Dear readers,

Someone has sent the following translation of verse 8:67 of Surah Al Anfal of the Quran and asked me this question through a Quranic group if this verse is really saying what is given in its translation by the award winning Grand Mufti of Pakistan Mr Taqi Usmani and other translators.

8:67 It is not befitting a prophet that he has captives with him unless he has subdued the enemy by shedding blood in the land. You intend to have the stuff of this world, while Allah intends the Hereafter (for you). And Allah is All-Mighty, All- Wise." (Taqi Usmani)

The person concerned with the false translations of above Quranic verse further wrote that is there anyone in this group who can explain this verse? Saddened by the false translations of this Quranic verse, he highlighted that this translation is by Mufti Taqi Usmani award winner and the Grand Mufti of Pakistan. He added that almost all the clerics have done the same translation of crush it, kill it cut and bleed. Shocked by the false translations of this Quranic verse, the said person further asked that is this really what this verse is saying? Does God have a vampire form? Is there anyone who can clean this dust?

The short and common sense answer is that the Quran does not say anything immoral or dehumanizing and does not encourage murder, bloodshed, violence and oppression. As for cleaning the dust on the translations of the Quran, you can do this yourself instead of depending on anyone, including myself. All you have to do is to compare the words in the Arabic text of the Quran with their translations. You do not need to be proficient in the Arabic language for this task, but only a working knowledge of Arabic language is enough. For example, you will need to see in this Arabic text (????????? ????????? ??? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??? ????????? ?????????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ???????) of verse 67 of Surah Anfal, which Arabic word means "subdued the enemy by shedding blood" or "to kill or crush well"? In the same way, compare other words of this verse one by one and bear in mind that what is written in brackets in the interpretations and translations of the Quran is only to maintain the flow of false translations and fabricated interpretations. So, there is absolutely no need to pay attention to it. Apart from this, if you put religious teachings and prevailing beliefs aside and try to understand the Quran only from the words that appear in the Arabic text of the Quran then you will be able to understand the Quran without any difficulty.

Let's study the words in verse 8:67 of Surah Al-Anfal of the Holy Quran and see the correct translation of this Quranic verse.

The word "?????" (Kaana) in the phrase "????????? ?????????" (Ma Kaan Linnabiyyin) is actually the past tense of "??" (Kun) which means made, happened or instituted. In some sentences, according to the need, the same word "?????" (Kaana) is taken as a linking verb in the meaning of "was" as the past tense of "be". I have already discussed this rule of the Arabic language in detail in several of my articles that "???" (ma) before the past participle is " ?? ??????? " (ma al-nafiyyah or negative ma) which makes the sentence negative. The preposition "??" (lee) at the beginning of "?????????" (Linnabiyyin) is used to mean "to", "in order to" and "for". The tanween, two dashes like marker at the end of "?????????" singles it out to read it a Nabi or any Nabi, which should also come in the translation by the word "any" or by "a", otherwise the translation of such Arabic words remains incomplete. Therefore, in the words of "????????? ??????????? " (Ma Kaan Linnabiyyin) it is being said that "it was not made for any prophet" or "it did not happen for any prophet".

Conjunction "???" in the forthcoming words ??? ??????? "" means "that", whereas "?????? " is the objective and passive state of the present verb of "?????", coming from the same root of "??". Since the third person objective pronoun at the end of "????" (Lahu) is in the nominative state, it directly goes to subject that is prophet, coming in the beginning "????????? ????????", so "????" (Lahu) means "for him".

The next word "???????" (asra) refers to those who are imprisoned by someone or something, someone's captives, someone's slaves and someone's obedient or obayers but at the same time the word "???????" (asra) also refers to captivity, imprisonment, slavery and obedience. This is because the word "???????" (asra) is elative noun, superlative adjective and gerund at the same time. The detail of making and use of elative nouns, superlative adjectives and gerunds is available on my Quran Guide YouTube channel with numerous examples and also given in many articles which are freely available on LinkedIn for your information.

The dishonesty of our scholars, translators and Muftis is revealed to us through the translations of the same word "???????" (asra) in different verses of the Quran. They translate "???????" (asra) to mean "captives "in verse 8:67 of surah Al Anfal to bring violence and bloodshed in the Quran with reference to imprisonment but in order to distort the statements of the Quran, these devils fabricate the same Quranic word "???????" (asra), in the translations of Quranic verse 17:1 of Surah Al Isrá, to mean ‘carried’, ‘took’, ‘travel’, ‘journey’ and ‘migration’ to invent a false story of ascension (Miraj) of the prophet and to highlight the blessings of the worship of their house of idols al-Masjid al-Haram.

In fact this is said in verse 17:1 "????????????????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ????? ??????????? ?????????? "?? ?of Surah Al-Isra that "It is He who removed through His obedient the captivity of ignorance of Al-Masjid al-Haram?" For more details please read my research article on verse 17:1 of Surah al-Isrá at the following link.

