Detox from Digital Distractions and Turn Your Holidaze into the Holidays.

Detox from Digital Distractions and Turn Your Holidaze into the Holidays.

Caught up in the Holidaze? Detox from digital distractions and give the gift of being present this Holiday!

My research into the nemesis of digital devices evidences that we are more isolated and anxious than ever before, even though we are more virtually connected than ever. In my course, Balancing Act- Work, Life and Technology UCSD's RADY Business School of Management, the participants all came to the conclusion that technology cannot substitute for human touch, a hug, a smile, an engaging encounter in real time with real people even though we connect with our technology more than any other human being, including ourselves!

Tis the season to frantically race about buying gifts for one when the greatest gift we can give is to turn off our digital devices and give the invaluable gift of being present to those we love. No one can deny the insidious ways technology has hijacked our relationships with others and ourselves. All you have to do is walk into a Starbuck’s and you will seldom see a heads are bowed and eyes fixated by the images flashing before them on their handheld screens. 

So let’s GIVE the GIFT of BEING PRESENT this Holiday and here’s how: 

Preemptive steps to ensure you are present:

  1. Agree your family & friends arrive, that phones will be turned off once they walk into the gathering. Designate 1 person to be in charge of phone calls and photos that can & will put the phone out of sight when not needed.

2. Play traditional board games, cards, dice, dominoes - virtual games not allowed.

3. Practice the Art of asking questions What’s one of the most influential books you’ve read and why? 4. Opt outside. Bundle up if you need to and ask each person share upon return something that they noticed during the walk. 

5. Decorate cookies, gingerbread houses, ornaments…do something creative together. 

Here’s to being present the Holidays and creating living memories vs. FB and Instagram posts. 

Jill Tupper M.A. is a Professor at UCSD's Rady Business School of Management, Keynote Speaker and Corporate Wellness Innovator focusing on Mindful Leadership, Stress Reduction, Well-Being and Work/Life Balance.

For more information about Jill Tupper please visit her website


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