There is a devil in your mind
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
There is a devil your mind. Focus on becoming one with yourself. Don't divide your mind into devil And god mind. Leave the devil and angel on either shoulder thing to cartoons. What you must learn is to be in charge of your own mind and it's thinking capabilities. It's a tough thing but it requires the first step of accepting that your brain is not black and white, it's grey to begin with. Bad thoughts will come and temptations too, good thoughts would come too what you pay attention to, contemplate upon and execute as actions is what matters.
Devil mind means negative, anti-social or indecent thoughts and paying attention to them and taking them seriously instead of cleaning them off. Sources of the so called 'devil' thoughts are newspapers, internet and irresponsible gossip, etc. We have to protect ourselves from such thoughts and attitudes & actions arising therefrom. There are. solutions like meditation, positive and constructive thinking, engaging in useful work, etc.
I wasn’t too far off actually. The devil tempts us in many ways, sadly. So if by “devil mind” you mean our minds can be tempted with bad things from the devil, you are right. We all have those demons nagging at us telling us to lie, disobey our parents, and do things we overall shouldn’t do! I would say I am most tempted, or the devil in my mind pops up the most when it comes to admitting my faults. I sometimes sugarcoat things and even put in little five or exaggerate certain details to make me look like I am in the right. This isn’t good obviously because we all need to humble ourselves and admit we have faults and can’t always be perfect. Not to mention dishonesty is a sin!
And luckily we can pray that we will not be tempted by the devil and instead can grow in Gods love and do things to bring us closer to him, and do things to please him. Devil is sitting and waiting to pop in our mind, in fact most of the time is prominent when his (devil’s) assistants are working to give the lead to their boss (devil). The assistant are desires working (hiding the right sense) like the lack of judgment to satisfy and /or comparing with others to make if effective tool to rise and shout to fulfill the shortfall in desire.
When my devil mind pops up is the main query? Well to speak it doesn’t so easily for I have worked hard to keep the devil away yet I am a human and have to experience the devil speaking many times. I have developed enough tolerance in listening others or words which is not of my taste and want to speak out my point of view but maintain a restrain knowing that the person in front whom I want to explain my view is not in a condition to listen. The tolerance at times pops to break the barrier forgetting that it would only add friction with other but spoil mood of self not of other for another few hours.
What would be the gain? The calm mind thinks and makes the devil sleep. And to see devil sleeping I have to pick up another activity which doesn’t need anyone else like for example reading a book or writing a thought to add value to the inner self reconfirming the decision and saving the time and space of mind to get deluded and not being influenced and lose the power gained over the years of practice.
Devil is one who indulges in his / her passion to extreme levels unmindful of others discomfort. Everyone being a captive in the body has desires and needs and natural to be pursued for ones existence , education has subdued us to the level of well balanced behaviour however when mob culture triggers panic or irrational behaviour, the best of gentlemen momentarily takes the form of devil to protect oneself and other dear ones.
In one of the well quoted sea travel where three were trapped in a boat with no food supplies the weak was killed by the two and thus served food supply, later when the equation became one on one the weak became a victim and only one survived, so it is the human transformed to a devil. Some time as a brave individual I found that funny manipulators served me suppression to the extent unbearable the warrior in me came alive, for them it was devil as I opposed, yelled and became aggressive enough to retaliate in case needed.
Every one of us is made of three gunas namely sattva, rajas and tamas. In other words we can be good, bad or ugly depending on the circumstances. What buttons are being pushed determines which of the three qualities namely sattva, rajas or tamas will activate at any given challenge that is thrown at us. How does a person find peace and happiness under these conditions? The only option is to not identify yourself with your body and the personality but to identify yourself with the background awareness which is alive, intelligent, self luminous, self evident, near and dear, nameless, formless, dimension-less, non local and the very core of our being. This being is untouched by time and space and is impersonal.
There is no such thing called as devil mind or god mind. The truth is, your mind is free, not bound by any rules. It is entirely up to your choice on your decisions. If a person is evil, it is his choice. Being good is also the same. Regarding experience of devil mind popping up is nothing but taking choices solely focused on you and not caring about others or consequences because of your experiences or frustrations. If you do good, it's on you, not because of god mind. In the same way, devil is not the one to blame for your bad choices.
It pops up all the time. Everyone you can identify this by using your moral compass. If it is wrong/evil and you know it it is your devil mind. If it is right/good it is God of Heaven. What matters is what you act on. Say you a woman who is involved with a Coven (for example don’t kill me).And she see a random man or apparently random/or not, and she hates him for reasons.Her devil mind may tell her to make him feel insufficient. But she has a choice whether she wants to act on it. That is the beauty of the freewill God of creation has given us. But we will be held accountable for everything we do.
In essence God does not punish you for evil thinking (devil mind).You can “imagine” all the bad things you want and never be judged by the father of creation. But the moment you act on it you have done evil and you will be judged. This is the soul/ego/psyche. In Islam we call it the Nafs. It is the “I want, and I want it now" screaming inside us. If it isn't disciplined it can enjoy all kinds of unethical things you can think of. Power, deceit, greed, lust, envy, competitiveness etc. If you do a proper introspection in your self you will notice that these dark thoughts are somewhat linked to some underlying egoistic drive.
And then there's the devil encouraging people through suggestions though most people don't seem to believe in him. Yes everyone does but most people chose to ignore it or bottle it up but they shouldn't do that. They should let it out like write it down to keep their minds balanced. My mind does turn into an devil and negative mind and much negative version of me when I lose my temper or am upset about something past a long time or when I hate something from the bottom of my heart and it happens. Cheers!