The dark captivity or imprisonment of the captives or prisoners of al-Masjid al-Haram described in verse 17 of Surah Al-Isrá was what the religion of al-Masjid al-Haram had imposed on people by trapping them in its deception. This is the same captivity or imprisonment that the descendants of the infidels and polytheists have subsequently imposed on us in the form of the religion of Islam.

In fact, verse 17:1 of Surah Al-Isrá is rooting out religious ignorance by ending the dark religion of al-Masjid al-Haram. The word "???????" (lailan) in verse 17:1 of the Quran describes the same ignorance and darkness of al-Masjid al-Haram, which was ended by the exalted obedient of Allah by doing a great favour to the captives of al-Masjid al-Haram by taking them out of the prison of this forbidden mosque and putting them on the path of Allah. This noble person is none other than the great Prophet of Allah, in the name of whom we established the religion of Islam and started worshiping the idols of Masjid al-Haram again, and again started polytheism and idolatry and created havoc in the world, and we took our destiny out of our own hands.

The person who is putting his life on the line and putting his business and worldly luxuries aside is sincerely trying to get you out of the captivity or imprisonment of al-Masjid al-Haram through correct Quranic teachings, your Islamic state of Pakistan has blocked the way for the correct message of the Quran to reach you by closing his Quran Guide YouTube channel. But the message of God has never stopped and cannot be stopped by anyone.

Those who still want to watch the Quran Guide YouTube channel in Pakistan should go to the YouTube settings and change their country from Pakistan to United States, United Kingdom, or Canada etc. then you can watch every YouTube video of our channel which is banned by the current government of Pakistan.

To go to YouTube settings, click on the YouTube icon in the upper right corner.

·??????? Click on General.

·??????? Click on Location.

·??????? Change the country to US, UK or Canada

This way you can watch blocked YouTube channel in Pakistan.

Well, we come back to our topic, in which we were talking about the word "???????" (Asra) in verse 8:67 of Surah Al-Anfal. In this verse, the words "????????? ????????? ??? ??????? ???? ???????" literally means "It was not made for a prophet to have captives/slaves/obeyers for him". It becomes clear from these words of the Quran that no prophet will be obeyed! In other words, there will be no obedience to any person, but in so many other verses the Quran orders to obey only God and the message of God. For more details on obedience, please read my detailed articles on Rasool (????).

In the phrase, "?????? ???????? ??? ?????????" the word "??????" (hatta) is an adverb and a conjunction to mean "so that/so as". While "????????" (Yuskhin) refers to the thickening of the subject. When a thing grows fat, it not only becomes big, fat and tall, but also its feet become firm, its roots become strong and overall it becomes powerful. So, Arabic root word "???" means Thicken, Tighten, Dense, Firm, Solid, Strong and Powerful. Therefore, derived from the Arabic root word "???", the correct meanings of "???????" are also the same: to be thick, to be fat, to be solid, to be firm, to be strong, to be stable and to become powerful.

Moreover, since "????????" (Yuskhin) is nominative in its voice with the voice of the suffix of comma like Damma coming at the beginning. Therefore, "????????" (Yuskhin) is talking about the power, strength and firmness of its subject, which is Prophet. While according to the rules of the Arabic language, the subject or title of "????????" (Yuskhin) is the one at the beginning of the verse is "Nabi" (prophet). Hence, the meaning of "????????" (Yuskhin) will not be applied to the prisoners or captives according to any law of language, but to the "Prophet". After that preposition "???" is coming to mean "in" then "?????????" is coming to mean "the earth/the land", which is also used to mean the world in which we live. So, "??? ????????? " will translate "in the earth/in the land/in the world". Therefore, the words "????????? ????????? ??? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????????" literally means that "It was not made for a prophet to have prisoners/captives/slaves/obeyers for him so as to become powerful, strong/firm in the earth/land/world"

It is as if the Quran is saying in its own words what is visible to you in the above lines, but in the translations of above words, the devils who fabricated false translations of the Quran are talking about crushing, killing and beating the enemies to cause bloodshed in the world in the name of Allah and the Prophet of Allah. The riots, bloodshed and killings are happening in Pakistan, neither the politicians nor the army generals are to blame, but the fault lies with the tyranny of the religious leaders who taught the whole nation through false translations of the Quran that the Quran orders looting, killing and bloodshed.

When our official award winning leaders will make false statements of the Quran that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) imprisoned people and killed them, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) committed bloodshed on the prisoners following the order of Allah. If the Prophet continued to kill and crush the prisoners, our rulers will also do the same following the commandments of Allah and the Sunnah (practice) of the Prophet!

Does the blasphemy law not apply to the devils for insulting the Prophet, who describe, in the false translation of the Quran, the Prophet as causing bloodshed, crushing and killing?

In fact, the insolent of the Prophet are the translators, religious scholars and muftis who, while insulting the Prophet, openly call the Prophet an uneducated and bloodthirsty murderer. But unfortunately, because of the fear of religion, no one catches them and no one dares to speak against them!

