DevOps in Focus - CLARITY Wednesday

DevOps in Focus - CLARITY Wednesday

Development & Operations (DevOps) is moving beyond just a mechanism for software delivery speed. The true value comes from the way it helps customers see businesses truly deliver on their needs (PwC).

3 DevOps Facts Worth Considering:

  • 63% of organizations that implement DevOps experience improvement in the quality of their software deployments, and release software more frequently.
  • 77% of organizations say they currently rely on DevOps to deploy software, or plan to in the near future.
  • Only 10% of organizations say their company is very successful at rapid software development and deployment (Google). Although many companies understand the value of DevOps, those that are satisfied with their DevOps results are few and far between.

Assess the Value of DevOps to Your Organization

DevOps is a business-driven approach that allows you to deliver customer-focused solutions faster and with higher quality using agile methods, collaboration, and automation. According to Gartner, being able to adapt fast in the face of evolving customer demands and volatile market conditions is more important than ever.

What value do you place on adopting an agile software development and deployment methodology which enables faster IT service delivery with fewer defects?

Determine Your Organization's Related Pain & Frustration

In order to fully assess your level of pain (and frustration!) it’s helpful to know where you want to be. So…what does good look like?

A low pain example of DevOps in the Enterprise would be: Our IT leadership actively embraces the culture and philosophy of bridging the gap between development and operations. We have shortened the system development lifecycle and using Agile software development methodology, we provide continuous delivery of high quality software. We are able to quickly react to customer demands, even in time-sensitive situations.

What is your organization's level of pain as it relates to DevOps?

The CLARITY Assessment?

In the CLARITY Assessment? we focus on 7 key company objectives. Above, we touched on DevOps, which is one of 5 categories related to the broader objective of Agile Operations:

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Almost every company worldwide is in some stage of their own digital transformation journey. You’re invited to take the CLARITY Assessment?, with the goal of helping to define your own company priorities in your digital transformation journey. Click here to experience it now.


