Developing a feeding system for rabbits using tropical feed resources with a low carbon footprint
The foliage from sweet potato offers a range of benefits which justifies it being considered as the logical basal diet for rabbits in the humid tropics. When managed as a perennial forage, the biomass yield is high with the added advantage that the plant can be harvested continuously as the sole diet of rabbits. It also offers flexibility because if the availability of foliage from sweet potato exceeds the demand, the plant can then be left to complete the growth cycle with the tubers serving as a source of carbohydrate for human consumption or as a source of energy-rich feed for livestock.
Key words:?broken rice, paddy rice, sweet potato, water spinach
T R Preston
Centro para la Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuaria (CIPAV), Carrera 25 No 6-62, Cali, Colombia
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