The Destruction of America Through the Education of Our Children: A Historical Timeline
There are many reasons for this plan being rolled out to turn our children into “robots” for money. First there were things that had to be accomplished: the destruction of America’s morals, values, beliefs and independence; promote a global unity in thinking, values, economics having removed our constitutional rights and personal freedoms.
For years we have been led to believe that more and more money is needed to educate our children properly. We are continually told?that is what will give our children the best education possible. I find in my research the ones most benefiting from an infusion of money are the publishers, “fat cat college professors”, the superintendents and their administrations (top heavy). The money is going to the top in salaries and benefits, not to the children or teachers. Did you ever stop to ask yourself why it is we can send a child to a private school for less money than what it costs to educate in a public school?
In my opinion the Federal Department of Education was formed for no other reasons than to (1) satisfy the Unions and (2) shape our children into “robots”. You and I know that everything the Federal government touch’s turns into something we normally wouldn’t touch with our hands. We have toilets for that! Why in the world would we think they would do a good job educating our most precious resource – our children? Since its inception the DOEd has done less to promote education and more to support social programs. Social programs do not belong in school. School should produce well rounded individuals capable of reading, writing, math, individual responsibility and the ability to choose. Instead almost half of America is illiterate, can’t calculate with a calculator and zero common sense or personal responsibility.
Many things have changed over the years since the Federal government got their hands on the education of our children. The only difference is this time they are also removing “parental control”. The goal is still the same – New World Order! Global Citizenship!
As much as we are told that the problems we suffer today are the policies created from the past. Many policies just have a new name. Since you are now being told the truth, Russians are influencing our government. They have been influencing our education as well. I have put together some omitted facts that will help us to understand our world today. In the 1960’s America was in the Education top 10 worldwide. Today America after spending billions is 37th. Mission accomplished!
The purpose of this timeline is to show you not only what has been happening for over 100 years, but to also show it is a non-partisan action from both parties. It is the HUMAN’s who are working toward ‘POWER, CONTROL AND MONEY” led by their “EGOS” and experimenting on our children to do so.
View the Timeline:
Principal Consultant | Sales, Marketing & Customer Service
4 年An outstanding piece of research. Most people don’t know how thoroughly the communists had infiltrated American society by the 1920’s. They made it a point to use labor unions, media and education so they could begin indoctrinating The United States. The Venona Documents revealed that by the time FDR was elected, they had an operative on his cabinet. Things only accelerated after FDR toppled the Chinese government, inserting Mao in their place. America is the last place where freedom rings. The communists are throwing they have at us right now and we must resist!