The devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour
Carlos Dyer
volunteer security-minded writer & strategical think tank listener problem solver
It's easy within this time for people to presume many things and get many things twisted along the path as they try their best to go toe to toe with you within everything you are doing But if you have an upgraded contingency plan in place this will always safeguard all that your doing in your present and within your future
In these times go forth with a level of expectations as no two days are the same within your fields of expertise so tread with extreme caution taking nothing at all for granted as if wisdom is your guide understanding will continue to bring you distinctive clarity within all you do as you press forward with all your current assignments for this year and next year
And in all things be watchful of prayer as the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour so in all your doing pray without ceasing but ask God to order your steps each time you must commit to a task assignment or objective so that you fully understand you have Gods blessed assurance within every aspect of your daily walk with God