Developer team and the Operation team work together is a start, thus creating a #devops team. Doing this, you would create a loop where these two particles of your organization work together and create a loop of developing, testing, deploying, maintaining a code/app into an already working environment. This would help the process and speed of getting everything in play and be on the top of the game, above your #competition . Above that, the flow in your team has a significant chance to increase. Instead of just tossing something to the other person when it’s finished, they would work together on doing these tasks together and go on to the next stage of production and have better communication as to what needs to be changed/improved.
???????????It may be tough sometimes to implement this having in mind you’d have to bring two entities together and the team composition might not be the best at start. But having already experienced DevOps engineers helps this process so they are a guidance to the others and help lead them to a better experience. Need one of those DevOps #engineers ? Feel free to contact us and broaden your experienced team or just increase the productivity with a new team member willing to help you achieve your goals!