Develop more Patience...
Prakash Seshadri
Founder [See Change], Business 10X Growth Expert, "C" Suite Coach,Keynote Speaker, Helping Businesses Grow Exponentially
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In This Issue:
Quotes of the Week
Develop More Patience
Bookmark - The Power of Positive Thinking
Inspirational Words
Spiritual Centre
Story Time
Time to Smile
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"Change Gears" eZine is a no-cost electronic newsletter dedicated to helping people be more effective and fulfilled--to be masters of change instead of victims of change. What follows are tips, strategies, quotes, resources and shortcuts to getting more done in less time and having fun in the process--to living a more productive and fulfilling life. We're always on the lookout for information to help you live and work more effectively.
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Quotes of the Week
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"Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise." - Alice Walker
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams
"If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs." - Dhirubhai Ambani
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." - Amelia Earhart
Develop More Patience
By Joel Simms
Over the years I have been asked many times by many people how I remain calm and patient in situations where others become agitated, frightened, frustrated and angry. My answer has been, “I have learned to be patient by learning a range of skills that anyone can acquire if they have the desire and are prepared to practice.”
If impatience is a problem for you, one you want to address, here are 10 skills that work for me. Practice them and they will help you become calmer, more tolerant, and more patient……
1. Track how often you get worked up. This is the first step. Start by noting how often you react with impatience in a day. Do this tracking for one week and keep the number in a journal. By learning to become more aware of the actual number of times you are impatient each day you will increase your motivation to break this habit.
2. Track the situations, events and people associated with your impatience. As you become more aware of losing your patience, pay close attention to the things that trigger you to lose that patience. Is it when you are stuck in traffic? When you do don’t get the results you want? When your friends don’t call you back? Certain triggers will recur more frequently than others, these are the things you will focus on going forward. Track the situations for one week.
3. Track what you say to yourself when you feel impatient. Each time you notice that you feel impatient ask yourself, “What am I thinking?“, and write down the series of thoughts. Do this for a week.
4. Pause and breathe. When you first start to lose your patience, take a deep breath, and breathe out slowly. Then a second and a third deep breath in and slow breath out. This sequence will help you reduce the tension and impatience.
5. Replace your thoughts. Once you have tracked your thoughts for a week begin to notice if there is a pattern of recurring thoughts. Note what the recurring thoughts are and write some alternate thoughts that are more calming. then go over the new thoughts and begin to replace the old impatience related thoughts with the new calming thoughts in real time situations.
For example if you used you say “I’ll never get to my destination in time because the traffic in the city is always crazy and the roads are always under repair.” Replace that statement with, ” I may be a few minutes late, it’s not the end of the world, I can call ahead. The road work is going to improve this highway.”
6. Distance your self from the situation. Often it’s best, in some situations, to just to walk away for a few minutes. Take a break from the situation, just for 5-10 minutes, let yourself calm down, plan out your words and actions and solution, and then return.
7. Change your focus. Impatience can grow like pressure inside a tank, and if you don’t relieve the pressure, you can burst. So find ways to lessen the pressure by changing your focus and shifting your attention. Listen to music in the car, think about your beautiful children, call and speak to a close friend.
8. Visualize. practice doing this before the frustrating situation comes up again. When you’re alone and in a quiet place, visualize how you want to respond the next time your trigger happens. How you will handle the situation? How you will look? What do will say to yourself? How others will respond? Think about all these things, and visualize the better outcome.
9. Start small. Start with a trigger that only induces mild impatience within you, not something that causes you to blow your top. Focus on this and work on controlling your reaction to this one trigger. When you get this one under control, use what you learned to focus on the next small trigger. One at a time, and with practice, you’ll get there.
10. Keep practicing. Every time a situation stretches your patience, just think of it as an opportunity to practice your patience skills. Because that’s what it take to become patient; practice, repetition, rehearsal, and even more practice. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.
Bookmark - The Power of Positive Thinking
Author: Norman Vincent Peale
Price: Rs.99/-
The Power of Positive Thinking is a book written to help men and women who are haunted with living in a inferiority complex and have lost faith in themselves. Sharing his life experiences, Norman Peale speaks about faith in yourself being the ultimate key to happiness and that will bring back all good things into the believers life. The only matter of concern is to restore the lost faith. This classic guide is meant to regain self-esteem and faith, which does lead to success.
The book describes the power positive thinking has and how a firm belief in something, does actually help in achieving it. In order to live a successful and constructive life, one needs to know about the secrets of positive thinking says the author for it is the most important ingredient for a better and blissful life.
To remain and think positive, Peale also cautions about sinking into negativity and suggests ways by which one can prevent oneself from being engulfed by negative thoughts. The book teaches that one should never accept defeat over small things and never get affected by changes, no matter how big or small, in ones life. Simple techniques of elevating low moods and energy levels by positive thinking also improve ones overall mental and physical health says the clergyman.
Good thoughts do attract success and happiness is one major theme running through the book. Norman Peale, one main objective for writing this book was to present a viewpoint about mankind having a solution to freedom from pain and negativity.
Inspirational Words
"A halo has to fall only a few inches to be a noose." - Dan McKinnon
"Write with nouns and verbs, not with adjectives and adverbs. The adjective hasn't been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place." - William Strunk and E.B. White
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." - Albert Einstein
"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence." - Vince Lombardi
"Self-trust is the first secret of success." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." - Steve Jobs
"Don't follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you." - Margaret Thatcher
"Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace. The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - Amelia Earhart
Spiritual Centre - Look Within
Whenever you hate something, look into yourself and try to find it and remove it from within. Then you will not hate anything anymore. When you are afraid of something, look into yourself, remove it from inside. And you will not be afraid of anything in this universe after that.
(C) Shri. Kamlesh D. Patel - President, Shri Ram Chandra Mission -
Story Time - Tenali Raman And Two Thieves
One summer night, when Tenaliram and his wife were about to sleep, when he heard the sound of rustling of leaves coming from outside. There was not even the slightest breeze blowing at that time, so he presumed that there were some thieves hiding in the bushes. He understood that they must be planning to rob his house in the night.
He thought of a plan said loudly to his wife, “My dear, I have heard that some notorious thieves are on the loose in our neighborhood. So let’s hide all the jewellery and money that we have in the well.”
A little later, Tenaliram and his wife came out of the house carrying a big trunk, and dropped it into the well. Then they went back inside the house, and pretended to go off to sleep.
The thieves waited for a while and then started drawing water from the well. They hoped to empty the well and get the treasure. The thieves kept drawing out water the entire night. Towards daybreak, they managed to pull out the trunk, and when they opened it, they were extremely shocked and disappointed to see only some big stones in it. They understood that it was Tenaliram’s plan to outsmart them. Just then, Tenaliram came out of his house and said, “Thank you friends, for watering my plants. I must pay you for your labour.”
Hearing this, the thieves fell at Tenali’s feet for forgiveness. Tenali let them go when they promised not to steal or rob anyone ever again.
Moral- Keeping cool and using your wit in dire situations can help you get out of them.
Time to Smile - Life is Like That
Don't Worry About It...
Mother: "I'm afraid our son has decided to take up acting."
Father: "What's so bad about that?"
Mother: "Well, he's gotten so big that whenever he appears in a play, he crashes right through the floor."
Father: "Don't worry about it. It's just a stage he's going through..."
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