#devops : Algorithms for all...
Recently I have been learning more about algorithms and trying to understand how those are used in different software we use daily ( databases, search, encoding, etc). Some of my thoughts and experiences on this.
It makes me really not only amazed and surprised but feel angry, by why at the time of interviews all companies ask and do coding challenge based on some algorithms programs at such a less time? and at the time of actual work no one talks of practicing algorithms or do efforts of understanding of patterns and algorithms used in the codebase. And any mentions of those suddenly changes the talk to not related to business. What hypocrisy and especially for those people who have not studied computer science in universities.
Algorithms make us understand many things but in particular the time and space complexity problems. The understanding of algorithms along with design patterns will help in understanding the codebase tremendously, and not only shorting the code but making it faster.
Data structures usage, secure architectures, better reuse of services, scalability, and optimization are all part of getting more understanding of algorithms.
Performant systems are the necessity of today and there are no worse issues than performance issues nowadays. Performance testing as code skill should be a mandatory skill for all technical teams if they have to not have the feeling of banging their head against systems.