Develop Healthy Frustration Tolerance for Massive Growth & Success
How to deal with low frustration tolerance in life

Develop Healthy Frustration Tolerance for Massive Growth & Success

Unless you have a low frustration-tolerance due to some medical-condition - frustration-tolerance can be learned - in the same manner - you have learned to lose your self-control often and at small incidents.

If you take steps to build frustration-tolerance - you will realize that quality of your life is improving exponentially and magnificently.

If you generally have difficulty in managing your frustrations - it could be a symptom of a bigger issue.

Frustration is unavoidable because things do not always happen - as we would like them to.

All of us have our very-typical and very-different response to - how we deal-with and respond-to frustrating situations and people.

Some of us lash-out [when we are feeling frustrated and irritated] to those very people who are trying to help us and might be our most sincere care-giver.

Some people acquire an aggressive approach whereas some others may withdraw and become passive.

Frustration-Intolerance - limits your intellectual functioning - because solving your life’s problems - needs continuous focus, attention and persistence in the face of difficulty and tough -situations - which having a low frustration-tolerance threshold just does not help.

Frustration-intolerance may also may create serious psychiatric-disorders.

In this article we will learn the following

-23 questions to identify your frustration-triggers

-75 Strategies to build, develop and strengthened Frustration-Tolerance - given randomly and not in any specific order

23 questions to identify your frustration-triggers

1.?????Do you feel that at times - you become irrationally-angry for something based only on your ?imaginations [like what could someone be saying or laughing at you or mocking you] - without any verification of these feelings

2.?????Do you become highly upset at minor inconveniences or mistakes made by others

3.?????Do you lash-out and shout at those people you deeply care-for - for minor reasons

4.?????Can even strangers make you lose your cool

5.?????Do you have very high expectations from others - even unknown and strangers and those whom you may not come across

6.?????Are there days - when you are angry and high-strung - most part of the day

7.?????Do you often feel ashamed-embarrassed-guilty - at your reactions when you look back or after your outbursts

8.?????Do you procrastination some occasions, events and actions - because of your inability to tolerate the frustration associated with a tough or boring task

9.?????Do you become high-strung and try to FIX any situation - rather than wait it out to see and take better informed and learned decisions and actions

10. Do magnify and Exaggerate your temporary discomfort and inconveniences

11. Do you go for short-cuts, quick-fixes and underhand and under-table - ways to get what you want

12. Are you more focused on pursuing immediate gratification - rather than go for chosen struggles to accomplish large meaningful and sustainable goals

75 Strategies to build, develop and strengthened Frustration-Tolerance - given randomly and not in any specific order

1.?????Start becoming aware-of consciously - when you start to get frustrated

2.?????Talk to your someone about your frustration - to vent-out

3.?????Try to find out what are the triggers and the underlying problem

4.?????Also note down - how you react - to different challenging and trying situations and difficult-people

5.?????Keep asking yourself - you may not get answer immediately - the idea is to be aware-about what and who - frustrates and irritates you and then creating effective strategies to handle them better

6.?????When you have identified your all triggers - you need to brainstorm solutions - as there may not be any which meets all of your needs

7.?????Now work on - which ones are really insignificant and which ones you need to learn to handle better

8.?????Understand when your EGO is the cause of frustration-anger-irritations

9.?????Identify your major expectations - which might be big-time triggers of your daily frustrations and irritations

10. At the initial stages of brainstorming don’t shoot down any idea however ridiculous it may sound to you - the stage for feasibility will be later

11. Create multiple solutions and work on various possibilities

12. When you know that you are going to face situation or people who makes you lose your calm and control - be prepared with at least few ways you will manage yourself better - now that you know your triggers

13. Create a self-talk - if you are jittery and nervous about facing someone or any uncertain situation

14. Create small-small parts of tasks - for all your frustrating must-do jobs

15. Work frustrating activities[which you have to do - like say arranging your room-wardrobe-table-laptop or cleaning the garage-mowing lawn etc. - into your regular routine

16. Make these frustrating activities fun - you would be surprised when you focus on turning these irritations into fun and humor

17. Learn to ignore the power struggle - which happens through your ego

18. Face the facts-truths-and what is - stop trying to avoid them and trying to convince yourself otherwise.

19. Your ignoring problematic situations and people actually makes you weaker and puts you into the control of others and situations - which in-turn will create more frustrations

20. Focus on competing with yourself

21. Stop comparing yourself with anyone else

22. Identify and learn to challenge your limiting perceptions and assumptions

23. Understand your timeline and deadlines - course-correct them to minimize frustrations and disappointments

24. Understand that life is not always black and white AND all the time there is no war - where there are going to be winners and losers

25. Feel and become comfortable in feeling your scary and negative emotions and pains fully

26. Learn to understand and name what you are feeling - name it as close to as you can to the actual thing - use wheel of emotion for knowing the name

27. Ask your help -seek mentor

28. Understand that - there going to be many major life disruptions - like losing a loved one or your going through divorce - accidents, losing your job - are real disruptions and you can’t speed-up the healing and one of the essential of healing is feeling and going through your stressful and emotional

29. Also realize that having low frustration-tolerance can lead to chronic feelings of depression, anxiety and dissatisfaction - therefore for your own wellbeing you strengthen your ability to tolerate frustration

30. Start taking challenges that makes you stretch beyond your capabilities and makes you face unpredictable and uncertain and unknown situations

For complete article please read "How to deal with low frustration tolerance in life" in the blog section of Success Unlimited Mantra - link in the 1st comment


