DevOps for Backend Developers - Part 1: Kubernetes

DevOps for Backend Developers - Part 1: Kubernetes

In this article, we will explore Kubernetes, the famous container orchestration tool, and a quick demo of deploying containers on a Kubernetes cluster. If you are here, you already have a high-level idea of what containers i.e. docker and orchestration tools i.e. Kubernetes mean, so we will skip ahead to the practical stuff.

We will follow the following structure in the training:

  1. Setting up the environment
  2. Pod & its creation
  3. ReplicaSet & its creation
  4. Deployment & its creation
  5. Deployment Rollout Strategies
  6. Rollback Deployments
  7. Summary

Setting up the environment:

To locally simulate Kubernetes, we will need a local Kubernetes environment. For this, we will use minikube. Head over to the Minikube website and follow the instructions to install it.

Run the following to start Kubernetes and test that the environment is up and running:

minikube start
kubectl get pods        

Once done, let's move on to practicing Kubernetes.


You are already familiar with the docker

You have minikube installed, up and running

Let's dive into Kubernetes.


A pod is the smallest unit of Kubernetes deployment and consists of containers. A Pod may have one or multiple containers, managed together by the Pod. For example, a microservice can be containerized and deployed on Kubernetes as a Pod.

Creating a Pod deployment:

Deployment of a pod consists of writing a deployment description file.

Let's create a file called pod-deployment.yaml. The file will have 4 primary components:

  1. apiVersion: this will be the version of the file
  2. kind: this describes the type of resource, in this case, a Pod (case sensitive)
  3. metadata: this describes details about the Pod such as name and labels.
  4. spec: this is the actual details of the pod and specifies a list of containers

Let's create pod-deployment.yaml using nginx container:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod #because we are creating a Pod - case sensitive
  name: be-app  #name of the pod as a backend app
    app: be-app  #this is used at advance stages with selectors. We will get to that 
    tier: BE  #optional - categories pods by tiers i.e. backend,frontend, database,etc
    type: backend #optional - assign a type
    - name: be-auth-container #name of container inside the pod
      image: nginx #image of container        

Let's deploy this on minikube. Run the following command:

kubectl create -f pod-deployment.yaml        

Now let's check the deployment status by following:

kubectl get pods        

First, you will see the container being deployed, hence the 0/1, and when successfully deployed, 1/1 with status running. So there, we just deployed our first Pod. Hooray!

Now you may face some issues while you deploy your first Pod such as the Pod will not start up if properties are incorrect. To check the issues, run

kubectl describe pod <pod-name>        

This will show logs and highlight issues. Let's change the image from nginx to nginx123.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod #because we are creating a Pod
  name: be-app  #name of the pod as a backend app
    app: be-app  #this is used at advance stages with selectors. We will get to that 
    tier: BE  #optional - categories pods by tiers i.e. backend,frontend, database,etc
    type: backend #optional - assign a type
    - name: be-auth-container #name of container inside the pod
      image: nginx123 #image of container

let's run it.

Notice that the status is error and ready is 0/1. Now let's see what went wrong:

kubectl describe pod be-app        

which gives us:

 D:\freelance\Devops> kubectl describe pod be-app
Name:             be-app
Namespace:        default
Priority:         0
Service Account:  default
Node:             minikube/
Start Time:       Sat, 20 Jul 2024 12:02:36 +0500
Labels:           app=be-app
Annotations:      <none>
Status:           Pending
    Container ID:   
    Image:          nginx123
    Image ID:
    Port:           <none>
    Host Port:      <none>
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       ImagePullBackOff
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
  Type     Reason          Age                From               Message
  ----     ------          ----               ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled       78s                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/be-app to minikube
  Normal   SandboxChanged  74s                kubelet            Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.       
  Normal   Pulling         34s (x3 over 77s)  kubelet            Pulling image "nginx123"
  Warning  Failed          31s (x3 over 75s)  kubelet            Failed to pull image "nginx123": Error response from daemon: pull access denied for nginx123, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
  Warning  Failed          31s (x3 over 75s)  kubelet            Error: ErrImagePull
  Normal   BackOff         6s (x5 over 73s)   kubelet            Back-off pulling image "nginx123"
  Warning  Failed          6s (x5 over 73s)   kubelet            Error: ImagePullBackOff

In the logs above, notice that in the containers tab, we see the image we provided - nginx123. And at the end, we see the logs that Kubernetes tried to look for an image nginx123 and failed.

This way, using the describe command, we determine the failure reason and fix it.

Let's move on.

Creating a ReplicaSet:

In production, we do not have one Pod but multiple copies of containers running in pods on multiple Kubernetes nodes. To handle this, Kubernetes supports the creation of ReplicaSet where we specify the number of Pods we require for a container.

The benefit of it is that if any pod goes down due to any reason, the RS will spin up a new Pod in its place and take control of it. So it gives a way to seamlessly create and maintain the desired number of replicas for scalability.

Here's how to create a ReplicaSet:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  name: be-app-replicaset
    app: be-replicaset
    type: back-end
     #copy the pod definition file from metadata onwards and paste here
  replicas: 3 #create 3 copies of pods
  selector: #control the count of those Pods which have the following labels
      #copy the labels from the Pod definition file

so after copying from the Pod, it will look like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1 #note that the version is apps/version
kind: ReplicaSet
  name: be-app-replicaset
    app: be-replicaset
    type: back-end
      name: be-app  #name of the pod as a backend app
        app: be-app  #this is used at advance stages with selectors. We will get to that 
        tier: BE  #optional - categories pods by tiers i.e. backend,frontend, database,etc
        type: backend #optional - assign a type
        - name: be-auth-container #name of container inside the pod
          image: nginx #image of container

  replicas: 3 #the number of pods required
      app: be-app  #copied from our previous Pod template 
      tier: BE        
      type: backend        

Now, let's create a ReplicaSet by following:

kubectl create -f replicaset-deployment.yml        

This deployment will create a Replicaset and corresponding pods as described (3).

