Developer Marketing Insights - September edition

Developer Marketing Insights - September edition

Here's what you missed! ??

What community management tasks can AI help you with?

A recent study found that 34% of community professionals feel frustrated by the manual nature of community efforts – but this is where AI shines. Whether you’re currently managing a developer community or will soon take on those responsibilities, AI can automate manual, repetitive tasks and engage your community members, leaving you with more time to do what you love.

Click through to see what management tools are on the list.

Developing an effective developer outreach program

Dive deep into developer outreach programs with Trust, Developer Relations Manager at Bunzz, as he shares insights from his journey and explores how you can effectively plan and execute developer outreach. There are also common misconceptions about these programs that Trust will dispel, including why developers seem like such a tough audience to engage.

?Product positioning when marketing to developers

Products aren’t created in a vacuum. How you position them relative to your competitor's products is crucial, so make sure you’re carving out your own niche and are capable of defending it too. Whether you’re marketing an API, an SDK, or a SaaS product to developers, here are some strategies you can try to ensure the market knows your spot belongs to you – including best practices on how to write a great positioning statement.

Guide to Developer and Community Engagement

Looking to deepen your existing developer relations or start a new community from scratch? This guide is your new best friend, packed full of action points to help you create an engagement engine that’ll transform your strategy – so you can get the results you want.

Navigate expert advice and how-tos, and explore how community and developer marketing teams can work in sync. So, use this ebook as your stepping stone to creating a thriving community.

Six content marketing hacks

Developers want to learn. They don’t want to read or hear a sales pitch.

And since they are called on to test and choose products for their companies, you need to reach them in thoughtful ways.

We explore six tips to reach this market using an educational approach.

What to look out for in the coming weeks

Our sister community Revenue Marketing Alliance is throwing the AI event of the year. AI for Marketers Summit is coming to San Francisco on October 24.?

Dive into all the hottest topics such as the ups and downs of AI for content creation, using AI to drive sales and marketing alignment, and AI-driven GTM success. Adobe, Cisco, Netwrix, Headspace will be there. Will you?

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