Determine whether two strings are anagrams.

Determine whether two strings are anagrams.

Create a helper function that accepts a string as input. This function begins by creating an empty object of type?{[char:string]: number}?to hold character counts. Using a?for...of?loop, the function iterates over each character in the string, implicitly converting it to lowercase using iterables. This eliminates the need to explicitly call?toLowerCase()for each character. A regular expression checks if the current character is a lowercase letter. If it is, bracket notation accesses the character's count in the object. The logical OR assignment operator initializes the count to 0 if the character doesn't yet exist, then increments it by 1. This approach effectively handles both existing and new characters. The function ultimately returns the object, which now maps characters to their frequencies in the input string.

The main function accepts two strings as input. It calls the helper function twice to obtain the character count objects for both strings. The function then checks if the lengths of the key sets (unique characters) are equal in both strings. If they aren't, the strings can't be anagrams because they have different character sets. In this case, the function immediately returns?false.

If the lengths of the key sets are equal, indicating both strings have the same number of unique characters, the function proceeds to a? This loop iterates through each character key, checking if the count of a character in the first string matches the count of the same character in the second string. If the counts differ, the function returns?false?to indicate that the strings aren't anagrams.

If the function runs through the loop without finding any discrepancies in the character counts, it returns?true, signifying that the strings are anagrams.

function isAnagram(str1: string, str2:string): boolean{
  const getCharCountObj = (str: string) => {
    const charCountObj: {[char:string]:number}  = {};
    for(let char of str.toLowerCase()){
        charCountObj[char] = (charCountObj[char] || 0) + 1;
    return charCountObj;
  const charCount1 = getCharCountObj(str1);
  const charCount2 = getCharCountObj(str2);
  if(Object.keys(charCount1).length !== Object.keys(charCount2).length){
    return false
  for(let char in charCount1){
    if(charCount1[char] !== charCount2[char]){
      return false;

  return true

console.log(isAnagram("silent", "enlist"))        

My recent publication compiled a comprehensive collection of 100 similar typescript programs. Each program not only elucidates essential Typescript concepts and expounds upon the significance of test automation but also provides practical guidance on its implementation using Playwright. This resource will certainly be valuable if you look deeper into similar topics.


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