In the next clause "?????????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ??????????" of verse 8:67 of Surah Al-Anfal under our study the word "??????????" is a sound plural compound of second person plural of present tense to mean "you want" in which everyone is being addressed directly and it is being said that you want

"?????? ??????????", i.e. "worldly exposure". While Arabic language the word "??????" has the correct meaning of offer, exposure, display and show, and "??????????" means the world. The practical use of the same Quranic word "??????" can be seen in the shopping centres of Arab countries where they display "?????? ???" (Special Offer) on the signboards to attract their customers by giving them a big incentive of ‘special offer’. Then the next clause "???????? ??????? ?????????" is coming to mean "and God wants your Hereafter" in which "???????" (yuridu) is nominative in its sound which is talking with reference to the subject "you" (second person plural) of the previous stanza "??????????".

You will see that in the word for word correct translation, no words will be less or more, no brackets will be used, and the most accurate translation of the Quran will come to you completely and clearly.

In the last stanza of the Quranic verse 8:67 under our study, the words "???????? ????? ???????" are coming and they are translated as "And Allah is the Most Wise" but the Arabic word "???????" (Hakeem) cannot be translated as "Wise" because phonetically similar Persian word "Hakeem" (????) is called "wise" in English, while The Arabic word "???????" (Hakeem), which is used in the Quran, is actually derived from the Arabic root word "???" just like "????" (Raheem) is derived from "???" and "????"(Aleem) is derived from "???" in the same way "????" (Kareem) is derived from "???". The root word "???" in Arabic language means order, ruling, decision, fatwa, regulation and decree instead of wisdom, which in the same way is order, ruling, judgment and rule in English instead of wise. Therefore, the correct meanings of Arabic adjective "???????" used in the Quran are, the one who commands; ruling authority or governing authority.

In the same way, the Quranic word "???????" (Azizun), which comes before "??????? ", is also distorted in the translations of the Quran due to their religious beliefs, because in order to make people inefficient and lazy, the religion says that honour and humiliation are only with Allah. He honours whomever He wills and humiliates whomever He wills!

The Quran does not say this, but the Quran exhorts action and promises to attain a high position in one's present and future life by one's actions, which is in accordance with God’s justice. What kind of justice is it that without doing anything Allah honours someone and makes someone sit in the sky and humiliates and disgraces someone? Allah never does this because it is against the universal laws of Allah.

The correct meanings of Quranic word "??????" (Aziz) can be seen in my research article written on the words "????????? ??? ??????? ????????? ??? ???????" in verse 3:26 of Surah Aal-Imran, which is available free of cost for everyone at the following link.

The Arabic adjective "??????" (Aziz) which is used in the Quran, in Arabic literature and Arab society, is taken to mean the one who has the power and strength, powerful, strong and cherished.

Please see the word for word correct translation of verse 8:67 of Surah Al-Anfal.

"It was not made for a prophet to have captives for him so as to become powerful in the land. You want worldly exposure and God wants your hereafter and God is a powerful ruling authority." (Word for word correct translation of Quranic verse 8:67)

Dear readers, this is the word for word correct translation of Quranic verse 8:67, which I have honestly presented to you in the above lines. There is not a single word in the Arabic text of verse 8:67 of the Quran which our extremist religious scholars have taken to mean bloodshed, crushing people, killing, looting and beating enemies, in the satanic translations of this verse, they slandered Allah and the Prophet of Allah and declared it as a command of Allah and an act of Prophet.

As usual, once again I challenge the whole world that all the muftis, all the scholars of the Quran and all the Arabic scholars together prove the above translation wrong, otherwise destroy the false interpretations and fake translations of the Quran and stop misleading people in the name of the Quran.

Your well wisher

Kashif Khan

??????? ????????????????????????

????????????????????????????????? ?Above article in Urdu is underneath

Not related to article Dr Kashif I have recently detached myself from the traditional translation and im still wondering about Salah which means link i think Can you elaborate what is salah according to Quran?

Ebraheim Fortune

Retired at Self employed

1 年

You know Dr Kashif , since I couldn't get more of your articles since 2021 and lost track of your work , I became an ex muslim atheist because of the very translations I've been growing up .

Ankur Chakraborty

Chat Advisor At Concentrix Daksh

1 年

Thank you sir for clearing this , as a Hindu I always believe no religious book can promote violence , murder or rape. But every religion is facing misinterpretations nowadays , my Muslim friends told me clearly there is no mention of killing infidels in the Qur'an . I don't know why people spread hate and try to invoke a nonsense religious fight.

ALI Pugh

College Student | Aspiring Plumber | Member at Greenwich Islamic Centre

1 年

can you do tafsir on the 79 30 quran verse and 39 5 quran verse

Harimurti Widyasena

CEO at PT. Interconsys Technology

1 年

It is a relatively short article than your early articles because you can refer to your past articles for detailed explanation on some topics. I like it this way. The analysis that you do on quranic verse is easy for you but not for me or many of us. Thank you very much for the article. I hope you can continue the analisys of surah Al Baqarah although you are busy with the video content on youtube.


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