Detention centers are highly needed in India-For saving the world from Crime, terrorism and rapists.The biggest democratize nation.clean up

Detention centers are highly needed in India-For saving the world from Crime, terrorism and rapists.The biggest democratize nation.clean up

India is on the top of the global crime ranking lists, plus it is a free, democratic and the world's biggest population country…. India needs many detention centers like this specialized for different crimes such as rape, drugs, juveniles, terrorism, illegal immigrants and many more….. This way the criminals can be kept away from the society and a creation of solid security companies to handle these detention centers… A great Employment generator...

Financial crime, Woman crime, Child abuse, Cyber crime,Juvenile,Naxalism, Drugs,Organ selling,Global Terrorism to mafia... you name it, India is leading in all kinds of crime.... Teens and younger generation are more going into the crime world blessings for Muslims and Illegal immigrants under the umbrella of corrupted police and law enforcement..

Economic Times

Naxal violence claims 12,000 lives in 20 years

The home ministry officials said currently , 90% of Maoist activity was limited to 35 districts, though they have a hold over pockets in 68 districts in 10 states.


Updated: Jul 14, 2018, 12.42 PM IST

As many as 12,000 people have lost their lives in Maoist violence over the last two decades, including 2,700 personnel of the security forces.

According to a statistics prepared by the home ministry, those killed include 9,300 civilians who were either murdered by the Naxals, after being labelledas `police informers', or were caught in the crossfire and became victims.

However, the violence perpetrated by the Naxals has declined by 25% in the last three years, notwithstanding occasional reverses suffered by the security forces. Casualties to security forces also dropped by as much as 42% during May 2014-April 2017 as compared to May 2011-April 2014, a home ministry official said.


Around Six Pm…. 28th Dec, 2019..

I was coming from Kakkanad, Cochin, Kerla at the corner point, opposite to MORE Store a group of locals, matured guys in lunge (local dress) passed some unpleasant comments….. when I reached close to the Muslim store a guy in a small white car, number 7454, yellow plate.could be a taxi… almost hit me from behind, though I was off road… but he was very close to hit me... a criminal faced guy, may be on drugs or drunk, but he was a criminal, clear…. Further, when I reached to the small bridge again the group of teens, they soughted from behind when I had passed through them….

as usual.. I also saw two guys standing with a scooter at a junction before the VB park gate…. All these people are a group of criminals…. This is a complete chain of crime activist from locals, teens to criminals… the taxi companies should be very careful before giving the car to a driver…. May be they are taking the car for a criminal purpose… and return it to the company after crime is done…. this area of VB park surrounding is highly criminal…. either crime happens outside or in the building, your floor etc.….

Afternoon,before 4 Pm…. 2nd Jan,2019..

On way to main road after Doordarshan tower.... Small white car a beard boy, was coming very rash from the top driving it in a Zic Zac style, scaring me purposefully.... close to Muslim glossary shop... could be the same guy from 28th Dec..... This man is highly suspected criminal in this area... I also saw many other suspected people, in a very suspicious way some with criminals messages on T-shirts.... The non local security man in the society was also acting funny... They all are a group of mafia and you meet them till your home.... High Alert watch people for the security risk....

20th Jan.20… VB Park-Kakkand, Cochin, Kerala-Padamugal to VB Park via service lane...

I was coming back to home… Got down at Padamugal.Was looking for a small home item in nearby stores… No Luck…. when I started coming back to home… realized a guy in bike came and stopped next to me where I was drinking a juice at road side…. he was asking wiered things to the shop man , loudly speaking out to the world… When I was very close at the tuning point from the main road to the service lane, a small shuttle bus came and parked widely, closed to me.. was almost to me…. further down…

when I was close to home before the men’s hospital after the small govt shcool… saw 2 guys standing with the bike with no reason in an isolated place next to the wall… I also realized a big shuttle bus was taking a turn coming towards us… from a distanced point where some more boys were standing in the corner…. I stopped and went from left side where the biker was standing to right side of the road…. waited for the bus to go and started walking further…. heard a shouting from behind by this bike people…. kept walking and reached home passing the small store on the road closed to the society…

… the non local security guard-Bengali/Nepali etc was in action…. followed to this… Mails in the mail box from CRM Provindent housing PWC for some auctions in welworth city, spam mails from Linked in crime support, etc…. This road is also a little Isolated at few points and dangerous…. There is a third road to house that is from the other side starts from the backside of the vegetable market, passing the KSEB power house… that road is very dangerous… and isolated… I experienced an incident there was a guy very loudly shouted from Behind HELLO HELLO and when I stopped for him he stared pertaining talking on the phone.

