The developing leader
photo by @jenndelic

The developing leader

To de-ve-lop, literally means to unwrap. To take or rip off the bandages and use what you already have inside, to let that shine. I think you know, but do you really live it?

For me, it is an ongoing process. Just when I think for one second that I am doing really well and I have mastered life, something shows me (most of the time that is really painful first) that I have more to learn, and that I am capable of more. It is beautiful, that feeling, that knowing of endless expansion.

Development begins with creating more awareness, about yourself, your values, talents, challenges, intentions and what goes on around you of course. But then it always turns out: ????’?? ??????, ????’?? ???????????? ???? ??????. The Buddha already said it: reality is what you think off. You create your own reality, no matter what the rest of the world throws at you.

As a leader, you know that development is important, also for your people. But do you really feel and communicate the beauty of being the best version of yourself, connecting deeper with others and thereby having more positive impact in the world? To be your best. Not for applause, not for any other external reason but as a way of honoring your life, love and consciousness, or pure intelligence?

Of course, some have heavier burdens to carry than others and you will always have shitty moments and setbacks. But you are resilient and capable of more than you think. Science also proves it! Just a few important concepts that play a role and are worth becoming more aware off:

-Growth vs fixed mindset. Carol Dweck already did research about it 30 years ago. You can be or become a person with a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. You know that you can and will grow, you want to make mistakes to learn, that motivates you to try even a little bit harder, to dare to take risks.

- Negativity bias. We have a natural tendency to give more weight to the negative. Negative emotions literally take up more room in our brain. We have more words for that. Scientists say it is evolution based, it paid off to look out for the sable tooth tiger. Good to remember, when there are no tigers around.

- Neuroplasticity. Turns out the brain is more malleable and flexible than we think. Not only when we are a child. Connectivity between neurons in the brain keeps on changing with new experiences. We can increase neural growth by our actions, practice, rest and nutrition. When we get older, we only have to work harder for it.

- Emotional Intelligence really rocks: Daniel Coleman shows us with decades of research that we (and our organizations) can have more great, productive days and consistent growth when we cultivate self- awareness, empathy, and other soft skills like really listening. And again: instead of IQ, EI can improve when we get older.

-Tiny habits. You don’t have to change overnight. Research shows that it even works best for most people if you take small steps at a time. Your body and mind get used to the change and so you grow. It’s great, try to start doing five pushups before going to bed for instance, if you want to become more fit. Or one, if you really have work to do??

- Change your perspective. Visualize what you want to achieve or feel. Top athletes also do it. They also try to be grateful every day. Think of something you were really grateful for today. I heard an ex athlete say she had the “Yes, but” way of thinking: Yes, this went wrong, I did not succeed ( and really feel that), but I did do this and this and this today.

I will leave you with this, and wish you all the development in the world, the rest of your life. And the self- compassion you deserve along the way.

The developing leader is nr. 3 of the 5 elements of my framework for conscious personal leadership. Look at for the framework.

Guido Deuzeman is a coach and trainer for leaders and professionals. He is a former advisor to political leaders and CEO’s. Want to connect or give feedback? Interested in coaching @ Development is Qi? DM or send an email to [email protected]. Website:


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