Develop:Brighton Returns for a Record-Breaking Conference

Develop:Brighton Returns for a Record-Breaking Conference

Develop:Brighton returns to?Brighton this week, running from Tuesday 12 – Thursday 14 July at the Hilton Metropole hotel. Develop:Brighton is the only conference in the UK that brings the entire game-making industry together, to share and learn from each other in an inclusive and friendly environment.

For the past couple of years, it has either been virtual or out of season, and the return to its traditional summer slot has led to record pre-registration numbers, which should mean the biggest event yet in the Conference's history.

Andy Lane, Managing Director of Develop:Brighton organisers Tandem Events, tells us what to expect?and?how to make the most of your visit...

Develop:Brighton is back in its traditional summer slot for the first time in three years. What can visitors expect from the conference on its full return?

First of all, yes, we’re delighted to be back in Brighton in July – where we belong – and we’re really looking forward to seeing everybody down there.

We've had a record number of registrations this year, the expo space sold out a few weeks ago and our Awards evening, Develop:Star, sold out this week. So, one thing we do know is that it's going to be busier than ever.

In addition, there is a refurb going on at the hotel, so some things will be in different places. With that in mind, I’d advise people just to take time to familiarise themselves with the layout this year; don't assume everything will be in the same place it has always been.

What can you tell us about the content of the conference itself in terms of themes etc?

The main focus for this year was to produce a programme that enables developers to basically skill up, to learn from the talks and sessions, to have real-life practical takeaways that they'll be able to use in their everyday job when they go back to the studio the day after the event. It’s really about those practical experiences, almost like tutorials, more than blue-sky thinking.

You mentioned the record levels of registration, what sort of numbers are we looking at?

The last time we could really compare like-with-like was back in 2019 and that year we ended up with a total of around 3,000 attendees once onsite registrations had been added in. This year’s pre-registrations are currently around 30% up on that final figure.

What would your advice be to a first-time visitor looking to get the most out of Develop:Brighton?

The main thing I would say is to allow plenty of time; pick up your passes as early as you possibly can – registration is open from the Monday afternoon.

And then the most useful thing would definitely be to attend a free talk that we've got at 11 o'clock on the Wednesday morning. It's by Andrew Smith from Spilt Milk and it’s called Develop: A First Time User Experience. And you know what, it’s probably a good idea to attend even if you have been before, because there are going to be loads of great little tips and tricks.

And then on Wednesday night it’s Develop:Star Awards. How established and prestigious do you think that’s becoming in the industry’s calendar?

Well, it’s sold out, so that’s a good sign! I think it’s firmly established because there’s nothing else like it and everyone who participates recognises that these awards are voted on and given by their peers; I think that means a lot.

And this year the show’s going to close with Arkane Lyon Studio Director Dinga Bakaba, of Deathloop fame, so that will be a special moment.



