Developing commUNITY

Developing commUNITY

High functioning Unity is not about homogeneity nor conformity. It is driven by diversity and the collective Wisdom that comes from different perspectives... across age, color, ethnicity, gender, temperament and so very much more. My work and Service centers around what I affectionately call the Wholly Three... exploring and moving the proverbial needle on 3 fundamental forces for cool and constructive change... Character, Purpose and Unity.

In my observation, experience and education through 44+ years in leadership training and development, I have seen how Character practiced forges clarity of Purpose, and how clarity of Purpose facilitates finding our natural and noble place in that higher functioning Unity. It is my deep (and I humbly suggest, hard and well earned) belief and contention that Character leads to Purpose which leads to Unity. The Wholly Three are our nobly human CPU, if you will... for an ever better world and future... at home, school, work, business and community.

In this article here today, I am intent on exploring a deeper sense of why I hold to the importance of high functioning Unity. In saying that, I am particularly inviting you to consider the "BIC Statement Exploring Social Cohesion as a Driver of Development.". Something to consider me thinks... social cohesion as a driver of sustaining and sustainable development at home, school, work, business, and community... locally, globally and glocally... what I call that high functioning Unity... for a better world and future.

In this special edition of A PEACE of WORK and in order to consider the referenced BIC Statement Exploring Social Cohesion as a Driver of Development, let us first examine Consideration as a Virtue; a Strength of Character... ever leading us toward better Discernment and Decisiveness. I offer that the Strength that is Consideration is both cognitively and emotionally centered. So, I encourage us to consider the Virtue that is Consideration...

Consideration in practice is... thinking about what others need, thoughtful of feelings... speaking gently, with Tact...

... and holding ideas, thoughts and decisions with care and Discernment.

Consideration considers people, thoughts, ideas, circumstances, environments, resources, impacts and feelings... and more. Indeed, I offer up that Consideration is thought-full. It thinks. It is not simply about being kind. In fact, Kindness is but a result of Consideration. When we consider, we become considerate... and kind. That in mind and heart, when we consider, we think... not only about feelings, but ideas and impacts. When we consider, we give deliberate and conscious thought. And, we make better decisions.

So, in returning to the BIC Statement Exploring Social Cohesion as a Driver of Development... let us give due Consideration.

As a Baha'i, I am personally intent on giving such Consideration... to this Statement linked above. Yet, Baha'i or not, I think it worthy of same, for us all. So, here I offer up a direct link to the statement. That done, in it...

  • It refers to a "key reality of the contemporary world: that the roots of numerous global challenges lie in how human beings view, value, respond to, and relate to one another".
  • It goes on to say that "... social inclusion has long been recognized as one of the less clearly defined elements of the social development agenda".
  • ... and that "An essential need before the international community, then, is to deepen understanding of the process by which the relationships underlying the social fabric can be strengthened — and how such strengthening can assist a community to measurably improve its material and economic circumstances."
  • The Statement continues by saying, "Communities can and do, through their own efforts, grow more cohesive and inclusive. But the types of societies we seek do not come about merely as a natural consequence of expanded access to material resources. Were this the case, the world’s wealthiest nations would be models of equality, justice, sustainability, and social cohesion. Rather, such qualities must, themselves, be actively nurtured and prioritized."

And then there is this...

  • "As preparations for the Second World Summit for Social Development accelerate, it is increasingly recognized that human prosperity is determined as much by social, moral, and relational factors as by technological, material, and financial ones. Growing numbers look to their societies and, in addition to material hardships, they see standards of basic decency waning and capacity for good-faith dialogue ebbing. They see leaders and institutions of all kinds discredited by corruption and inadequacy. They see standards of right and wrong, truth and falsehood increasingly dismissed as irrelevant in favor of the pursuit of self-interest and the struggle for power. And, consequently, many are coming to feel that meaningful social development is ultimately impossible without the cultivation of trustworthiness and honesty, generosity and camaraderie, cooperation and a sense of?responsibility for the collective well-being."

I personally intend to return to a read, reflect and Consideration on this document and its links. I suggest it useful for any and all who might be thinking on community building, forward. That said, I also suggest Consideration of this around our "communities" at home, school, work, business and the greater communities, locally, globally and glocally.

