Is DevOps Coach different from Agile Coach?
Ravneet Kaur, CPCC, ORSCC, PCC
Executive and Leadership Coach | Relationship Systems and Team Coach
I’m often asked this question in my Certified DevOps Coach Masterclass.
Of Course, there are many similarities and some differences as well.
Here is my take on this from my experience with different DevOps Transformation.
DevOps Culture has its roots in Lean Ideology, Organizational Change Management and Continuous Process Improvement. Hence, the competencies that we look for in a DevOps Coach include Professional Coaching, Lean Coaching (including the concept of Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata) and Organizational and Systems Coaching.
The Continuous Process Improvement part makes DevOps Coaching different from Agile Coaching. Agile is all about Empiricism, where we Inspect and Adapt at every moment and understand the things in Retrospect.
While agile mindset is important for DevOps Coaches, they also help the organization to develop robust and resilient processes for their Continuous Delivery Pipeline. Since, the processes involving build, test, integrate and deploy are all repetitive processes, our learnings from Lean and Toyota Kata fit in beautifully in achieving DevOps Culture.
It’s a journey to develop your organization towards becoming Learning & Antifragile Organization.
Another important concept for DevOps Coaching is Empathy Coaching. Surely, Agile Coaches help their team members to empathize with each other. However, DevOps Coaches go a step further and empathize with teams which might be working on something we don’t even understand or maybe other departments.
In our Certified DevOps Coach Masterclass, we blend the above-mentioned competencies to provide you with a lot more learning and exposure than what you already have with Agile Coaching.
To learn more, join us in our next Certified DevOps Coach Masterclass.
For Registration, go to Click Here
Following is the Curriculum
DevOps Fundamentals
o History of DevOps
o Antifragility
o Business Case for DevOps
DevOps Core Principles
DevOps Culture
Characteristics and Competence of a DevOps Coach
DevOps Coach Competency Model
Professional Coaching
o Presence
o Observation
o Active Listening
o Powerful Questions
o Giving and Receiving Feedback
GROW Model of Professional Coaching
Practice Professional Coaching Skills
Lean Coaching
o Lean Principles
o Lean Wastes
Toyota Kata (Coaching for Continuous Improvement and Experimentation Culture)
o Improvement Kata
o Coaching Kata
Practice Lean Coaching using Coaching Kata
A3 Problem Solving
Gemba Walk
Organizational and Team Coaching
Coaching for Organizational/DevOps Transformation
Facilitating Value Stream Mapping Workshop
DevOps Transformation & Roadmap
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
Building DevOps Organization
Organizational Models for DevOps
High-Performing Organizations
Team Coaching
o Coaching for Performance
o Dealing with Resistance and Conflicts
Coaching for Empathy
o Individual Coaching
o Systems Coaching
Case Studies
Executive and Leadership Coach | Relationship Systems and Team Coach
4 周?I'm happy to share that we have our upcoming training for Certified Enterprise DevOps Coach in September confirmed. It would be a great opportunity for you to learn about DevOps and to be able to lead the DevOps Transformation in your organization. Following is the link for registration. Let me know if you have any questions.?
Chief Technology Officer
1 年I appreciate the comprehensive curriculum you've put together for the Certified DevOps Coach Masterclass. It covers a wide range of essential topics, from the history of DevOps to the core principles and competencies of a DevOps coach. The inclusion of Lean coaching and the concept of Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata is particularly interesting, as it aligns well with the continuous process improvement aspect of DevOps. This holistic approach is crucial for fostering a DevOps culture within organizations.
Ajudo coaches, consultores, mentores e pequenos empresários a criar máquinas de vendas inteligentes, gerando Leads ultra qualificados diariamente, com menos esfor?o e mais previsibilidade.
2 年Great, Ravneet :)
Executive and Leadership Coach | Relationship Systems and Team Coach
3 年If you want to join the session but finding it difficult to pay the fees, please contact me by sending a direct message.
Program Manager at Walmart
3 年Thank you Ravneet for sharing.