Developing a stronger sense of resilience
Chutisa Bowman
Empowering Boomers to Thrive: Transpersonal change catalyst, Creative Strategist, Longevity & aging well Specialist at Catalyst for Change Media.
Chances are, at some point, we'll all be confronted with adversity; whether it’s the loss of a job or loved one, sickness, or even disaster. And without resilient strength behind us those experiences can leave us feeling helpless and trapped in our own minds – sometimes turning to unhealthy means for coping such as substance abuse and eating disorders out of desperation.?Don't let that happen!
When faced with challenges, we can learn to develop and strengthen our sense of inner strength. By cultivating inner reserves now, we're setting ourselves up for different possibilities down the line. Rebounding from obstacles has never been easier!
So, what is resilience, exactly?
Resilience is the superpower we all possess! It's like bouncing back from any hiccup life throws our way with strength, perseverance, and enthusiasm. This could be anything from overcoming negative criticism or disappointment to managing stress in tough times - whatever it may be, resilience allows you to keep on going no matter what.
With a positive outlook and the right coping strategies, we'll be better able to navigate stressors. In moments when everything seems lost, being resilient means having confidence in ourselves – knowing no hardship can keep our spirit down for long; believing anything is possible with determination and perseverance!
Simply put, resilience is the ability to bounce back from tough times and keep moving forward, even when things don't go as planned. But how do we develop this ability? Well, here are a few tips that can help!
Resilience gives us an edge when life throws curveballs
Confronting challenges can feel intimidating or even defeatist, but these moments can also become an opportunity for us to learn some invaluable things. For instance, we can start by recognizing our personal strength and resilience – our awareness of this guides how much further we want to go!
Here are some practical tips to help you develop a stronger sense of resilience:
Shift Your Mindset: It is essential to recognize that adaptability plays a key role in expertly navigating through highly stressful moments. It's normal to feel a little uneasy when life throws us curveballs - don't fight it! Embracing that inner feeling of discomfort, along with balancing moments of serenity, can be the key to accepting and navigating through difficult times.
It may be daunting at first, but acknowledging and being in allowance of ourselves gives us the opportunity to learn more about ourselves. True resilience is having an allowance for what is. It's recognizing what is with no point of view and judgment of right or wrong, or good or bad. Sometimes things can be pretty intense and it's uncomfortable. But, we can give ourselves permission to flex into it. Accept the feeling for what it is, don't brush it away or try to suppress it.
By wanting to get rid of it, we are refusing the awareness that could be available from looking at it with allowance and possibility. Just be in allowance of it and step into it and let it be what it is. The choice to be with the intensity of it will give us the awareness of how to be with it. Only then can we learn to recognize and work with those intense emotions more effectively.
Being truly aware of what's going on inside us can open a lot of doors for growth. The willingness to be present and aware, to be in allowance of ourselves, is a potency that can change anything.
Take a few moments to see what it would feel like to be gentle with you and what that might feel like. And what that might open up in your life and what that might generate as a possibility
Cultivate a growth mindset: This means seeing challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than insurmountable obstacles. Being open to new possibilities, trying new things, and taking on challenges, even when it's difficult.
Instead of seeing setbacks as roadblocks, choose to see them as stepping stones on our journey to personal growth and development. Embrace the ups and downs of life as chances to become a better version of ourselves.
Instead of dwelling on the problem, choose to view setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Ask yourself: What else is possible? What else can I choose? What else can I be doing? What else do I know that I didn’t even know I knew? What else can I be or do that will generate something today? What can I learn from the experience, and how can I use that knowledge to create different possibilities?
Being truly aware of what's going on inside us can open a lot of doors for growth. When we view life's challenges as opportunities for growth, we're more likely to find solutions and overcome them.
Embrace change: Another way to utilize adversity and hardships as a generative factor is to embrace change. Change can be difficult, but it's also a necessary part of life. When we embrace change, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and possibilities, which can help us to grow and develop in ways we never thought possible. By embracing change, we learn to become more flexible, adaptable, and resilient, helping us to navigate life's challenges with ease and grace.
One way to utilize adversity as a learning factor is to reflect on our experiences. When we take the time to reflect on what we've been through, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We can identify patterns in our thinking and behavior, and learn from our mistakes, helping us to make better decisions in the future.
Acknowledging inner dialogue: Embracing that inner feeling of discomfort can have many rewards. Don't run away from your discomfort - jump in closer! We may gain insight into a hidden fixed point of view or limited perspective that we didn't know existed. By having curiosity rather than judgment towards our inner dialogue, we can deepen our understanding of core beliefs.
Our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us can be driven by preconceived beliefs. If we face this dialogue with curiosity and leave judgment by the wayside, we may just find opportunities to discover more about how these beliefs affect us greatly. Pushing boundaries makes us uneasy, it is normal, but accepting the discomfort and exploring what lies beyond is where understanding deepens. We understand ourselves by really listening to ourselves not judging or immediately trying to fix what presents itself.
Let's get curious and embrace the challenge! Instead of feeling scared, let's appreciate this opportunity to face any discomfort head-on. It takes courage to intentionally tackle all that comes with discomfort but we can do it. It may be hard to think outside the box and go down new paths but pushing boundaries can lead to great discoveries. You never know what may be waiting around the corner if you bravely just take that first step and move forward.?
Every day we face challenges, big and small. It’s how we deal with those challenges that determine whether they make us stronger or weaker. Acknowledging our struggles can be a powerful tool for building inner strength. By embracing our challenges, being kind to ourselves, and viewing them as opportunities, we can develop resilience, confidence, and self-assurance—traits that will help us thrive even in the face of adversity. So next time you’re feeling down about a difficult situation, remember that it’s an opportunity to grow into your best self. And choose to become more resilient.
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