?Development of a Decision-Making Strategy - under uncertainty - based on Swiss Experience?
Copyright ? D. S. Kircher, DBA candidate

?Development of a Decision-Making Strategy - under uncertainty - based on Swiss Experience?


The recruitment branch for the Swiss health care sector is completely different to other labour branches. Exact forecasts of demands for special skilled healthcare workforce are not possible.

The objectives of this project are to find the right development of a decision-making strategies, based on Swiss labour market. The most basic idea of strategy is the application of strength against weakness. Or, if you prefer, strength applied to the most promising opportunity. The standard modern treatment of strategy has expanded this idea into a rich discussion of potential strengths, today called “advantages.” We will delight our customers with unique, less cost intensive and self-determinate solutions to cope their variable demands of temporary workforce. We will grow revenue by at least 20% each year.

There are almost 281 hospitals in our small country Switzerland. 36% are hospitals for general care, 64% are special clinics and birth centers. The number of hospitals is declining, especially because hospitals are merging. 30% of hospitals are assigned to several locations (Federal Statistical Office, u.n,URL: bfs.admin.ch, 3rd of February 2019). Nevertheless, the tendencies for healthcare specialists is increasing. The healthcare sector is the biggest employee market in Switzerland.

Job seeking candidates view: more flexible and self-determined online-ways to find temporary working places for physicians and nurses are attractive.

Over the last twenty years, the volume of temporary work has increased per grew by an average of 9.7% year on year. Difficult economic conditions, uncertainties and upheavals in the global economy Economic Order - Technologizing and Globalization are the key words here. They have led to an increasing demand from companies for flexible personnel solutions too (Peter Spichiger et al., swissstaffing 2015).

The worst business scenario needs to be also included in a decision-making process. Successful companies need to making alliances, they were doing 360-degree feedback, they were looking for foreign markets and other influence factors, they were setting (R. P. Rumelt, 2011, page 27).

Our survey with Swiss HealthCare Mangers in hospitals, from 17th of December 2018, helped us to identify customer’s needs. The upcoming GigJobs online working-pool for special skilled health care staff, will be the first Swiss platform in this way. Therefore, it is not a new market but a completely new way to fulfil customer needs in a more efficient and self-terminated and automated way.

People normally think of strategy in terms of action—a strategy is what an organization does. But strategy also embodies an approach to overcoming some difficulty. Identifying the difficulties and obstacles will give you a much clearer picture of the pattern of existing and possible strategies.

Our concept of the kernel defines the logic of a strategy—the bare-bones minimum. For a strategy to have any bite, it must chart a direction based on a diagnosis of the situation and market. Absent a diagnosis, one cannot judge one’s own choice of an overall guiding policy, much less someone else’s choice. A strategy must also translate the overall directive into coordinated action focused on key points of leverage in the situation (R. P. Rumelt, 2011, page 282-284).

For more information and results, don't hesitate to contact me:

Dirk S. Kircher, DBA candidate

E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +41 76 47 268 27

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