Details: AKA mastering the basics
The craft of writing fights an invisible monster that takes many forms, from writer’s block to plot holes, and results in an underlying sense of impending doom in most writers. And the job of stringing words together is both complex and nitpicky. Innocent students, or anyone new to the trade, must adapt to the ruthless process of editing, too. In writing classes, we can submit lengthy assignments with a sigh, only to receive feedback with mountains of red ink on every paragraph. Timed writing exercises and grammatical eloquence might not be everyone’s idea of fun, but there are several elements of the field that carry beyond the pages of an essay.
Although grading is subjective, most writing teachers can describe “good” writing as that with a distinct voice. This voice is a distinctive method of executing ideas, usually through intertwining the?five elements of writing: diction, detail, imagery, syntax, and tone. Owning a unique voice keeps audiences returning for more. People come for the author over the content because storytelling is a method of building a relationship via relatability.
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