Details around a niche on which our newsletter ‘Healthy Organization’ focuses
Shutterstock photo- you need to use all your energy, to reach extraordinary success as witnessed by the photo.

Details around a niche on which our newsletter ‘Healthy Organization’ focuses

Peak Performance and Success, unfortunately figuring among subjects not widely understood, constitute a niche with which the newsletter deals. ?They feature among the most important areas of every person’s life though not everybody knows what it requires, to attain them. This newsletter has thus set itself the ambition of helping its readers to unlock their full potential to achieve peak performance and then tremendous success, by publishing relevant content. This newsletter features various subjects such as life-skills, leadership, business skills, communication and marketing. We don’t concentrate on only one subject because peak performance and success are too broad to be ensured by only one or even a few fields. Multifarious sectors are closely connected with success and contribute for you to actually obtain success which proceeds from peak performance, as we will justify it.


On 1st March 1996 in his essay, one of the richest persons on this planet- Bill Gates- said “Content is King” and the latter one forms the title of the essay. It rationalizes the reason why we have decided to take time to explain the niche of the newsletter since there is a person who has suggested that we should pick one niche to work on. However, when I just spent a few seconds while explaining to him that we’re already addressing only one niche mentioned, he suddenly comprehended it. Saying that content is a king means that the greatest content about you enables you to shine and reign supreme over others, if you surpass them in having the content. I have consequently adopted to make this content, to clarify the link between the content of this newsletter and the niche: Peak Performance and Success.


As already said, Peak Performance and Success matter to every soul even including very young children. You can wonder how peak performance and success matter to young children. Here, the major part is accomplished by the children’s responsible parents and educators. This signifies that the latter ones bear the responsibility of preparing the children- from the early age- to become great achievers. The children’s great achievement should start in their low-level education. Thus, parents and teachers’ work in this regard grooms the children to be considerably successful in the future, the foundation being built at the low age.

The below photo shows the early and exceptional preparation of children's great success emanating from peak performance which, here, corresponds to peak reading.

Shutterstock picture of young man reading to his peak.

To explain the early preparation of children better, let me provide an example I heard on 30th November2023 from Bright Turatsinze in a certain radio program on Rwanda Broadcasting Agency. “My son is 8 years-old. There is a talent I see in him. My son is fond of drawing and weaving so that he is almost busy with it. This has prompted me to ask myself the right age at which you should undertake to help your children develop their natural gifts. ?Maybe, the government should think of it and then establish technical and vocational education and training schools designed for very young children like those aged 4,” said this journalist.


Turatsinze actually raised a very good point, since it is exceedingly good to prepare children at their very low age. For example, the French football star-Kylian Mbappé- began learning to play soccer at only 4 years. I myself have an interesting discovery on this point and there is an article that I have said it in this newsletter. Before I was enrolled in the 1st year of primary education, I had already exhibited signs of extreme passion over writing. I remember that I took some banana leaves on which I wrote, of course scrawling. I think that I was then around 4 or 5 years-old since I had not undertaken primary education yet.


I have carried on this passion especially from secondary education to even tertiary one. But I never thought that this is situated among my natural abilities though, I learned to write both at secondary and tertiary education, among other key subjects. It’s just very recently that I have detected that writing constitutes one of my key talents since I possess a good number of them. If I had been helped to discover it early and that I had given it the weight it deserves, I think that I could have advanced it almost to my full potential. Yet, developing one’s passion and talents never expires. Even this newsletter is contributing to honing this skill that I have found built in me.


As already raised, people don’t really fully comprehend peak performance. It is demonstrated by the fact that this field is only possible for very few people, as defended by Medium [] and Dr. Swaroop Savanur, among others. The latter one is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of MyMentalCoach, a Mental Conditioning and Peak Performance Coach; a Senior Performance Psychology Consultant; Leadership, Identity and Culture Coach.

Medium states that most?people?would love to be rated as the best in their field of work. “But only?a few understand?how to balance their life to be the best.” Dr. Savanur says “Why do most people know everything about what they need to do to reach their potential and yet, actually achieve, so little of it? We know that to reach somewhere, we need to have a goal.”


