Developing a Positive Attitude
Coach Ranjana Ghoshal
Strategic Peak Performance & AI Productivity Coach for Business & Corporate Leaders | Brand Booster l Leadership & Team Building Training for Corporates lAuthor | Podcast Host | 16+Yrs |
To be positive in an extremely negative atmosphere can be tough. But a simple trick to control your thoughts is to choose what you allow your mind to take in. Choosing whether to react to the situation or not. If you react, it can sabotage your peace & if you don’t, it can either ruin your relationship or save it. Your reaction is not always needed. Sometimes being silent and observing the situation will help you understand more.
Here are 5 ways to stay positive in negative situations –
Bad attitude often ruins relationships. It can be anything like – your anger, being negative or overthinking all the time, etc. Bad attitude not only affects your own health but also the mindset of the people around you. People start losing interest and respect towards you. To build up a different attitude, it is essential to have a positive attitude.
Here are a few steps to help you out –
Having a strong attitude doesn't mean you have to be positive & happy all the time. It simply means to be able to handle situations more maturely by understanding the other person's point of view as well. If you truly want to be successful, your number one task should be to adjust your attitude towards yourself as well as others.
Here are a few steps to take to enhance your attitude towards yourself –
Here are steps to take to enhance your attitude towards others –
Your actions and reactions towards other individuals can determine the end result of the interaction. Take responsibility for your actions, thoughts and feelings. No one can make you feel any way that you do not want to feel.
Ranjana Ghoshal
Leadership & Peak Performance Coach | Author | Speaker