There, in those more local "communities" we engage, I suggest that we do see "standards of basic decency waning and capacity for good-faith dialogue ebbing". We do see "leaders and institutions of all kinds discredited by corruption and inadequacy". We do see " standards of right and wrong, truth and falsehood increasingly dismissed as irrelevant in favor of the pursuit of self-interest and the struggle for power".

I believe in our Humanity. It is core to my being; Humanity over inhumanity. And many are trying to "do good". That noted, I am particularly drawn to "human prosperity is determined as much by social, moral, and relational factors as by technological, material, and financial ones"... as a statement of truth. Character matters in this.

After already exploring Virtues from Acceptance to Congruence... and here considering on Consideration... I am, yet again, reminded that Character is foundational to true progress and genuine prosperity. And, I am reminded that the ever growing attention to Stoicism speaks to this. Consider its Cardinal Virtues of Wisdom, Justice, Courage and Temperance.

Character and Consideration are grounded in Wisdom, Justice, Courage and Temperance. Wisdom to discern and decide diligently, avoiding the "knee jerk". Justice in seeking Fairness in any given situation. Courage to extend ourselves and resist when the demands of the knee jerk and reactionary come calling. Temperance to balance and discipline our response. That said, in Originators and Encouragers, I noted that the Universal House of Justice has described community as...

  • “more than the sum of its membership, it is a comprehensive unit of civilization composed of individuals, families and institutions that are originators and encouragers of systems, agencies and organizations working together with a common purpose for the welfare of people both within and beyond its own borders; it is a composition of diverse, interacting participants that are achieving Unity in an unremitting quest for spiritual and social progress."

Building such at home, school, work, business and the greater communities, locally, globally and glocally... requires the Wisdom, Justice, Courage and Temperance of Consideration. And, I suggest that it requires us to consider the statement offered.

I concern myself with those aforementioned 3 fundamental forces for cool and constructive change in the world and for a better future. One of those forces is Unity. And, for me, it is my Just Cause... Humans Together Strong. That noted...

First, I offer that we do give Consideration to three questions for home, school, work, business and community.

  • What do we see around us in terms of "standards of basic decency waning and capacity for good-faith dialogue ebbing"?
  • What do we see around us with regards to "leaders and institutions of all kinds discredited by corruption and inadequacy"?
  • What do we see around us speaking to " standards of right and wrong, truth and falsehood increasingly dismissed as irrelevant in favor of the pursuit of self-interest and the struggle for power"?

Second, with Wisdom, Justice, Courage and Temperance ... let us consider the statement in response to these questions. Let us consider what decency, good faith, Character, Trustworthiness, Integrity, Honor, and Truthfulness might look like at home, school, work, business and community... locally, globally and glocally. If we are to deepen an "understanding of the process by which the relationships underlying the social fabric can be strengthened—and how such strengthening can assist a community to measurably improve its material and economic circumstances"... then I suggest that we consider the return on decency, good faith, Character, Trustworthiness, Integrity, Honor, and Truthfulness.

Third, in considering the statement ... and what those 7 qualities of decency, good faith, Character, Trustworthiness, Integrity, Honor, and Truthfulness might look like in practice, then consider these 6 strategies for building such. Our Principles and Intentions matter. Our sense of Purpose matters. Our Nobility of Spirit, matters. It is a question of Character... if we are to build that high functioning Unity

... for that ever better world and future. With that considered, I simply and humbly encourage (a) the read, reflect and Consideration of the statement... and (b) exploring those 6 strategies for building such commUNITY forward. Social cohesion as a driver of development... indeed and in deed.

Ultimately, I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change, and creating it. My Life work and Service is intent on exploring and advancing on the role of congruent, confident, composed, compassionate and genuinely optimistic Character and Purpose to build high functioning Unity at home, school, work, business and community. I speak, teach, coach, mentor, write, blog, vlog, sing, dance, box and create to advance that work and Service. I offer that the BIC Statement Exploring Social Cohesion as a Driver of Development... is foundational to my work and Service... and with A PEACE of WORK and TUGtv. And, it is foundational to my belief in strong and assured steps, walking through Life.

If such cohesion and development through high functioning Unity is important to you and yours, I do sincerely invite you to ride alongside.

Peace, Purpose, Justice and Unity...

