WARNING: this is purely fictional and events were created out of the writers’ burgeoning
NOTE : this is a shortened version so understand the decipherable intermissions…
(cut version)
It was another routine day in heaven, I stood on a high stool singing vehemently as I led the
hourly worship as the leader of the cherubim, I am not an arch, but I had the strength and
beauty of voice, the softest of heart and the radiant of faces. There was a feeling He loved me a
little more than the others, I always walk with the confidence and chasm of the chosen, ‘cause
even my name was special…… ‘THE BRINGER OF LIGHT’…. He called me ‘LUCIFER’.
I was loved by the heavenly beings, I was adored by the angels, and trusted by allies.
“lucifer!” I heard my name as I exited the throne room.
I spurned around and found ‘baal’ making towards me in rather hurried steps. He was one of
my closest friend and ally. ‘baal’ had stern features, a hush voice as he was just a guard in the
throne room.
“have you noticed He wasn’t around today again?” he continued
“yes I noticed, Micheal hath told me He was in his inner sanctum, He is creating more living
beings” I answered him in a rather dismissive tone. I didn’t want this discussion, I knew what
was coming, they all knew the Chosen went with him and not me.
“beings like us?” he asked enthusiastically
“I wasn’t told” I answered quickly to hasten the discussion.
“hey baal, hey lucifer” a voice called from behind as I turned quickly to find ‘azazel’ one of my
allies trying to make way through the dispersing scores of angels towards where we stood.
“azazel, how was thine service?” I stopped to ask
“it was usual, but I couldn’t help but notice thou art distraught” he said as he reached out for
an apple that cringed from the tree above.
“was i?” I asked with raised eye brows.
“I was trying to make out what type of being the Almighty is creating, that he hath stayed in
his inner sanctum with the chosen, its been 4 days and he hasn’t rested” I quickly added as we
made towards Eden.
“with the chosen?” baal asked rhetorically.
“I think he like the chosen more than thou eh?”azazel added rather sarcastically.
“no!” I screamed… not realizing how high my pitch was, I was not going to have it… this
discussion, no.. both azazel and baal were startled as they paused in their tracks, obviously
perplexed by the venom of the reply.
No one said anything for a while
“I will go thereof to the inner sanctum tomorrow” I said relieving the tension, as I slowly
trudged away……
The next morning service, I curiously starred at His seat throughout the worship service, with an
unknown emotion creeping out of my being. I had to do something, I had to know what’s going
on, I was his favorite.
The service passed, but I lingered longer looking to avoid azazel and baal. As the angels
dispatched I made way to Eden, I needed time alone, I had not understood that emotion
yesterday, it has never happened before on the firmament, I trudged between roots, kicking
softly little litters I came across with head bent and mind adrift, when I heard it’……. ‘the
It spoke in my head, I couldn’t make out the words, but it was obviously beckoning me deeper
into Eden, ….. and I obliged.
The voice by now was clearer as I walked into eden, it was persuasive as was charming, leading
me directly to the foot of the ‘forbidden’….
“eat this fruit” the faint voice spoke in my head
“that is the forbidden, and I cannot eat thereof” I said and turned to make out of eden.
“but the Almighty eats of me” it came again persistently
“He is the Almighty, and I am only but a messenger” I retorted
“the Chosen ate of me too” it said with a sense that could have knocked me of my resistance.
Of all my obedience, He loved the Chosen more, I stood for a while in disbelief and ‘that earlier
emotion I hadn’t understood.
“eat me and I will make thou see” it added
I motioned towards the fruit slowly in an almost rhythmic manner to pluck of it………..
I was hurrying out of eden, in had to see azazel and baal, they need to know what has
happened and I had to tell them quickly.
“hey, where hurriest thou?” azazel asked with a raised eyebrow.
“come with me quickly, both of you” I urged them both.
We walked into eden , directly into the path of the forbidden. I could see the un easy in their
eyes, but I couldn’t tell them now, no.., they should see it.
They starred at the fruit I ate with disbelief, as I tried to convince them I know things only He
knows and I could transform to anything I want to be.
I threw a fruit at at both of them. Azazel first then baal………..
I stood at the door of the inner house, I starred at its magnificence. I had not said the truth to
micheal when I told him the Almighty called unto me, But I felt ok with it. This was the first time
I had not told the truth.
I fizzled about in the inner house, then I came across a golden chrysanthemum bursting with
bloom, then I saw ‘it’…… ‘one of the ornaments the Almighty made us fear’ because its power
could consume us, it was hidden in a corner, in an old dented rusty bucket, but it shone with
defiance of its quality…. As it was pure.., it was gold…. It was ‘THE TRIDENT’.
I walked to it, raising it slowly.. I felt powerful, I felt great…I felt.. like.. HIM!
The tale: its power cannot overwhelm the almighty.
Outside the sanctuary I wandered what effectiveness with craft I could employ. Will I be more
powerful than the Chosen? Who will I use such powers on?