Hi, I'm Marc Graves with Courtyard Realty, where my job is to be your guide. Today we'll be talking about the process of determining the value of your home. It's been said over and over again a million different ways, location, location, location. Typically, I'll get a little advance notice on what the address is and I'll scout the neighborhood regardless of what my intimate knowledge is of it or not. And I'll go into the grocery stores and to the school and I'll visit with the people so that I get a real, real firm understanding of what that community projects that'll be part of, and what I share with you when I get there. And then the other part is that it will be your home and where its location is in regard to that group.

So if you're on a busy street or at a core location where you happen to have a nice little shortcut that nobody knows about to easy access to the elementary or junior high school, those are the types of things. You may have a little nature trail and get a bunch of neighborhoods. Many people are aware of where the local people take their babies to have photos done. I remember was done with my little two children. We had a little nature trail that was a real custom for people around two and three years old to go out and mustard fields have pictures of their kids taking. So anyway, those are the types of nuances that I'll go out and try to discover and try to get a feel of and touch for myself. And then I'll come into your home. I'll ask for a tour, and you will know your home better than I will.

So you'll take me through it. I'll ask you to point out any nuances like that you are especially happy with. Maybe the way your kitchen flows into the family room or that you're able to see what's going on in the backyard from the kitchen or your master bed. A number of different things. How in the winter time your view is different than it is in the spring and all of those things. I will pack into my presentation if and when we get to the point to sell your home, those types of things. We'll go into descriptions and they'll go out to the mass media and a multitude of others. I'll get into it another time, but even as far as just the local hard stock card flyer. So I will come in and you'll show me all of these things and then I'll make recommendations.

I may say we just need to pull out some of your personal items so that when people come in, they focus on the home and not how cute your children are. Or they can also more easily view it as their own, what they would feel like and the fewer personal items there are, the easier subconsciously that is to do. It may be very extensive, you may have a lot of people living in a small space with a lot of furniture, a lot of personal items. So we may need to, my recommendation, maybe need to even get a storage facility. I have trucks, I have staging equipment, I have staging furniture and stagers that work with me. Most of that is primarily free of charge. The reason I say primarily is I don't know every little house, but so far they've all been done free of charge.

There might be some renovation then that would compliment the sale of your house. And when say I compliment, I mean where you can cut the value from your home for every dollar you spent. That's usually a threshold that has commonly come up. I've helped a lot of people spend 10,000 to 300,000. The 300 is obviously an extremely high amount, but they receive 250 or $3 for every dollar that they've spent by doing. Sometimes you're not able to afford that yourself. Sometimes I can help with that. It depends on the property and the people in the situation. I've helped people with 20 and 30 and $40,000 myself so that I can get that work done. Maybe it can be billed through escrow. There's a number of different ways, but I make all those recommendations and I make all of that available to you and you'll know that, on that evening, I come up with a value for your home.

And that's an essence in a nutshell.

On a snapshot what I do to help determine the value of your home and I just wouldn't want to miss that. Yes, we do the traditional comparable sales for properties that have sold currently quickly in your neighborhood. And I show you, for example, appraisers are more concerned with bedroom count than square footage. And so the comparables will be similar in the bedroom count. More so than that will be focused on square footage. But I'll explain all of those nuances to you while I'm there and answer any and all questions that the best of my ability at the same time and I provide written, as well as digital copies of all the information that I share with you so you can make as many notes as you want but you're not really required to.

And once again you're not required to have to think of the questions to ask me. I view it as my job like I said to be your guide, so I'll guide you to the questions typically from other people and how I've answered those. So thanks very much. This is Marc Graves, Courtyard Realty Fine Homes and Estates. If you would like an evaluation of your property, there are links at the bottom of my page. You can get in touch with me through any of those, and you can do a sort of a half generic valuation also through the same page. And don't forget that you can just reach out, call or text me and set up an appointment for a thorough evaluation of your home and what to expect. So thanks again. Marc Graves Courtyard Realty Fine Homes and Estates where my job is to be your guide. Thanks.

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