Are Development Centres more effective than traditional Performance Reviews?
The Development Company (DCo)
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The requests that we receive for the provision of bespoke Development Centres have definitely increased in the past 5 years and 2023 has them at an all time high.
We believe in their value, having seen it first-hand. We know the methodology we use makes the process robust, and that the results can often be game-changing for professional development and performance levels.
It is interesting to hear that there are emerging schools of thought which propose their use ahead of the more traditional methods of performance review. This thinking is based on the belief that Development Centres consistently prove more effective than traditional performance reviews in terms of improving employee performance and development.
Some of the latest findings on this topic indicate the following factors in support of the use of Development Centres for performance acceleration:
In our experience, all of the above are likely or potential outcomes of a Development Centre, when it is not provided as a generic experience. Therefore we can agree that there is an argument for using them alongside traditional methods of performance review. Done effectively however, performance reviews can achieve similar outcomes, but this is more reliant on a consistent approach and continuous process than a Development Centre. All to often traditional reviews are deemed or doomed to be less effective as a direct result of how they are undertaken or perceived.
When tailored to match a real development or performance need, Development Centres are hugely impactful. Bespoke design, expert facilitation, using trained internal or external observers means that they are consistent, objective and as a result are more likely to achieve lasting improvement in employee performance, engagement, and development and that is what makes them a most valuable tool to organisations.