…. these people are Naxalites and Crime mafia associates working for HDFC, PWC builder, Muslims, police and other local operating crimes…. VB park Kakkanad, Cochin, Kerala and surrounding is a dangerous place…. you never know if they have illegal access to house as well for the criminal activities… the neighbors are very dangerous people…. they make lot of crime signalings, including loud music knocking your ceiling from upper house, using children for various crime activities and messaging…. this is how people operates… Global Terrorism here and around……

… no doubt engineering and law degrees are sold for Rs. 75 k and unemployment breaking 40 years records… allotting gallantry and top civilian national awards to criminal and terrorist group people…. India is a terrorism operation nation. 1.3 billion terrorism minds…

24th Jan,2020…

Last few days I have been observing few things…few days back when I came back from walk…from some house a child was making noise as if he is coughing…When I reached to the iron bench for stretching my legs…I saw an empty tap role…before I used to tape my door locks before going out…I stopped it to watch these criminals reactions….2 days before when I was on my walk in the morning a nexalite faced guy was waiting for me ,acting talking to someone on the phone….I ignored him ,went to other side and passed through him .after some time I saw him again,did the same thing but this time he shouted loudly…..English version….go straight…when I came back I found a big nail in my front room bathroom….I realized someone has opened my house…yesterday…close to coffee home in Kakkanad. An Auto driver passed a comment English version…blast his head…. I was also observing the behaviors of the staff in the Provision store opposite to the society…they always try to pass some signals…mainly the boy working there, thin one ….he is very suspicious…today morning when I went there he was talking over the phone purpose fully, I tried giving him the payment for the item I picked ,still he ignore..I left the money it showing it to him and moved…when I was going up…a suv white color with black roof passed very fast from my side…I see same vehicle parked at the store most of the time…..When I was in the city after my visit to Infant Jesus church I was going to spend some time in marine drive….I saw two cops there …ignored them and moved to other side and passed through them….at marine drive some Bangala family were around taking photos…they also came close to me and started talking to each other in bangala…. When I reached back to home before society I saw two nepali/gadwali/NE grils in purple color uniform ,were going loudly talking,english version…Rakesh is calling again and again…I see these girls many time around…when I reached the society…I saw that non local guard in action…Daniel,local guard called me and gave me the receipt of my maintenance payment and purposefully he was trying show me the outstanding amount and the payment of Rs 7000 that I send them in April,19 in a cheque ….in the statement…Point to be noted….it was manipulated….for the reference of Rs 7000 payment,there was no my cheque number detail…The society bank account # and the name was given as reference…I was never given the reciep as well…though I asked the Cashier Last time few months before when I met him..He purposefully said that he will send it through mail…that also never happened…I came home and first thing that I noticed the salute tap was kept in my main hall bath room in different place…link—signalling by child few days before after keeping the empty salute tape in the iron bench downstairs….

When I was entering the society I also noticed a guy in the first block was rushing down in half naked position, just wearing an old shittty white colour vest and he was in the gate area watching my movements with Daniel….

Clear proof they have keys to open the house both the lock …Inbuilt one in the door and the external manual door lock.Neighbors are big criminals in this crime…. The representative of Police and Muslim terrorist…like one caught is recently in Kashmir …DSP Davinder Singh giving shelter to Terrorist group head…for driving the terrorism in the county and outside…

One the way I also saw a Muslim guy standing in front of a police station in the city…connection of police and muslin. For the crime ….

This is what I noticed at the idea what all have been touched and poisoned here….

At the moment the Daniel,non local guard and the boy in the store next door should be taken immediately for the investigation remand ,they are front ender and they will tell the entire terrorist group details.

This society houses have very serious network driving the global groups for terrorism…with the Muslims,police ,society management and the naxalite and criminals in and outside the society…..The house keeping people purpose fully will flood the lift with all the garbage bins watching your arrivals for the harassment…This is what you get as hit for paying the maintenance and giving them jobs to feed their children…. Everyone is a member of hard core terrorist group…..they enter your house and give all the signals outside and inside as well….VB Park a center or Global Terrorism…People named above should be immediate arrested for an investigation and remand by intelligence…Police is nothing just terrorism drivers giving shelter to Terrorist people….DSP Davindeers’s group people….

27th Jan, 2020…

While Going out I saw a police jeep came in front of me and parked next to the complex opposite the MORE super market… A cop came out of the front seat, the left side…. When I was going further using the service lane crossing stores and restaurants on the right side, .At the corner when I was trying to cross the road I saw a gang of bachelors/ students/back office staff etc… were trying to come closer little wild…. since I did not turn to right side and just crossed the road… I heard they were shouting, I ignore it plus the traffic was very high that time….. it was a purpose full attempt for some these guys..