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

  • "I had the distinct pleasure of being in an audience in Montreal with Barry Lewis Green on the stage. Quite simply, Barry absolutely captivated us with his talent, his message, and his heart. The feeling of Unity that Barry created in the room that day was extraordinary. I absolutely recommend him for your meeting or event." --- Joe Calloway

  • "The Mount Pearl Paradise Chamber of Commerce were fortunate enough to have Barry Lewis Green as a presenter for a Webinar Series we recently offered. He was so engaged with his audience and made everyone feel valued. He brought excitement and energy to our session and certainly shared his passion and knowledge with us. We will certainly be having Barry back for another series. Thanks Barry for being so professional." --- Wanda Palmer

  • "I had the privilege of collaborating with Barry on one of our projects, Her Own Boss. His skill in value-based facilitation is nothing short of transformative. With a warm, inclusive teaching style, he connected deeply with our participants, helping them uncover their core values and guiding them in applying these principles to their businesses. I heard great things about him from our previous cohort and I witnessed that firsthand when I attended some of his sessions. If you're looking for someone who can train you/your team in values-driven facilitation, look no further than Barry." --- Serah Gazali

  • "The most learned or experienced person is not always the one who helps us grow and thrive. We all grow and thrive with those who ask the important questions in a loving and Noble manner - with the patience to allow our thinking to unfold, our feelings to emerge and our spirits to soar. This is what being in the same space with Barry is like. Working with Barry on #hUmaNITY is such a joy. I feel the excitement of standing before a blank canvas at the beginning of every gathering, exploring the depths of our creative energies throughout the conversations shared, and emerging at the end with a piece that I could not have painted singularly even on my best days. That is what conversations with Barry feels like. He is organized and efficient. Fearless and Bold. Lives with arms wide open.... and has the best questions (which begin with "I wonder....") asked in a most inclusive manner within a safe space that I often forget we are recording and that others will be witnessing our responses." --- Russell Zehtab

  • "Barry is compassionately honest. He has the talent to say what needs to be said in a way that people "get" it. His honesty and intelligence come through whether he is presenting on stage or just hanging out with friends. And...have you heard him sing? Man... he has a set of lungs that can wail a tune. Talented, smart and funny, when he takes the stage, he commands the stage." --- Lea Brovedani

  • "It takes immense strength of character to insistently amplify the goodness of every individual whose destiny crosses path with one’s own, no matter how briefly. This is who Barry is. The precious gift of Barry’s faith in you compels an irrepressible desire to show up as the best version of yourself. And in a world aching for radical hope and pragmatic wisdom, Barry is the gentle torch bearer whose light is constant amidst the maelstrom of fads. Should you then find your path intersecting with Barry’s, pause for a while in his companionship, and make space for the gift of his life-changing attention. I know because I paused. Barry, my heart continues to expand with immense gratitude for your indescribable presence. And this gift of an expanding heart, is priceless ??" --- Dr. Roslina Chai

  • "Working with Barry Lewis Green is a lovely silver lining to navigating through Covid times. We connected for thoughtful monthly Digital Coffees. Barry’s ease with the art of meaningful conversation and asking questions that inspire me to dig deeper always result in a joy-filled journey through many topics. I am one of many colleagues Barry engages with regularly for TUG TV - so many topics, something truly for everyone! Barry’s charismatic personality and zeal for life makes it an absolute joy to work on any project with him. And just wait until Barry launches his BOXSA project!" --- Elaine Dunphy

  • "Barry has a presence...I have known of Barry’s work for many years but have gotten to know him as a friend and colleague within the past five. Whether it be in person or during a presentation, he has the uncanny ability to pull on all of your emotions while driving home key messages that provide personal clarity. Barry’s presentation skills can be explained as ‘heavy metal hits’ meets ‘folk tunes’ meets ‘sounds of nature’. He has an arsenal of skills that is quite eclectic. As a Master Facilitator for The Virtues Project and several other impactful programs, he combines a wealth of knowledge with his own extensive library of content creations. He is highly respected and well-connected within the speaking and social action communities. Barry is a true champion of character leadership. He ‘talks the talk’ and ‘walks the walk’. He approaches each and every interaction with passion and ZEAL! I highly recommend reaching out to Barry for collaboration opportunities." --- Trent Langdon


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