The development and the sublimation of the sexual energy!
Is it possible to enhance and sublimate the sexual energy to achieve big goals in your life?
This question has gained popularity considerable due to the ongoing development and penetration of the Eastern teachings into our cultural environment in the recent years. It should be noted that working with sexual energy has long been considered an important issue in a number of cultures. The Indian and Taoist cultures are the most famous. However, this subject is known in the far west - at least in the books of the philosopher Carlos Castaneda, the work of the sublimation sexual energy is described from the Yaqui Indians also. It is claimed that this tradition is ancient and dates back to the pre-Columbian times.
The cultivation and sublimation of male and female sexual energy has long occupied the minds of advanced people. You don't need to be a subtle observer to realize how important sex plays in a person's energy picture. Feelings before and after the act, all sensations from the prolonged abstinence, the general ratio of the corresponding impulses in thoughts. The link between sex and performance is different from the link between sex and creativity. It is enough just to observe at least oneself for a short time to make sure that sexual energy makes up such a significant part of our total energy that it is an unforgivable mistake to waste it. Not in the sense of a sin or some kind of prohibition, but it is simply irrational in the terms of costs. After all, you can, without wasting this energy, so to speak, invest it in your own development and use it at a more subtle level. Fortunately, in the modern world, all theory and techniques are no longer a secret on this matter. So, let's get down to considering an issue.
The essence.
What exactly is the sublimation? In this case, it is the transformation of sexual energy into some other activity, for example. Or purification of this very sexual energy and using it as another method - which is also your positive life transformation. What I mean? If you observe yourself, then notice that thanks to the sexual feelings for life, a desire is aroused for a certain state of consciousness, expanded in relation to the usual. A certain reflection of which can be caught for a short time after a successful act. However, in the modern world, the vast majority of people are not too enlightened in the energy issues and believe that sexual attraction and the attraction of the flesh to the flesh are one and the same.
Indeed, the physical side of the sexual process on consciousness has a fundamental influence, often overshadowing more subtle moments completely. What is programmed in a person's sexual sensations and expectations?
I can say that, obviously, an instinctive continuation is programmed in them; the desire for pleasant sensations that affects the preservation and health maintaining, both physical and mental (the ancients were well aware of this!); in fact, the feeling of the possibility of sublimation - a transformation from the rough into the subtle.
In this article, we are only interested in the last point "What is the sexual sublimation in terms of its mechanism?" In the process of entering the sexual areas of sensations, your consciousness turns from material objects and bodies to thoughts of a different order and of a different nature paradoxically. Usually this is felt somewhere on the edge, but if you surrender to this feeling and develop it, you can achieve completely unexpected results of an order that is already spiritual completely. This has been well known at all times, and it is for this that the cultivation and sublimation of male and female sexual energy was developed as a discipline.
A Great Power!
In the book about the Yaki Indians, the philosopher Castaneda argued explicitly that sexual energy is the only power that we really possess. And that we can turn it into something very powerful. Indeed, of all human feelings, it is sexual desire that can be called the most powerful. Sometimes it is completely irresistible.
Just remember all significant examples from history and culture. A sensual desire of a sexual nature can capture a person so strongly and subjugate him that he puts his reputation, the future, life itself at a stake, and puts everything at the feet of the desired goal. What a trap lies in this feeling?! And what fruit can it bear if is curbed and directed correctly? By controlling his sexual energy, a person can easily develop any qualities he wants and therefore he can get what he wishes in this world. Whether it's a keen and deep imagination, strong intuition, willpower, a variety of creativity, discipline which will lead to the brilliant career, better health, interesting insights and so on.
Of course, sublimation is not easy at all (like everything in this life), instinct is a very powerful thing, and not everyone can fight it. It depends on man's character to master it. Sexual attraction is an integral part of us from birth. We cannot suppress it, destroy it or forget about it. This energy requires an outlet constantly, it prowls around the corners of our spirit and body, touching the strings of our heart simultaneously and is kindling a fire inside.
The knowledge of the sexual energy as a driving force has long been in the treasury of humanity. Recently, science has confirmed the intuitive fact that the most significant results in creativity, business, and many other areas of life are achieved by people with highly developed sexual feelings. Who, I emphasize, were able to subjugate, organize and use it in their work competently.
The connection of times.
Taoist sages formulated a picture once of how energy is acquired and spent throughout life. From their point of view, for example, a young healthy person earns 100% of his energy per day through food, rest and exercise, and spends 60-70%. With age, credit becomes smaller and expenses exceed income, as a result of which the body begins to borrow energy from vital organs, which leads to a gradual degradation of the body.
The volume of this article does not allow me to consider the development and the sublimation of male and female sexual energy in different systems with specific examples completely. I note, however, that this practice is very subtle, refined and requires a mentor like me or at least a comprehensive understanding of what you are working with.
Stay healthy and don't waste energy in vain!