Developing your Motivation
Vijay Singh
Empowering High-Achievers to Break Through Barriers and Realize Their Full Potential | Purpose Coach Dedicated to Turning Your Challenges into Triumphs | Partnering with You to Transform Ambitions into Achievements
Hi, my name is Vijay Singh and I’m a Purpose Coach and Trainer, specializing in Management and Personal development. And this article is about Developing your Motivation.
Thinking about motivating yourself, this quote by Henry Ford, always comes to mind –
“If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’ll probably right always.”
And a much older quote from Buddha says the same.
“The mind is everything. What you think you become? “
So, what you think will drive your motivation and your ability to succeed in things?
Having a positive mindset can be the difference between achieving or not achieving. Sometimes it’s even the difference between showing up and not showing up. Simply it’s the way you look at things. Some people are positive naturally positive about life and see the good in things that come their way, while some others still dwell on the negative. So, are you a positive or a negative person in a well-used cliché - Do you think your glass is half full, or half empty?
Well, we all have the glass. It’s how are we view it and what we fill it with that makes the difference.
Did you know - That people have about 75,000 thoughts per day? But for some people, 60 to 75% to some nearly ? are negative. You know how it goes. “Oh, it’s awful”, “No, I can’t”, “Ohh, I can’t think of it” “Ohh, this is boring”, “Of, not that again?”, “I’m sure this won’t work again?” and so on. Do you recognize any of those? Do you ever think, or say them, of course we all do this. But if you look at just the amount you use them that makes the difference, because thinking negative thoughts can become an automatic response. Responding in a particular way soon becomes a habit. So, if you are in this habit of thinking negatively, this will drain your motivation, because motivation has to come from within.
Scientists defined Motivation as your general willingness to do something. It’s a set of psychological forces that compel you to take action. So, to be able to tap into your Motivation you need to create a positive mental attitude. The TIMES magazine wrote – “If you can master motivation, you could deal with any setbacks as well as inspire others to always find a way forward.”
So, people fall into two different categories. And these are often described as - Away from people and Towards people. Away from people are motivated by the need to avoid problems when they recognize something could or is going wrong and are then motivated to take action. And they talk mainly about avoiding problems. Most people are motivated by goals. They seek out challenges and want results. and they talk about getting things done, achieving things. So, think about where you are, what you are. Are you an Away from, or are you Towards person?
We are what we think we are. And to change, we have to change our inner dialog. If you are in a habit of thinking more negative thoughts than positive thoughts, then try and stop the negative thoughts. If you in general speaking, an away from person, so you wouldn’t really do things if it’s going to cause your problem and try and change your thoughts to being a towards person, who feels more motivated to achieve things rather to avoid things going wrong.
So, to do this, to become a more positive person and increase our motivation, we have to develop positive habits.
The first one and the easiest one is
SMILE, smiling releases endorphins and makes us feel better, even if we are only smiling at ourselves in the mirror. But also pass on your smile, smile at someone else, and they will normally smile back at you, which in turn makes you feel better and you make someone else feel better too.
Look for the positive in every situation. Sometimes it can be easy to find in other situations we have to dig deep. But it’s usually bad if we dig deep enough. Give them the same compliments. People like to hear nice things about themselves. And that pleasure will be reflected back to you, and may you feel better. When things go wrong, as they will, think about what you can learn from it. There is no such thing as a failure, only a matter of experience is the mindset that makes the difference.
And don’t worry, as it takes up energy. Most things we worry about will actually never happen. So, either stop worrying about a situation or make a decision about it and take action.
Eliminate Negative Language. Catch yourself thinking negative thoughts and intercept them with a positive thought before they have chance to come out of your mouth. Stop saying I’m worried about or saying, I can’t. instead use - I will do this. See potential in every situation. See what you can learn by accepting invites, network with others, embrace the world, it is interesting place. Think, how can I do better? Everything you do, not in a dissatisfied way, but within a positive way.
And lastly, have purpose in everything you do, which means setting goals. Think about what you learn to do, what you want to have, or what you want to be. Write your goal, and then visualize it in imagine yourself achieving that goal. Have that picture in your head. If you can imagine yourself doing it or having it, this connects your brain with your goal. It is so much easier to get motivated if you know exactly what you want or need to do.
So, write an action plan and develop habits that will get you there. One of the main keys to getting motivated is to make it easy to start. So have a plan, know exactly what you’re going to do today, tomorrow at the day after, rather than sitting there wondering where to start. Train your mind to think positive thoughts, seek out motivated people because they will motivate you as well. And remember, setting goals will make a difference and celebrate your success, whether it is large, small or medium, celebrate all the successes for you that you have. Remember, motivation comes from within by developing a positive inner dialog. You will make your glass half full, because we all have the glass.
How you think about it will decide whether it’s half full or half empty.
Getting motivated is the key to your success. So go out there, make a plan and get on with it.
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