For detoxification and health maintenance or overall regulation
For detoxification and health maintenance or overall regulation
Today's fast-paced, hectic times bring countless health risks for our organism. Poor nutrition, stress and environmental toxins place excessive strain on the body, which often cannot return to normal healthy functioning without regulatory support. The following formula was developed to prevent such disregulation or to bring the body back into balance, whereby detoxification plays a decisive role. Only an organism that is detoxified or freed from harmful metabolic waste products can heal itself. Many men, but especially women with overweight and regulatory disorders of various kinds have been using this tea for more than 10 years with great success. Many people who used this tea as a cure looked years younger afterwards.
Healing indications: Obesity, poor nutrition, exposure to environmental toxins, toxins in the blood, liver complaints, bile complaints, gastrointestinal complaints, rheumatoid arthritis, lumbago, damaged intervertebral discs, metabolic disorders, women's complaints (disregulations of the pelvic organs).
Infusion: 2 teaspoons to 0.25 litres of boiling water, leave to brew covered for 10-15 minutes, over a period of 4 weeks drink 1 cup slowly in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 cup in the evening before going to bed, then take a break for 1 week and repeat the cure.
Please note: Anyone who feels ill must consult a doctor! This recipe is only to be used with the approval of a medical doctor or after prescription by the treating doctor.
The reader will find detailed information in the book by Peter Kaufhold: Healing remedies from then Lord's pharmacy - Volume 1 - ISBN 978-3-7534-7882-1 - 184 pages, numerous plant pictures - See: