The DevOps Digest: 2022-03-25
This week, we cover Change Allergies, Utilization, The Data Behind DevOps, Team Topologies, Finishing Modernization and Tacos…
?Quote: Allergic to Change
“Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, ‘We’ve always done it this way.’ I try to fight that. That’s why I have a clock on my wall that runs counterclockwise.”
Grace Hopper
?Tweet: A fully utilized highway is a parking lot
Technical Article/Presentation: The Data Behind DevOps: Becoming a High Performer - DORA
I like to constantly remind folks that the reason we "Do DevOps" is because the data shows that the capabilities under DevOps create the high performance characteristics for software organizations to thrive. Nicole Forsgren, PhD pioneered this research and her fantastic book Accelerate documents this research.
Note that this video is only available by subscribing to the DevOps Enterprise Summit Video Library. A free membership(10 videos/month) is available as well as individual and corporate memberships.
FYI: IT Revolution announced 2022 Conference Dates. I'm happy to say that the flagship event will be back in Las Vegas this year and in person! Additionally, registration and CFPs for the May Europe Event are now open!?
2022 Conference Dates
DevOps Enterprise Summit Virtual - Europe
10-12 May 2022?|??Registration Open?
?DevOps Enterprise Summit Virtual - US
August 2-4, 2022
?DevOps Enterprise Summit?US Flagship Event?
?The Cosmopolitan of?Las?Vegas
October 18-20, 2022
?Podcast: Mik + One / Manuel Pais / Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow
?I can highly recommend the podcast from Mik Kersten. For folks following DevOps, you'll note that Mik was one of the pioneers of DevOps, author of the fantastic book Project to Product and founder of Task Top that helps your teams implement Value Stream Management by making your key metrics visible and actionable.
?In this Podcast, Mik talks with Manual Pais, one of the others of Team Topologies. Manuel is recognized as a DevOps thought leader and is a significant contributor to our industry. If you haven't read Team Topologies, I can highly recommend. This book is THE BOOK for understanding how architecture, process and especially team structure affect flow in technology organizations and what to do to make it better. See here: Team Topologies Resources — Team Topologies
?In this episode, Mik revisits Team Topologies and digs into some of learnings that have occurred in this space since the books initial publication in 2019.?They also discuss the latest publication since the pandemic about remote interactions with teams: Remote Team Interactions Workbook (
Books: Kill It with Fire / 10: HOW TO FINISH
We build our computer systems the way we build our cities: over time, without a plan, on top of ruins. —Ellen Ullman
In this chapter, Marianne discusses finishing, but specifically how to define and measure success. Defining and measuring success is vitally important – otherwise, how do you know when you are done?
Finishing Approaches
?Something Else: Taco Chronicles
During COVID, everyone (including me) went on a Netflix binge...?One of the shows I picked up was the fantastic Taco Chronicles.?This show covers all the major types of tacos and more importantly the history and culture behind them.?Be warned: it makes you hungry!
While watching the show, I joked: "I'm going to recreate this type of tour in Chicago."?My wife thought I was crazy: perhaps I am… :). Over the next few weeks and months I researched and toured great taco places all over the city of Chicago with friends and family.?It was a great and delicious experience, and also a way to break the monotony of COVID isolation.
You can see my list of places here: Taco Chronicles - Chicago, IL - Last Updated March 2022 - Yelp