Developing Consistently Good Behavior
It happens very often that we behave badly with our loved ones, regret the episode, and then repeat the same mistake again. It is a vicious cycle that results in a stressful environment in our homes and workplaces.
We all realize that however taken for granted we might take some relationships to be there are only a finite number of engagements we have with our loved ones and ideally, we would like to make these encounters as fruitful as possible.
So how do we ensure that in our next encounter we would not repeat the same mistakes that we committed last week, mistakes like talking rudely, having hostile body language, or failing to understand differing points of view?
Unfortunately, merely being acquainted with our shortcomings is not enough to stop us from repeating our mistakes, just as a blind man cannot start seeing by merely realizing that his eyes are faulty, to see the blind man may have to undergo corrective surgery to get his sight back.
Similarly for us to ensure we do not repeat our mistakes we need to invest time in mindful meditation that ensures that at the critical juncture when we are interacting with our friends and family and a wave of anger, annoyance, or thought of disgust arise in our consciousness we are well prepared not to identify with such a negative thought and spoil everyone's mood and atmosphere. This is something we owe to people who care about us and meditation helps us fulfill this responsibility.
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