Destroy Fear by Forging Through It
Mandy Morris, LPC
Co-Founder & Chief of Mental Health Science @ SoFree | Mental Health Innovator | Executive Psychology Coach | EMDR Clinician | Trauma Expert | Creator of Success DNA Method | Speaker | Author | Tv Show Team Support
So far in this #impostersyndrome series, we’ve explored perfectionism, negative self-talk, self-sabotaging behaviors, and self -doubt. All of these, however, is rooted in one thing….Fear.
Fear is a force. It is a visceral reaction our body has due to past experiences and our own thoughts. This isn’t something that one can just “get overâ€. Fear is the feeling of tightness in your chest, that pit in your stomach, and the paralysis that follows. Sound familiar?... breathe.
The tendency is to avoid anything that creates these feelings, whether it be a roller coaster, a deadline, a spider, or creating that idea. Avoidance, only leads to a sense of failure though, thus creating more anxiety. The only way to begin to destroy fear is by exposure. As the exposure happens and as you begin to work with yourself, fear will lose its grip. It’s important to ally with yourself through positive self-talk and re-defining certain things like “failure†and what that means. It’s also important to let yourself think about the worst-case scenario and what you would do if that happened to create your next step.
A lot of this is easier said than done because fear creates arousal of the nervous system, and therefore it takes a plan and practice to beat it. This is why getting support, help from a therapist or doctor are signs of strength needed to the warrior with you in your fears.
Fear isn’t the problem….The belief that you can’t beat it is the problem. Who’s ready to fight their battle?!
Mandy Morris, LPC
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