He adds that people know that they need to create and build a?plan to reach their goals and that they also know that they finally need to implement that plan on a daily basis to reach those goals. “But, there is this small problem – of actually implementing [even] those ‘learnt’ things in our lives in a manner that can be tangibly visible in our work, relationships?and life as a whole!” he points out before adding “Even the smallest of change, the one we need so desperately and know the advantages of, like the need to go on a diet, is such a difficult task. Thus, changing for something more abstract- like increasing productivity at work by increasing qualitative and quantitative output- becomes so hard that most people give up at the first instance of stress and anxiety, not because of their lack of will power or lack of ability, but more so, because of their lack of understanding of what needs to [be] done to bring about that change.

A person not meeting criteria provided by Savanur cannot engage in the endeavor represented by the picture below.

Shutterstock image.

Savanur says that people fail to attain their peak performance and success, because they don’t know that this is rendered possible by mental skills which most people lack. “If we look at professional athletes and admire their consistent peak performances and at the millions that they make, we forget one basic fact – that these performers ‘Mentally Condition themselves to Succeed’. Beyond a certain limit, everyone’s technical skills and physical fitness are more or less the same, but it is the one whose mental skills are high, who is able to stop those negative thoughts, control their fear of failure, attain a high sense of self belief and absorb all the pressures and challenges that they face, are the ones that finally achieve success.


It’s on this that he is based to highlight that at the risk of generalizing, most organizations consider training sessions a fruitful mechanism to bring a change. He further says that these sessions turn fruitless, mostly creating only awareness about the need for a change amongst employees, because, “In all probability the employees, because of the way the brain functions, go back to their old habits.” Meantime, Medium says “Success?in the workplace isn't solely determined by intelligence, talent, or luck. It's often the result of consistent daily habits.”


In fact, multifarious-if not all-spheres contribute to peak performance and success. This justifies the reason that we create content on various sectors provided that they are closely linked with success and then result in the latter one. For example, techniques to eliminate jealousy are key at ensuring one’s success. This signifies that a person, free of jealousy towards their fellow community members’ success, won’t be hindered or prevented from achieving incredible success in their life, if they instead focus on working. If you want to be enlightened more on it, read this article accessible at


Success is connected with every field. Forbes []? corroborates my point, saying “Success in business comes when everything connects”. The quote is the title of a 2014-year article by Martin Zwilling, a contributor providing pragmatic advice and services to entrepreneurs and startups. Zwilling then wrote “I often hear the popular notion that successful entrepreneurs are built from a single heroic insight or a single innovation. This is just plain wrong. The business world is a symphony of players and elements that only works when everything interconnects harmoniously. Continuous innovation and continuous learning are required for any sustained connection and success.


Learning to work with people and build strong relationships, rooting out ideas by cultivating curiosity, connecting with your target audience, accelerating sustainable growth, creating tangible long-term value are some of essential drivers of success, according to Zwilling.

Climbing to success demands collaboration. Istockphoto.

In business, as in life, success won’t happen without good people relationships.” To better build and nurture your people connections, he furnished tips which he called some top line principles from a book which he espoused. The tips are “Be honest.?It’s the only way to create and maintain trust and respect. Be direct.?Direct communication leads to direction, the path you set as a leader. Think ahead.?You need to surround yourself with forward thinkers, and listen. Inspire and influence.?The best and brightest will be toppled, if they can’t inspire others.

Create a community.?You need cross-pollination and collaboration from the ecosystem. Think long term.?Leaders?must be aware of the present moment while setting their sights on long-term goals. Purpose must be a part of the present and the future.


We undoubtedly believe that till here it has been comprehensible the reason why we write about various fields; which could deceive a person into perceiving that we are writing on multiple niches. Yet again, this has prompted us to devise ways to eliminate this confusion in all our next editions.


More details on Peak Performance and Success including their definitions among others


First of all, let’s take a bit of time to provide explanations around ‘peak performance and success.’ The explanations are meant for these spheres to be perfectly fathomed.


Peak performance means performance acme which also signifies the highest performance level or the maximal/ ultimate degree of performance. Performance means work, activity or task completed in conformity to quality standards determined.


The Cambridge Dictionary agrees with me upon the definition of ‘performance.’ It defines ‘performance’ as (1) how well a?person,?machine, etc. does a?piece?of?work?or an?activity, (2) the?act?of doing something such as?your?job, (3) how?successful?an?investment,?company, etc. is and how much?profit?it earns; and (4) the?act?of accomplishing what is?stated?in a?legal?agreement.