….. When I returned, I found some youngsters in a bike, making noise around the tea shop next to the Cabana Restaurant… After some time when I was going on a bus to Tripuntara… two policemen entered the bus one guy sat next to me, same time there was a criminal faced man in the back seat and he kept talking as if he is speaking to some one in the phone…. When I came back….. after the Doordarshan Station…. a car stopped and a few guys came out from the car, were talking something unpleasant using the abusing words in a non local south Indian language….

…. The sequence is to drive you to control you and take over your property and other things including the social media… No Doubt to say everything works under Police for the terrorism…. the team mates of the legendary and gallantry senior cops like DSP Davinder the shelter king for the terrorists in the nation…. I noticed there are few unknown people who are found waiting for you in the lift area, and they enter inside while you are going up…. The Entire Police Division should be on high alert including the woman Police cell…..they are highly involved in the operation of terrorism in the country….. Intelligence need not to wait for them to go Bangala days and come back to get suspicious.... Great motivation for the NRIs to invest in India…. while you are working hard abroad, your property is being used for the global terrorism by police and locals.. in India… Resulting 66 billion dollar bankruptcies by the property developers…. and many more as part of global crime…

29.1.20… Kakkanad ATM Machine, VB Park, Traffic point apposite DLF building… Coching Kerala ..Morning and evening

A police jeep came purposefully in front of me...and stopped at Kakkanad ATM Machine in the morning when I was withdrawing cash… A Nepali guy in the Small food shop… came close to me when I was paying cash… A group of housewives in lift area in the society , at home a non local watchman came for my signature for some water tank cleaning issue… evening a Traffic police guy purposefully crossed the road at junction close to vegetable point opposite DLF towers…

At home my vegetable was disturbed in the kitchen… the potato packet was opened… The neighbour lady next door highly suspected…. her door was little opened.. a kind of signal something wrong happened/happening….

Everything is planned for a kind of crime to control me for a global crime…. The entire Society and around is a police driven Terrorism hub….The team mates of DSP Davinder singh the gallantry award winner shelter cop for Terrorist....

Was also given a kind of a message by a guy who came and sat next to me yesterday in the bus with a bag written on it SPICE….a signal for entering people in my Kitchen.

This City of Cochin,Kerala,India is a Terrorism Driving city of the world…. National Intelligence of India is waste of time …either they know everything or they re waiting for a bigger terrorism to happen in country and in the world…

This is India the Destination of Terrorism in the world.

3rd Feb, 2020.. Cochin City and VB park Kakkanad –Police Driven Terrorism….

I went out after the morning…. during the time when I was outside and was traveling, I saw a lot of criminal activities around… Police was the driver all over with their Jeep and vans…. Most of the criminals I saw were at different ATM machines and Banks SBI, HDFC, Federal, CSB etc.…. when I returned home around 6 pm close to the society VB Park, two guys, including a teen, non local… passed through passing a comment” Signature”…. I started putting a seal on my door with a tap and a paper with my signature….

There were some small pieces of torn paper at my door could be someone tampered the lock and seal, may be more… I also saw a forensic jeep and a Muslim guy with a beard, during this time…. A great indication and a threat that we all (Police, Muslim local and society people and watchman) are involved…. As usual, there was a non local watchman at the main gate area…. This is how the DSP Davinder Singh was driving the terrorism, taking people’s property using it for hiding the terrorists and operating a global terrorism cell… since it is driven by Police and all top law and enforcement departments everyone either silent or part of it.

. Having all these people part of the crime, there is nothing left safe, they can open any lock, any seal and temper any signature…. One more thing whenever these things happens, I find some kind of criminal or terrorism activities happens in some part of India or in the world, news updates…. These people wanted to enter your house and use it for these kind of global terrorism drive…. India is a terrorism destination and any investment here mainly in property is highly dangerous…. buying a ticket for becoming a terrorism tool…. VB Prak Kakkanad, Cochin is the hub for this terrorism….

… If you call the Security… The answer… Sir some children has done it…. This is how children are used here either directly or by their name for the global terrorism…. they are making children the human Bombs.

