Developing Proper Post-Career Views of Life
Work-Life Balance Time Management (WLB)
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This article originally appeared at Rethinking65.
Where do Your Clients’ Views of Retirement Come From?
Advisors need to ask about a client’s experiences, both personal and professional, to understand their vision of post-career life. However, clients need to also ask this of themselves.
Neighborhood gatherings, both planned and spontaneous, are common in my 55-plus community. Residents bring lawn chairs along with their beverages of choice and snacks and set up in someone’s driveway to enjoy a little fellowship.
My wife and I recently grabbed our stuff and joined one of these get-togethers. It was eye-opening. Of those assembled, we were the only ones closer to 55 than 75. We still work. We’re soon to be grandparents, but many others had multiple grandchildren, some in their teenage years. The conversations ranged from local to global.
The Smiths are selling their place in Building 7. The new people are not picking up after their dog. High inflation is producing murderous grocery bills. The homeowners’ association’s plan to fix the erosion behind Building 13 is behind schedule. The war in Ukraine. Current personal medical issues and challenges. The cost of healthcare. The death of a relative.
Please, don’t get me wrong. I have great neighbors and really enjoy where I live. But everyone is retired, so no one asks, “What do you do for a living?” or “How’s the business coming?” Work is not a part of their living equation. My wife and I realized we needed to adapt to our audience better and be ready to engage in meaningful conversations that relate to their station in life.
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David Buck is the author of the book The Time-Optimized Life, owner of Kairos Management Solutions, LLC, and founder of the Infinity Lifestyle Design program. David helps individuals, teams and businesses “in-career” create more time flexibility in their lives. In addition, assists individuals and couples craft a “post-career” lifestyle strategy of meaning and purpose. To learn more, contact him at [email protected] or visit Infinity Lifestyle Design.