Success means differently to people. There are people who just equate immense wealth like financial one with success while this doesn’t constitute the case. Wealth only represents a key component of success while the other key component is happiness. I concur perfectly with Richard Denny affirming that wealth without happiness doesn’t actually form success.


Denny has achieved remarkable success. He has become a legend on the international speaking circuit over the 20 years. He is said to have improved the skills of more than one million people worldwide with his teachings, certified courses and sales diplomas. In 2008 he gave his 2000th presentation. His group is recognized as being at the forefront of business training on selling, leadership, and management, customer care and business growth. This broadcaster and writer has authored his six books- Selling to Win, Succeed for Yourself, Motivate to Win, Communicate to Win, Winning New Business and Successful Selling Skills- which are international best-sellers. So, this demonstrates that what he says about success, he actually knows it.


In short, success isn’t limited to wealth accumulation. It is measured in other areas like the one mentioned ‘happiness’, parenting, healthy eating, and spirituality. In other words, success means the accomplishment of your goals as exactly as intended. A person can decide not to run after incalculable wealth, while determined to pursue and achieve happiness. If they achieve the latter one, while poor; you won’t say that they have been unsuccessful.

Johns Hopkins Medicine's photo. If wealthy and almost always happy like these people, you're actually successful.

Shawn Rhodes-Contributing Writer, on March 15, 2017 in the Business Journals []- wrote a story headlined “Why peak performance often sabotages success.” In the article he says “Think being a peak performer is enough to guarantee success? Success isn’t always determined by what yo do; it’s often determined by looking at what you’re not doing. Doing a great job doesn’t always guarantee success.”


The following are justifications he provides, to convince people that being a peak performer doesn’t suffice to guarantee success. He is based on five questions that people should ask one another/themselves. He argues that it is those questions that lead to success. The following are the questions with their brief clarifications. 1. What went well?If someone went above and beyond, this is an opportunity to find out why so their success can be replicated.” 2. What could we have done better? “This question is a great opportunity for your team to improve, even if they’re already stellar performers.3. What will we change next time?After high-performing teams discovered why they had been successful and what they could do better, they did something most organizations miss. Once lessons are uncovered, make a plan to implement them.”


Whether you’re sharing a great idea across your organization or preventing a mistake from recurring, get your team's input on how to build those lessons into your next mission.” 4. Who’s responsible for making the change happen?High-performing teams learn that recommending something is nice, but doesn’t guarantee results. They always ensure someone is accountable for implementation. Once your teams have agreed on what needs to change, appoint leaders to ensure the changes happen.” 5. When will it be implemented?Knowing what needs to happen and who’s responsible is only half the battle. To ensure success, peak performers commit to a delivery date. Once you’ve gathered your lessons and agreed on who’s accountable for implementation, set a timeline for when the changes will take effect. That’s how elite teams ensure performance doesn’t sabotage success.”

In fact, Rhodes furnishes very great insights which help to accomplish success but I hold a small disagreement on his statement that peak performance doesn’t guarantee success. His above insights are among key components of proofs I will give, to justify myself.


A peak performer is not only the person who will work to their full potential but also manoeuvers all possible avenues deemed essential for them to attain the performance and success. Those manoeuvers include regular monitoring and evaluation- of work and achievement- to ascertain best-practices and changes to be effected, planning and assigning individuals who will lead the implementation of the plan. These are insights already suggested by Rhodes.


Those manoeuvers are tactics which are employed by both individuals and teams or organizations, to be successful at their endeavors. Perhaps, there can be confusion on how an individual can assign leaders to his/her endeavor for its smooth execution while s/he doesn’t possess means to do so. If you are such an individual aspiring to become a peak performer in your career and then succeed tremendously, you must also seek leaders who master your careers and even supporters.


These leaders and supporters are there to mentor and coach you and encourage you respectively. The leaders really aren’t there to coordinate the implementation of your endeavor. They act like your leaders instead. They provide you with their insightful and guiding advice, for you to turn successful. The supporters aren’t necessarily the masters of your field. They are instead people following your work up so that they both appreciate it and give you constructive feedback to enhance it.

Istockphoto's picture. Your mentors and fan base allow you to work extremely happily like this secretary.