11th Feb, 2020.. Cochin Metro City and VB park Kakkanad –Police Driven Terrorism…continues

Early in the morning the non Local security guard came to hand over the electric bill..a mail from cashier for the maintenance dues to all the society owners....with the bank account detail for the transfer of money....I was going out around after noon....saw a criminal faced guy with blue T shirt entering the lift..saw some senior citizens at junction after the society....further down,a guy was trying to cross me at HDFC usual many criminal signals..

a boy came to me in Pallikara ,was trying to take my attention to a board written DOORS,pertaining asking me something...I ignored...also saw a police jeep in between..When I returned home...I noticed my door lock seal was tempered...I written a complaint in the complaint register...I also noticed there was no other complaint after mine last one in Oct.19....very suspicious....I did not see the local watchmen...The Non local guy Bengali/Nepali or from somewhere else was around...Told him the issues...he was laughing....

A police driven terrorism in this the small city,they say they want to make it region's second IT city....Could be a world's biggest cyber crime ,Mafia and global terrorism hub..

13th Feb., 2020, VB Park, Airtel office MG Road, Cochin City and Kakkanad… Cochin, Kerala. India

Today I was going out around after morning… When I was locking the house with a seal… the mid aged lady in a nightgown, orange colour came out from E1 my floor, I was busy in my act… she stepped down using the stairs… I reached down, a guy. in the gray t shirt.Little frustrated was entering the lift, around… 30 years…man …. I went to the city seeing so many criminal activities by the police and the other criminals…. kind of signaling…. I went to the Airtel MG road office to change my SIM card…

Realized this that people around there knew I am coming…. as I was checking different shops in the city for replacing my damaged SIM card….. the atmosphere was highly designed and suspected to delay things… a Nepali/gadwali/ guy enters the shop in a security uniform… he was a criminal… started asking them that he did re charge on 1st and now seeing there is no balance. Etc…. he kept them busy and started acting a fake drama… he did not even know how much he did recharge for… they were trying to delay me and showing their full drama giving me the wrong information…

Finally, I showed my frustration and got my duplicate SIM and came out… again saw criminals and police busy in crimimnal signaling all the way, including some suspected people closed to HDFC…. Opposite More Store before Door Darshan tower.… when I reached home at the corner before my society street.. few Muslim ladies… I see them passing comments pretending, talking to each other few of the time…. reached home… and found that my door seal was tempted… the tape was cut… Went Down… brought up the old security man Xavier and showed him the entire thing…. went down with him and wrote a complaint in the complaint Register...

this was the next complaint in the register after mine on 11th…. After that I told him… I am here for security reason… I have House in Bangalore and Delhi as well… the local police is highly suspected so I do not believe them… I tried them before and I know them.. Plus, they are suspected to be involved with terrorism activities, Davinder Singh Kasmere DSP, here is a great example… I have my social media I write everything there to attract the National intelligence on my issue…. so please tell the people do not come to my door….. this is an act of terrorism….

he acted like ignoring, clear indication he knows what is happening….. Every One is part…. one can make out from their faces…. The national intelligence alert for this society…. I think they are busy watching who is going more to Bangala Desh….. like they did before catching Davinder Singh…..DSP Kashmere with gallantry awards…


14th Feb, 2020-VB Park, Cochin, Kerala and outside in city and further….

After putting a written 3rd complaint on 13th in the complaint register in the security…. next on 14 morning… When I was going out and locking my house with a seal… the man from E1 my floor came out and went to lift… I ignored and stayed for some time him to go… he went down and purposefully did not close the lift to come up… I went down using the stairs… As usual, so many criminal signals outside and when I was coming from Parambavur in the evening.. some people, kind of workers or criminals, non local in the bus were pushing me behind.....

… the bus was crowded.. so need to ignore…. at home… when I reached my floor in the lift… the short man next to my door was standing with his young daughter purposefully covering the door, making me to struggle to come out…. I came out and opened the door and entered the house…. a surprising thing happened next day in the morning… I saw a ball pen in my black shoe that I am not using these days…. I do not know when it happened if this happened after the time I started to seal the house than the criminals are very high tech people… they can open any seal and replace it the way it was….


These people may be here as tenants with few thousands rent enjoying the entire flat with big families and kids… these guys are the reason for killing the developing city…. This is the area with all towels like Bombay next to the Techno park and CESZ,Economic zone is high potential for the professionals who can live here here to support the development than growing young children and having a great life with joint families growing buffelos around… rather they leave little out of the city and enjoy their parents and grow children in more natural environments than using them here for terrorism activities..….here...

They are the front endears of criminals and are part or forced by criminals to trouble me… and other owners like me who is back here for some peace and security….. Writing any component triggers no button in management ears…. this is how they all drive crime here… if they cannot open your flat door for their crimes they start showing their faces… I am also in the email with Airtel for the crime Airtel Cochin is doing, these faces are reaction for that too…. The man above house is a serious cyber and mafia criminal…

… anytime 24 hours I am in net, he is somehow watching my activities and start making noises… such as removing furniture etc, even at night 2,3 am…. Looks to me like he has an office above to monitor me…

18th,Feb.2020….VB Park Kakkanad,Cochin Kerala.

