Developing an Effective Presentation for the Medical Science Liaison Interview

Developing an Effective Presentation for the Medical Science Liaison Interview

A key deciding factor of the MSL interview is the presentation. A well-structured presentation not only showcases your ability to analyze complex scientific information, but also identify key messages and present logical arguments. Today we will discuss how to craft an effective presentation for an MSL interview.

Choose the Right Topic

The first step in preparing your presentation is choosing the right topic. It should be something new and relevant to the company you’re interviewing with. You don’t necessarily need to be an expert in the topic, but you should do enough research to understand why it’s important. Look for high-profile journals and new developments in the field. Make sure the topic is interesting and at least somewhat related to what the company is doing.

Preparation and Research

Go to the company’s website and review their press releases. Dig back through their phase one, two, and three trials. Look for any relevant data you can use to leverage a standout presentation.

Present with Confidence

During the presentation, it’s important to be confident, but also humble. Remember, you’re not the expert in the room. Be comfortable with admitting what you don’t know. If you’re asked a question you don’t know the answer to, it’s okay to say, “That’s a great question. I’m not sure of the answer, but I can get back to you.”

Q&A Session

Some questions will be straightforward, while others will be designed to push you. Answer what you can, but also be aware of your limits. If you don’t know the answer, admit it and offer to find out and get back to them.

Prepare for Technical Difficulties

In today’s world, many interviews are conducted virtually. Make sure your technology is up to par. Practice sharing your screen and make sure your your browser and any apps you’ll be using are all up to date. Be aware of your surroundings and eliminate any potential distractions.


Crafting a presentation for an MSL interview requires careful topic selection, thorough research, and confident delivery. Remember, it’s not about being the smartest person in the room, but about showing your ability to learn, adapt, and communicate effectively.