Your supporters or fan base is paramount. For example, when I write an article and that I see a lot of people have read it, I feel extremely motivated. I feel even more galvanized when I find that some readers have taken time to comment on and like some articles or call me to talk to me about them. That’s why I humbly ask you to like, comment on, repost and even share articles since you are then contributing a lot to the growth of the newsletter.


I hope that I am on half to justifying the reason why I disagree a little with Rhodes, if I haven’t already exceeded the half. The remaining gap is going to be bridged by a 23rd January article by Ted Skinner published on Rhythm Systems []. It concurs with me fully upon the definition that I have provided about who a peak performer and what peak performance truly are. It wrote “Peak performance?refers to the highest level of performance that an individual or organization can achieve in a particular task or activity. It is the point at which a person or group is operating at their best, utilizing its full range of abilities and resources to achieve optimal results.”


Peak performance in business is the ability to reach its full potential, resulting in increased efficiency and profitability. For middle-sized companies, peak performance plans can be a great way to ensure that the company is?reaching its goals?and maximizing its resources to higher levels. Aligning an organization to achieve optimal results requires a commitment to building the habits and cadence to support a peak performance plan.”


The following details from Skinner’s article support my position that peak performance will assuredly bring in other spheres which can help to accomplish peak performance and success.


For you to attain optimal results, according to him, it necessitates a commitment to developing a relevant culture. He specifies that aligning an organization to achieve optimal results requires a commitment to building the habits and cadence to support a peak performance plan. He further says the latter one should include strategies for improving employee productivity, customer service, and overall organizational effectiveness. He adds that a peak performance plan is to also comprise specific objectives which clearly state your?OKRs [Objectives and Key Results] and ?KPIs [Key Performance Indicators], and apposite business metrics and the expected level of performance.


Having a clear vision and written plan; holding people accountable; managing finances, projects and OKRs and KPIs; and continually improving business systems are strategies suggested by Skinner as essential steps to ensure peak performance and remarkable outcomes. For example, he says “Having a clear vision for a business is essential for achieving extraordinary results. It's the “Why” of the company that sets it apart from its competitors. A clear vision provides a sense of purpose to the company employees. A well-defined vision should be communicated regularly throughout the organization so that it becomes part of the firms culture. This will help ensure that everyone in the company is working towards the same goals and objectives.”

Having a written?strategic plan?is essential for any business to succeed. It helps unify the core management team and align them to the mission and core purpose of the company. Everyone in the organization should understand their role in helping it succeed. The plan should be updated?quarterly?to ensure that the company focuses on the most critical challenges. Continuous planning is also important to address spikes in demand, no matter when they occur. Holding people?accountable?is an important part of any successful business. It is essential to have a written strategic plan with specific tasks and deadlines assigned to individuals so that everyone knows their responsibilities and when they need to be completed. The CEO [Chief Executive Officer] should monitor progress and help each person be successful in their area of responsibility. One person should take the lead and be held accountable for each initiative to ensure success.


To conclude, I can add that peak performance entails a number of ingredients for the peak performer to reach their success. The peak performer needs to assure that they are accomplishing the right things/activities/tasks in the right manner/processes at the right time. This also involves the right knowledge and skills, the right environment and the right motivation and inspiring factors. Those are key areas that organizations and even individuals with which they have to deal successfully, for peak performance and then incredible success.

By Jean Baptiste Ndabananiye-Media, Empowerment& MBA.

ADEPE Deputy-Programs Manager, with a demonstrated history/experience of involvement in women’s empowerment, project/program management, peace-building/conflict transformation, training, public awareness campaigns, governance and budget transparency, advocacy, documentation, the broadcast media industry, and community justice, among others.


He is skilled in English and French, Project& Program Management, Media Production, Peace-building, Leadership, Advocacy, and Kinyarwanda- English-French Translation, among others. Strong management, media and communication professional with a Bachelor's and Master's focused in Journalism& Communication and MBA-Project Management respectively from University of Rwanda and Mount Kenya University.


Marwane elaidi


1 年

I help small entrepreneur book 3 to 5 appointments a week . A results-driven professional, I successfully executed 5 appointments for a clients per day. It provides an opportunity to gather valuable feedback, as prospects may feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts in a one-on-one conversation.


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