Deviations in Life
Chathurie Nupearachchi
Physicist with good vibes while acting multiple roles as a lecturer, researcher, education consultant, STEM activist, writer and speaker
I believe that when you are connected with a higher purpose in life, there will be a release of a massive energy both physically and psychologically. The secret of generating such an extraordinary level of energy can be achieved when you discover your true calling in life. It can keep you ignited with a burning desire till you die.
In my case, when I discovered my passion for Physics, I kept that burning desire ignited within myself continuously without bothering about the surrounding environment to avoid deviations in life. Most of the time, GOOD deviations will not stop/affect your almighty goal. According to my view, they can either delay or reshape you by giving more maturity in life. Even I anticipated tough periods beforehand and I developed my mindset not to look at my mistakes as failures in my life. Failures should be viewed as the pillars of success. With time, the warmth of my desire became powerful and it is still felt by many people around me with a positive impact in their lives as well.
So, find your calling with the real talent that is hidden inside yourself. Have a strong feeling that the CHANGE is possible. Be excited about it every single day with confidence! Never give up until you see the results that you want in life!
This coaching blog lists down 5 ways to be stay focused in life.
What do you do to stay focused in your life? I would love to hear from you as well.