Notice that the ReplicaSet has been created and it has further created 3 Pods. It will control the Pods on the basis of selector. Which means, if there was already a pod running with the same label of be-app, only 2 new pods will be created and the ReplicaSet will take control of it.

Let's now first create a pod, and then create our ReplicaSet:

Notice that we first created a pod, then a replicaset. When we list all resources, our first pod was created 24 seconds ago, then replicaset created only 2 more pods and took control of the existing pods that match the given labels in the selector.

Modifying the number of Replicas:

To change the number of replicas/pods, we can either edit the deployment file or simply change it in the runtime (this change will be lost on new deployment).

There are two ways to do runtime change:

  1. Edit the RS deployment and modify the number of replicas:

kubectl edit replicaset be-app-replicaset         

2. Update the configuration by command:

kubectl scale replicaset be-app-replicaset --replicas=6        

This way, we can scale the pods up and down.


Another important concept in Kubernetes is deployments. In a practical scenario, we will be implementing CI/CD and will be required to push updates to production. Kubernetes gives us two approaches to push updates:

  1. Rollout - This will tear down older ones and create new ones to replace them sequentially ensuring zero down time. (default)
  2. Recreate: This will teardown all the pods and recreate again. This will introduce downtime but will ensure that the deployment is done all at once. This is useful where we want to introduce major change and older environment will not work in parallel.

Creating a deployment - Rollout:

A deployment file looks similar to ReplicaSet with kind Deployment and strategy i.e. rollout or recreate.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment #notice the kind
  name: be-deployment
  namespace: default
  replicas: 4
      name: be-app
  strategy:  #strategy can be RollingUpdate or Recreate
    type: RollingUpdate 
      maxSurge: 25% #define % of pods being created
      maxUnavailable: 25%  #how many pods to take down in steps
  # type: Recreate #drop all pods and create again (downtime)
        name: be-app
        - name: be-app-container
          image: nginx
          ports:  #define ports so applications can talk to our pods 
            - containerPort: 8080
              protocol: TCP        

Let's run this:

 kubectl create -f .\deployment\deployment-definition.yml --record
 #record will be used to store the reason of deployment change we will see nect        

if everything goes well, it will look like this:

Here, we have created a deployment, which created a replicaset and that replicaset is creating and managing the pods instead.

Let's get to the fun part, making some updates and rolling them out using the two available strategies. A typical usecase will be to use latest version of your image but for the sake of learning, let's try changing the image in our container from nginx to busybox.

Keeping everything else same, let's modify the spec section inside template:

        - name: be-app-container
          image: busybox #instead of nginx
          command: ["sh", "-c", "sleep 3600"] #run this command when busybox starts
            - containerPort: 8080
              protocol: TCP        

Now, let's deploy it:

kubectl apply -f .\deployment\deployment-definition.yml        

Now let's see the resources:

Notice that we have two different replicasets here. The previous one has now 0 pods and the new one has 4 pods. That means, we replaced our old deployment with newer one, but also kept the configuration of older replicaset in case we need to roll back.

First, let's see how the pods were created by describing the deployment:

kubectl describe deployment be-deployment        

Notice that the replicasets arebeing torn down one by one (25% of total capacity as defined) and making sure that application is still available. If the new pods fail to start, the deployment will be unsuccessful and our older application will still work.

Creating a deployment - Recreate:

Now, let's deploy with the strategy Recreate. To do it, simply edit the following part of yaml:

    type: Recreate        

and now let's patch it and then describe the deployment

Notice that in this case, the pods were directly scaled down from 4 to 0. And then newer deployment took over and took it back to 4. Whilethis happens, the application would experience a downtime as well.

Rollback Deployment:

Previously, we saw the two strategies to upgrade a deployment. What if we faced an error with the new deploymentand want to rollback to a previous deployment? Kubernetes is here to help.

First, let's check the history of our deployments:

kubectl rollout history deployment be-deployment        

This gives us the history of deployments and the reason for change with commands:

From here, we can rollback to a previous deployment:

Kubectl rollout undo deployment be-deployment        

Now let's check the rollout history again:

Notice that the revision 1 has disappeared because after the rollback, 1 has become 3 i.e. the latest deployment.


In the above demonstration, we looked at the type of kubernetes deployments (Pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment) and the respective strategies of making a deployment (Rollout, Recreate) as well as rollback to previous deployments. This knowledge is essential to understand the basics of kubernetes and successfully deploy docker containers in an already set-up environment. In part 2, we will take a look at how to setup a kubernetes cluster and their network configurations.

Till then, happy coding!

Rahul Bagal

Software Development Engineer | Python, React, SQL | I've developed 20+ websites used by 100K+ people worldwide.

4 个月

Why did the DevOps engineer go broke? Because he kept pushing all his changes to the bank's master branch! Happy DevOpsing!

Mohammed Rawoof

Sr. Talent Analyst - EMEA | Building a team of 4 .Net FullStack Developer (5-9 years) for Gurgaon, Haryana. Apply Now - [email protected]

4 个月



