"The Devil Only Has One Trick: DECEPTION!"
Can you imagine going to a Magic Show and come to find out that the Magician only has ONE TRICK? How disappointed would your kids be? You would shake your head in disbelief and be totally disgusted thinking about the big build up and promotion you received to get you to buy the tickets to see the "greatest magician on earth!" Posters, radio and TV ads and word of mouth were are pumpin' this guy up big time.
The truth of the matter is there is no such thing as a magician. They only want to make us "think" that they are magicians. There are no rabbits in the hat, no disappearing elephants and no vanishing planes. They can't levitate or fly or disappear. They can't saw a woman in half and then put her back together; we couldn't stand the sight of all that blood!
This is where the enemy receives his power; from our lying eyes and our overwhelming desire to be entertained. You get to the show and before you can get settled in your seat, SHAZAAM...the show is over! The Magician takes a bow, grabs his stuff and exits the stage. The lights fade to black and when the house lights come back up, the Magician is gone! Now you're mad and want your money back. You run to the back of the theatre looking for this dude, but he is in the wind. Then you check your the back of your ticket and it reads in bold print, "ALL SALES FINAL. NO REFUNDS!"
You can't believe it! How did this dude get me again?
The simple answer is the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. He has been using the same cheap magic trick since he met Jesus in the wilderness over 2,000 years ago!
Magicians, sorcerers, warlocks and witches rely on their subjects to trust their "eyes." Our eyes are the portals to our flesh. The key to Satan's success though is to get you to "trust your eyes." The use of misdirection and sleight of hand tricks the onlookers into thinking they see something that's not really there. The devil knows EXACTLY what you "like" and he is gonna make damn sure you get as much of it as you want! He knows that once you see it, you gotta have it. And once you have "it," he has "you!"
In the "FEAR REALM" this is how manipulation and deception work in tandem to derail the Christian off of the path of righteousness. However, in the FAITH REALM, the Believer "sees" with his EARS. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17) The Believer knows that he has to stay immersed in God's Word in order to resist the wiles (tricks) of the enemy. The Believer then goes before the Throne of Grace to hear God's instruction for his service in the marketplace. The marketplace is where the Believer receives His power to rule and reign and subdue Satan.
"The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own power and My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end? (Jeremiah 5:31)
You have to be dead to miss that! Selah...