A device that can be a life saver, thanks
Words: Jonas Rehnberg

A device that can be a life saver, thanks

Swecon service engineers often work alone when performing maintenance in environments that can entail risks. A personal alarm can offer a bit more security in the event of an accident.?

Swecon is a sector within Lantm?nnen that sells construction machinery. Their service engineers out in the field perform maintenance and repair work in environments that entail risks when you work alone.

You can slip, trip, or fall from heights. Get crushed, caught or suffer some other injury.

-This can be anywhere from motorways, gravel paths and isolated forest areas to factories and urban environments. Most accidents out at customers concern fall injuries. You can slip, trip, or fall from heights. Get crushed, caught or suffer some other injury,?says Johan Lejdberg, Quality, Environment and Heath & Safety Manager at Swecon Sweden.

If nobody else is nearby, engineers have to raise the alarm themselves if something happens. But what happens if the engineer loses consciousness or is trapped? The solution is a personal alarm in the form of a small device that fastens round their arm.

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-For us, it is ultimately about being 100 percent safe and a sense of security for our employees. Health & Safety Legislation also requires employers to give specific consideration to employees that work alone or take measures to minimise any risks, continues Jonas.

If you become unconscious, you obviously can’t activate the alarm. The Swecon personal alarms still work however, via a so-called man down function.

-The alarm starts beeping if the wearer hasn’t moved for over 100 seconds. You then have 20 seconds to move to show the device that all is well, otherwise the alarm sends a message to an alarm operator, says Jonas.

Since Swecon started to record incidents in the reporting system for work related incidents in 2016, a total of 37 fall accidents have been reported, including 18 related to service engineers working in the field. None of these incidents led to a fatality.?



