Developing A Team
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”-Henry Ford.
Whether a manager, a leader or any position which requires us to be held responsible for the performance of not just others but of the organization or either to achieve bigger pre-established goals or objectives, having a team behind us and with us working together in all of their individual unique personalities realizing and meeting the common goal as well as having their own personal goals being seen and met calls for a successful teamwork which leads to realizing that the teams’ success equates to ours. And not only that, but the ability to inspire, motivate and develop the varied team members is critical as the higher we climb up the leadership ladder, the more we depend on the success and strengths of others to achieve key objectives and goals. So, let us dive our thoughts into how we keep a team together, motivate the members and develop them all together in their various individual and unique contributions.
"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot: together we can do great things." - Mother Teresa. This quote establishes that a good leader is only as good as the team that he has and acknowledges it fully.
Hence, team development signifies bringing together engaged individuals who were once working with an independent mind-set and transition them into working interdependently and cooperatively, from working separately into working cohesively in a group setting.
This in turn forms a creative environment where not only their unique voices and individual ideas and personality come together but they are being heard, acknowledged, and therefore strengthens the teamwork, cooperation, productivity, and trust-building.?
Developing the team and its members involves strategic thinking because it involves aligning the cognitive, emotional, behavioural, and motivational aspects of the team members’ capabilities and resources with the significant requirements of the team’s formation purpose, goals and demands.
Thus, we need to understand team development which leads us to come back to the basics of when a team is decided upon and planned for initially and that is to make sure that the team members know in detail what their job description and role will be and specify it for them in depth.
It can be done by briefing them individually and as a team what the job requires of them, what/how they are required to perform and how their role in the team fits into reaching the success of the team.
Also, it would be of utmost importance to enquire the team members of how they perceive their job role, what their expectations are, their personal goals and hence develop them by aligning what needs to be achieved to accomplish the set goals.
Accordingly, for this purpose, proper and skilful training needs to be developed based on the individual’s set of requirements. Also, continue to include offering bonus training to enhance their competencies so they can assume future roles and responsibilities.
This being done, allow them to apply what they’ve learned and through their experiences as well into the teamwork with simultaneously showcasing a level of trust and confidence in them which will enhance, motivate, and empower them to take up and handle their job responsibilities thus being effective and successful team players.
With being team members, growth and development is crucial as individuals and a team which will be ensured that it is on a continuous basis only when the team members are being held accountable for their actions and performances. It can be done by evaluating and reviewing them, celebrate their successes and accomplishments and provide constructive feedbacks on areas where they need progress. Create an honest, supportive, open environment where their individual creativity is encouraged in performing and where feedback is appreciated and implemented to improve. Also, developing the team members by recognizing and attending to the challenges they face, provide remedies, and encourage them to take up certain challenges which will equip them to be skilful and tactful. It is also crucial to remember that as much as we want the team to be intact, we need to recognize those who have reached and surpass their required potential for their role on the team and allow them to move on to the next steps of their career. To develop the team and ensure steady flow and growth we need to realize that each grows at their own pace so for those who desire progress, provide stretch assignments, challenges and track their development progress accordingly. Lastly and most importantly, trust-building is a must among the team as the team needs to know that they can trust us, and they can trust each other as being members of the team. Lead and treat with dignity, respect, and mandate the same among the team members with letting them know that each is valuable to the team.
Developing the team members is one of the most important responsibilities of a team leader/manager as it will help the members to achieve their personal best which in return, the team will give the best in their performances and being team players for the success of the team.