The one who influences others to follow only is a leader with certain limitations. The one who influences others to lead others is a leader without limitations. As Andrew Carnegie said, no man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or to get all the credit for doing it.

To know how to do a job is the accomplishment of labour;

To be available to tell others is the accomplishment of the teacher;

To inspire others to do better work is the accomplishment of management;

To be able to do all three is the accomplishment of true leaders.

This topic will focus on the importance of developing people to share in and assist you with the implementation of your dreams as a leader. The thesis is: "The more people you develop, the greater the extent of your dreams."

I have observed that there are three levels of people/work skills:

Level 1: The person who helps people better with people is a follower.

Level 2: The person who helps people work better is a manager

Level 3: The person who develops better people to work is a leader


  1. Make the right assumptions about people
  2. Ask the right questions about people and
  3. Give the right assistance to people

?SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DEVELOPERS . . . .?MAKE THE RIGHT ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT PEOPLE: The one who influences others to lead is a leader without limitations. People tend to become what the?most important people in their lives think they will become


  1. ?Everyone wants to feel worthwhile:

  • People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care
  • Failure is the opportunity to begin more Intelligently

  1. Everyone needs and responds to encouragement: People do what people see
  2. People "buy into" the leader before they "buy into" his or her leadership: Too often we expect people to be loyal to the position of a leader instead of the person who occupies that position. But people are not motivated by organizational charts, they respond to people. The first thing a leader must declare is not to authority because of rights, but authority because of relationships. People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.
  3. Most people do not know how to be successful: Most people think that success is learning how to never fails. But that's not true. Success is learning from failure. Failure is the opportunity to begin more intelligently. Failure only truly becomes failure when we do not learn from it.
  4. Most people are naturally motivated: Just watch a one-year-old try to explore and find out what is in a house. That is natural motivation.


  1. Significant Contributions
  2. Goal Participation
  3. Positive dissatisfaction
  4. Recognition
  5. Clear expectations


  1. Don’t belittle anyone
  2. Don't manipulate anyone
  3. Don't be insensitive
  4. Don't discourage personal growth


?AM I BUILDING PEOPLE OR AM I BUILDING MY DREAM AND USING PEOPLE TO DO IT? This question deals with the leader's motives. There is a slight but significant difference between manipulation and motivation:

?Manipulation is moving together for my advantage

Motivation is moving together for mutual advantage


The Ten Commandments of Confrontation

  1. Do it privately, not publicly
  2. Do it as soon as possible. That is more natural than waiting a long time.
  3. Speak to one issue at a time. Don't overload the person with long list of issues.
  4. Once you have made a point don't keep repeating it.
  5. Deal only with actions the person can change> If you ask the person to do something he or she is unable to do, frustration builds in your relationship
  6. Avoid sarcasm. Sarcasm signals that you are angry at people, not at their actions, and may cause them to resent you
  7. Avoid words like always and never, They usually detract from accuracy and make people defensive.
  8. Present criticisms as suggestions or questions if possible.
  9. Don't apologize for the confrontational meeting. Doing so detracts from it and may indicate you are not sure you had the right to say what you did.
  10. Don't forget the compliments. Use what I call the "sandwich" in these types of meetings: Compliment - Confront - Compliment. "


?The following test is one I have found useful and have given to my own staff

?Am I a Good Listener? Give yourself four points if the answer to the following question is Always; three points for Usually; two for Rarely; and one for Never

?____ Do I allow the speaker to finish without interrupting?

____ Do I listen "between the line"; that is, for the subtext?

____When writing a message, do I listen for and write down the key facts and phrases?

____ Do I repeat what the person just said to clarify the meaning?

____Do I avoid getting hostile and/or agitated when I disagree with the speaker?

____Do I tune out distractions when listening?

____Do I make an effort to seem interested in what the other person is saying?


26 or higher: you are an excellent listener

22-25: Better than average score

18-21: Room for improvement here.

17 or lower: Get out there right away and practice your listening

"The biggest mistake you can make in trying to talk convincingly is to put your highest priority on expression your ideas and feelings. What most people really want is to be listened to, respected, and understood. The moment people see that they are being understood, they become more motivated to understand your point of view"

?What are the Major strengths of this Individual?

?Have I placed a high priority on the Job?

?Have I shown the value the person will receive from this relationship?


?I need to work out their strengths and work on their weaknesses: The question that as a leader I must continually ask is not, "How hard does this person work?" "How much does this person accomplish?". Some of the most capable people in an organization never utilize their greatest strengths. They may be locked into what management considers important jobs, and they may do them well. But they may never get an opportunity to do what they can do best. When this happens, everybody loses. The person loses because of lack of opportunity and lack of job satisfaction; the organization loses because it wastes some of its most valuable assets. The whole venture operates at less than capacity.

?I must give them myself: You can impress people at a distance but you can impact them only up close.

  • List all the people you spent 30 minutes with this week
  • Did you initiate the time or did they?
  • Did you have an agenda before the meeting?
  • Was the meeting for the purpose of relationships, counselling, communication, or development?
  • Was it a win-win meeting?
  • Was it with the influential top 20% or the lower 80%?

Love everyone, but give yourself to the top 20% in your organization. Encourage the many; mentor the few. Be transparent with them. Develop a plan for their growth. Become a team.

?I must give them ownership: People want to be appreciated, not impressed. They want to be regarded as human beings, not as sounding boards for other people's egos. They want to be treated as an end in themselves, Not as a means toward the gratification of another's vanity.

?I must give them every chance for success: My responsibility as a leader is to provide assistance for those who work with me by giving them:

  • ?An excellent atmosphere to work in. It should be positive, warm, open, creative and encouraging.
  • The right tools to work with. Do not hire excellent people to do excellent work with average tools.
  • A continual training program to work under. Growing employees make growing companies.
  • Excellent people to work for. Develop a team. Coming together is the beginning. Working together is a success.
  • A compelling vision to work toward. Allow your people to work for something larger than themselves.


  • People development takes time
  • People skills are essential for success
  • Be a model that others can follow
  • Lead others by looking through their eyes
  • Leaders must care for people before they can develop them
  • People developers look for opportunities to build up people
  • The greatest potential for growth of a company is a growth of its people

?People divide themselves into four classes:

  1. Those who always do less than they are told
  2. Those who will do what they are told, but no more.
  3. Those who will do things without being told.
  4. Those who will inspire others to do things.

?It's up to you.

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