The Devil is in the detail

The Devil is in the detail

How the big picture aligns with the small details and when the last hours of work are highly rewarded. 

According to Wikipedia; The idiom "the devil is in the detail" refers to a catch or mysterious element hidden in the details, meaning that something might seem simple at a first look but will take more time and effort to complete than expected and derives from the earlier phrase "God is in the detail" expressing the idea that whatever one does should be done thoroughly; i.e. details are important.

 Align opposing perspectives

Today, we are expected to see the big picture, understanding the global impact and create disruptive solutions for future needs. There is also more pressure for less people to do more, meaning that we need to optimize, digitalize and standardize.

At the same time, and perhaps just because of this pressure, the details in every project, process and task is more crucial to achieve top results. 

Securing the details...

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