Today after morning I was going out… my door mat was disturbed… normally it is a signal something will happen wrong today…. closed to the gate, Daniel/Security guard purposefully crossed the way and he wanted to start some casual talk I just ignored him and said him bye and went out… so many disturbing things during the time when I was out… when I came back… before the society… a routine guy with his buffalo was going back with a small stick…. the old man from the House above my apartment was also seen… normally, whenever I see him some issue happens… reached to the home… Saw that the door lock seal was disturbed.. removing little tape from the lock seal… I went down and wrote the complaint.. took the copy… The non local nepali/bengali/other palce guard was asking me is that Lock has some other key as well… I told him that is not important…. over and above I have a new external lock and I put a seal, kind of comment shut your mouth and do not make a case for saving the criminals… I went and met Mr Ranjit, the secretary and took him to my apartment and explained the issue. requested him to inform people to not to touch my door area and lock… He said, I will inform…Later at nigh…,I sent a mail on the entire issue with some history to him and Arun Kumar ,Society president..with a copy of the complaint I wrote in Oct,19 When I logged into the mails there was a mail from Airtel someone Anita, customer care… she mentioned she was trying to reach me in my phone number in issue with a duplicate SIM bought from MG Road Kacheripedi Store… I replied… Due to the security issues I do not attend calls… put across everything in writing and let me know the issue and I need my duplicate SIM activated and what is causing delay…… Everything is linked The criminals who touch my door are well connected with Airtel as well… it is a drive to push me to open the house for the criminals at the moment by Airtel…. and many more people…. Global terrorism group

ISIS terrorism group has a very big control in south of India mainly in the Kerala,Cochin,Kakkanad every next corner you can find them around.... youngsters are very big part of it.... they attack you in gang.... temp you for fight.. abusing you in local or in Any Indian language.... they can call you from Behnid LODA LODA (DICK DICK) or something in local language they can also purpose fully spit on you... Children are also used for all kinds of terrorism and Jihad activities.... they may look like normal kids or working or college guys, working in stores etc.....

 but they re hard core terrorism.. trained people..... Everything is driven by Police, Muslims Naxalites and the locals..... this is war and pandemic time.. and these are very dangerous people for the global crime... they all should be immediately caught and send to the detention centers....

4th Oct,2020, After 5pm.. KSRTC Bus,Aryas Restaurant at Tripuntara Bus Stand,Ernakulam ,Kerla,India

Afternoon I was out for lunch…after food I was going to Tripuntata in KSRTC Bus…A mid age dark criminal entered the bus in very cheap type of local dress…. In between he purposefully tried to touch me..I stared at him…he showed a sorry face and after some time he got down from the bus. In Tripunitara at around 5pm..I went to Aryas to have Tea…when I was about to finish…I saw few police people entering the restaurant…2 cops,One Traffic Cop and a lady constable…they all sat down in the chairs in front of me…I ignored them..but I noticed a cop ,dark colour was trying to give some signal…..later When I was in the Same KSRTC Bus returning home…..three nexalite entered the bus ,age around 25,with some heavy bags….Two came and sat in the same seat of mine….and one of them kept the bag ,half on my lap…I told him to move….later these two guys started some criminal activities…they were sitting hugging each other,pretending playing a video game…and talking very loud…after some time…the guy next to me started playing with his legs touching mine,I started at him…. then all of sudden he changed the topic and started talking very rudely about the mask…these guys,very dark,short,,too black and long hairs…and very criminals face,they are not normal…they are nexalites from the jungles or could be the Tamils of Jafna from LTTE…basically they are nexlites group people who come to cities on police invitation and ran away after the crime to the jungles or cross borders …they are all over the Kerala,their eyes,face, and style everything is very criminal…they are not normal people…They are police empowered criminals in the cities for the high level crime and terrorism activities…they are too dangerous in the cities ,but they have too much of powers from police,Muslims and locals…. This was purely a ISIS terrorism group people.....This is how police run the Terrorism using,KSRTC Bus,Hotels etc....

The Students,young guys and teens are very dangerous here in should be care full with them...they move in gangs and vehicle and attack when they find you alone or weak...This is purely a ISIS Terrorism model.....The power of Police,Muslims and Local Parental training.....Being the Kerala as a HQ of ISIS in India...Kochi boys are fast and furious in this crime.....I face it a lot in Kochi...and in India...


To continue.....


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