Detoxification - An Effective Way For A Healthy Life:

Detoxification - An Effective Way For A Healthy Life:

Detoxification is a medicinal or physiological process of removing the toxins from the body, primarily carried out by the liver. Detoxification is an essential part to help regain one’s optimal health and contributes towards our wellness. Ayurvedic detoxification is the best way to detoxify and cleanse one’s body.? Detoxification helps to cure a lot of health conditions such as unexplained fatigue, weakness, regularizes the sleep pattern, reduces allergies, tired and puffy eyes, dull skin and hair, decreases depression and anxiety levels, and menstrual irregularities. When our body is cleansed and the toxins are released, our body feels light and it gets enough rest.? Once this happens the body then starts to function more efficiently and derives nourishment in the best possible manner.

How does detox help our body?

Detoxification is an effective way for a healthy life. Our current fast-paced lifestyle and work habits make us feel extremely fatigued; thereby, disrupting our quality of life to such an extent that we end up giving up on the possibility of regaining our energy and feeling the best of health again.

Ayurveda treatment in Bangalore for Detoxification at HLC Ayurveda and Nature Cure Hospital in Bangalore involves:

  • Removal of unavoidable toxins from our body.
  • Helps us to associate with ourselves thus making us conscious about how our food intake affects our general wellbeing.
  • Increases our body’s energy levels and helps our body to feel a surge in energy.
  • Help control the food craving and help to make healthy food choices.
  • Decreases cravings and addiction and brings back the focus on the right food.
  • Improves body’s blood circulation?
  • Provides the much-needed rest to our organs.
  • Makes the liver and kidneys flush out the toxins.
  • Eating healthy nutrient-rich food in the right amounts that balance the body’s nutrient deficiency.? The desired vitamins, minerals, and other micro-nutrients get stored in the body thus helping the body to start efficient functioning.

According to Ayurveda each of us has different doshas, and Ayurveda recommends detoxing and cleansing the impurities and toxins from the body.? Ayurveda treatment for Detoxification is an effective way for a healthy life, which is most ideal to be done at the start of the season to get rid of the toxins that have been accumulated in your body during the previous season.? Ayurveda highly encourages us to make healthy lifestyle modifications and dietary changes to enable the body to achieve a balanced dosha.

Steps and procedure of Ayurvedic detox:?

Detoxification prevents premature aging, drains the lymphatic system, improves skin health, and promotes hair health.? There are different types of Ayurvedic detox performed to cleanse the body of impurities and toxins. Ayurvedic detox is considered to last from about 3 days to about 45 days, depending on the kind of Ayurvedic detox. Bodily Ayurvedic detox is called the Purvakarma and Panchakarma. Purvakarma is the initial phase, this process moves the toxins to your bowels and underneath your skin’s surface which will be removed by the body.? Generally, this consists of an oil massage, steaming, and Shirodhara procedure.? This is a relaxation practice when warm oil is being placed on the forehead to be able to promote mental clarity. The next step is the Panchakarma.? Panchakarma therapy is an ayurvedic method of cleansing the body from all unwanted toxins.? It is a more intense therapy and is recommended to rejuvenate your body; thereby, strengthening the Ayurvedic detox process.

Panchakarma consists of five following treatment procedures namely:

Virechan:?Detox involves cleansing with the use of powders, pastes, or heated medicinal plants.

Vaman: Involves forced vomiting or purging done using herbal medicinal treatment.

Basti: Is a massage, as well as enemas using warm oils.

Rakta moksha:? Ayurvedic detox involves the detoxification of the blood, also known as bloodletting.

Nasya:? Ayurvedic detox is the nasal clearance using herbal remedies, oils, and fumes

The Ayurvedic detox procedure involves one or more of the above-mentioned treatments depending on your dosha. Panchakarma is performed to remove toxins and to also reestablish one’s mind and body unity. Ayurvedic detox also recommends herbal remedies, supplements, and teas given to cleanse the body and bowels.? The detox given could be in the form of herbal cleanses, detox products, enemas, and bowel stimulants.

The last step would be the initiation of certain supplements given for specific health conditions.? They will be based on the aspects of health conditions such as congestion, immune health, bowel regularity, and sleep that would be specific to every individual.

Yoga and meditation:? Ayurveda treatments at HLC Ayurveda and Nature Cure Hospital recommend the practice of yoga and meditation daily which are the key components of an Ayurvedic detox.? This also includes the various breathing techniques such as Pranayama, that will help us to disconnect from daily worldly distractions around us, thereby reducing our stress and anxiety levels, and increase our creativity, thought process, and inducing self-awareness.? Thus, Detoxification is an effective way for a healthy life, and this process helps our body and mind to feel more relaxed, energetic, and healthy.

HLC Ayurveda and Nature Cure Hospital in Bangalore

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