Devin AI - the first AI software engineer - Is it real or hype?
What is Devin AI
Devin AI (Introducing Devin, the first AI software engineer ( has been named the world's first AI software engineer. As per the documentation the Devin AI is capable of doing what a human can do in terms of dev work - work with common developer tools including the shell, code editor, and browser within a sandboxed compute environment. In addition, Devin AI software engineer can report on its progress in real time, accepts feedback, and works together with others through design choices as needed.
What is Devin AI's capable of
As per the claim made, the Devin AI can do the following -
The above list of capabilities sounds advanced and fancy. But from their website there is only a series of recordings and no demo to give it a try to validate the above claims. I don't know as to whether Devin AI seems to be overstating its capabilities based on the demo videos seen in their portal.
Is it a Hype or Real?
Devin AI looks like another coding assistant based on Generative AI and whether it's true or hype can be known only if we can try out a real-life demo.
There are already existing coding assistants like Github Copilot(GitHub Copilot · Your AI pair programmer · GitHub), Codeium (Codeium · Free AI Code Completion & Chat), Amazon CodeWhisperer (AI Code Generator - Amazon CodeWhisperer - AWS) that provides similar functionality.
Watch this video and that debunks some of the claims of the Devin AI -
Without a demo to try out it appears to be lots of hype. Things like it can take up work from Upwork and make money sounds bit farfetched. Be skeptical of anything AI related until you can really try it out and verify.