What is determination?
Vocabulary definition says: “the?ability?to?continue?trying?to do something,?although?it is very?difficult”
I strongly believe that “Impossible is nothing” in every aspect of life and I try to apply this quote every day.
Recently I discovered Wang Deshun the most charming grandad in the world. ?He started to follow his dreams at the age of 44 when he started to study English, after that at the age of 49 he created Pantomima group. For the first time in his life, he entered in a gym at the age of 50. At the age of 57, he created a new art called “Living Sculpture”. At the age of 79, he performed on stage for the first time and at the age of 80 he still continues to follow his dreams.
This is a fascinating example that age doesn’t exist, age is only a number, and we define our age according to our determination to reach our dream.
Sports give us every week extraordinary examples of determination to break a record, to never give up, to overcome our limits, and to demonstrate ourselves that we are our limits.
Sometimes sport shows us how we can fight against our limits and against injustice. If you firmly believe in your life values, you must fight to protect them and spread them. Mohamed Ali fought for peace, Mandela and Ghandi fought for no violence, Jesse Owens fought against racism, and so on.
What united them all was Determination to follow their values and demonstrate the world the power of coherency.
Sometimes we are afraid because we think our dreams could ruin us. Instead, Mohamed Ali said, “If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough”.
We can fail several times, but Edison said: “I have not failed. I have just found 10.000 ways that won’t work”. How we feel about failure depends only on us; we should experience it as our progression versus the best version of ourselves. Only determination can help us realize our dreams.?
Determination needs to be part of ourselves. We must train our determination day by day because it can support our beliefs and create our never give up dreams. We could think that the goal is so far but one day we will wake up and discover that goal has been reached, and it was hidden behind our determination.
Therefore, I would like to say to all of you, we must continue to believe, believe, and believe because our determination will help us achieve all of our fantastic dreams forever.